I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 5


The first time may be auditory hallucinations, the second time there is no such option.

Lin Han's gloves were also stained with alcohol, so he had to continue wiping it with the handkerchief He Yunting gave him.

After Lin Han took the handkerchief, he felt that the very oppressive tall man in front of him had left him a little - it seemed that the other party took a step back very gentlemanly.

However, the voice of the other party just now was still in his ears, and Lin Han was completely unmoved by such a gentleman's behavior.

He Yunting didn't know this, and he looked down at Lin Han, and only looked away lightly when he saw that there was no wine stain on the other's hands.

Lin Han raised his head and saw He Yunting tilted his head to look elsewhere, his eyes were cold, and a strand of uncovered silver hair leaked out of his military cap.

It seems that he was not the one who was hit with the wound, handed himself a handkerchief, and said in his heart that he was delicious.


After confirming that this is what the other party thinks now, Lin Han lost the shock and anger before, so when he spoke again, not only did he not see anger, but he raised his face and twitched the corner of his mouth inexplicably.

You have nothing to say?

you know me? Why can I smell my scent?

Lin Han wanted to ask, but he raised his head and saw the fine sweat oozing from the side of He Yunting's face because of the pain. In the end, this sentence only rolled around in his mouth, and he swallowed it himself.

Forget it, he thought.

Both were embarrassed to ask. What's more, he and He Yunting wouldn't have much intersection.

He thought so, and put the question in his mind for the time being.

And He Yunting heard Lin Han speak, and then turned around, looking at Lin Han blankly and silently, as if wondering what Lin Han asked him to do.

Lin Han didn't mention it, and He Yunting didn't speak, nor did he make any extra moves.

However, his eyes and hair color were too special, Lin Han still couldn't help looking at his eyes, and in the eyes of the other party, he saw a blue self.

"First Evolution"

The two looked at each other quietly for a moment, until He Yunting took the initiative to look away.

He stopped looking at Lin Han and walked straight to the main hall, as if nothing had happened. He was still the arrogant one who didn't care about anything, the coldest weapon in the empire.

Seeing that his boss had left, Lu Anhe walked towards Lin Han: "Mr. Lin, I'll take you back."

Lin Han watched the tall, blue-colored back walk away, and walked into the Vanity Fair, which was staggered.

When the people in the main hall saw He Yunting's return, there was another burst of noisy and noisy congratulations, as well as congratulations from each other's hearts.

Lin Han and Lu Anhe walked in the opposite direction, and those noisy voices gradually became inaudible.

Would he not like such an occasion? Lin Han was still holding the key of the mecha and He Yunting's SSSS sample, thinking for no reason.

After all, Lu Anhe was He Yunting's most trusted subordinate, and could even fly He Yunting's personal aircraft.

Lin Han thanked him politely and gave him an address.

Lu Anhe repeated the location that Lin Han said: "Mr. Lin lives near the Imperial Army? Let me confirm the location."

Lin Han let out an "um" and said casually, "I read books there for a long time, and then I chose to be there when the country was allocated."

Lu Anhe started the aircraft, took out a packet of small snacks from the box beside the driver's seat and put it in his mouth, turned his head to look at Lin Han happily, and handed over a packet: "Mr. Lin, what do you want to eat? ?"

Lin Han originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that the nutritional supplements were not used when he came today, He Yunting called him over before the banquet started. He didn't eat anything, so he took it over: "Thank you."

Lu Anhe smiled and pointed to the place where the snacks were placed: "If you don't have enough, take it, there are more here."

Lin Han asked curiously, "Isn't this the Admiral's aircraft?"

He even hid snacks.

"Yeah," Lu Anhe was more relaxed, probably because his leader wasn't there, "I hid it all secretly."

Lin Han found it interesting: "You hid your snacks on his flying machine?"

Lu Anhe has a good personality. When he laughs, he has a tiger's tooth and is approachable. If he doesn't say it, he can hardly imagine that he is actually the admiral of the cold admiral: "I often help him fly the aircraft. Hide a little."

Lin Han: "You generals also eat snacks?"

Lu Anhe turned on the autopilot, turned his head and waved at Lin Han again and again: "No no no, he never eats these, it's very boring."

Lu Anhe wrinkled his nose as he recalled, as if he had no guilt about exposing his boss's secret: "Let's not talk about snacks, he only eats the most standard military meals - the kind of food that is nutritious but unchanged. More than that, I just want to vomit."

The army meal, Lin Han had seen before when he was studying in the imperial army, the standard proportion, balanced nutrition, but it was unpalatable.

Lu Anhe chatted casually with him again, and the aircraft stopped downstairs at the destination.

Lin Han thanked: "If the mecha is concerned, the research institute will repair it as soon as possible, please rest assured."

"Okay," Lu Anhe left him with his contact information, "If anything happens, just connect with the communicator. Then I'll go back first, the boss is still waiting for me."

Lin Han returned home and planned to find a nutritional supplement to use first, but just after washing, a signal different from his weak constitution came from his body. He took two steps and opened the calendar on the light screen with a frown.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to him.

Fever, fatigue, dryness.

But there are still a few days left.

Lin Han sighed, took out the inhibitor from the incubator, skillfully injected one, and slowly waited for the feeling to subside.

He suddenly remembered how he met He Yunting's hand twice today.

Is it really because the other party smells his pheromone when he is in estrus earlier?

On the other side, Lu Anhe parked the aircraft and returned to the celebration banquet.

The banquet was still full of people. It seemed that the emperor had already come here, and everyone had already started to enjoy the banquet.

It's not difficult to find He Yunting, just follow the focus of everyone's attention.

Although everyone wanted to curry favor with the general, few dared to toast him.

"General." After all, there were still many people present. When he walked to He Yunting's side, Lu Anhe still respectfully used the honorific language, "I sent him back."

He Yunting nodded when he heard the words, and after a second, he confessed as if he was worried: "Did you emphasize the mecha to him? It needs to be repaired as soon as possible."

Lu Anhe's eyelids twitched: "... I said it."

"Well." He Yunting finally said in a deep, satisfied voice.

Lu Anhe was next to He Yunting. It had been a while since the dinner party had started. The table in front of him was already full of delicate tableware and delicious food.

He knew that He Yunting probably only ate the most basic staple food as usual, and would not touch anything else - but he was different. He felt that it was a great sin to live up to the food.

After the main course was finished, after a while, it was time for a variety of unique desserts to compete.

Lu An and Addicted Sweet picked out several desserts on the tray, but none of the cake mousse chocolates were left behind.

Satisfied, he returned to his seat and sat down, put the dinner plate away, and just as he was about to pick a good-looking one to eat, He Yunting suddenly said coldly, "Wait a minute."

Lu Anhe was still holding something in his hand: "What's the matter, boss?"

It stands to reason that there is nothing major, the boss should not interrupt his meal.

He Yunting was rarely a little uncomfortable. With a hint of doubt on his face, he pointed to the thing in Lu Anhe's hand: "What is this?"

Lu Anhe was confused: "Bu, pudding, is there any problem?"

He Yunting's face was serious: "Give it to me."

"Huh??" Lu Anhe did as he did, but was still very puzzled.

He saw He Yunting take the pudding in his hand, and then seemed to struggle for a while, and finally with a cold face, he lowered his head and sniffed it very rigorously.

"??" Lu Anhe's expression gradually became confused. Could it be poisonous in it?

What shocked him even more happened...

He saw He Yunting pick up the spoon that hadn't been touched at all, frowning with a solemn expression, as if the bone china bowl in his hand was some kind of enemy intelligence, and tapped on the surface of the pudding.

The next second, He Yunting suddenly poked the spoon down hard, and the baked caramel shell shattered!

Then, he saw the admiral scoop out a spoonful of pudding and eat it very seriously.


Lu Anhe stared at his immediate leader with horror on his face.

Why did the boss suddenly start eating these things?

what happened.

But before he could understand, he heard He Yunting speak again: "Bring me another one of the same."

Lu Anhe hurriedly handed over another complete pudding.

So this time, he saw the admiral tap the pudding with a small spoon of pure gold, and after the pudding was roasted with an airbrush, it showed an attractive brown sugar surface, making a crisp sound, and then tasted again, not very skillfully-

This time, He Yunting didn't eat the pudding, he just used his tongue to roll a little candy on the spoon and slowly put it on the tip of his tongue to melt it.

"This is it."

Lu Anhe looked at him like a ghost.

What, is the empire going to die?

Or is it that the next-door zerg finally occupied this galaxy.

But He Yunting didn't have time to pay attention to Lu Anhe's ghostly expression.

His mouth was full of sweetness with a burnt brown taste, which was obviously not a delicacy, but he felt that he liked it more than all the food in front of him.

He seems to be born to fight, he has been pinned on countless hopes from a young age, and has participated in so many harsh and brutal training that sometimes even he himself feels like a machine. He doesn't need other nonsense, he will only be loyal to the Empire.

Everyone said he was the hope of the empire, the hardest shield and the sharpest spear.

He Yunting had gone through too many battles. In the most difficult time, he fought with Lu Anhe and one nutritional supplement for almost a week before winning the victory, but now that he recalled it, he didn't think it was anything worthy of praise.

Even though his exploits allowed him to have a manor and wealth that was envied by countless people, he still lacked interest in material things, and his three meals a day were the same military standard meals.

And now, for the first time, he has actually developed an interest in foods other than standard meals.

The mouth was full of caramel sweetness, something he had never tasted before.

It seems to be the smell of the mecha master when we shook hands just now.

Not only delicious, but also sweet.