I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 56


Qi Jiamu threw the helmet aside, perhaps knowing that He Yunting would not trust him, he walked slowly every step, and showed little by little that he was not hostile - none of his guns seemed to be his own.

Qi Jiamu took out all the places on his body where weapons might be hidden, and then spread his hands and said, "I'm the only one left."

Those strange creatures didn't expect a new human to come in addition to the mecha. Although this human does not seem to be as popular as Lin Han, it is not as cold and scary as He Yunting.

So they showed no hostility, just staring at him curiously.

"I can let Lieutenant Colonel Lu testify." Qi Jiamu added, "I brought a communicator."

He Yunting waved his hand: "No need."

"I can trust it."

Seeing that it was him, Lin Han was strangely relaxed, probably because he had been in contact with him before, he always thought that Qi Jiamu was a good boy.

Gululu poked his head over his shoulder, as if he didn't quite understand what Qi Jiamu's arrival meant.

Lin Han suddenly felt a very light sadness. He rubbed the little dumpling's head. Due to his weakness, he could only hold He Yunting's hand and walked slowly to Qi Jiamu.

"Mr. Lin." Qi Jiamu was obviously stunned when he saw Lin Han, but he didn't expect him to be so weak.

"I'm late, I took more time." Qi Jiamu said in a low voice.

He Yunting didn't bother with him about this issue, just asked him: "How is the situation now."

Qi Jiamu tightened his body again, intending to report to He Yunting what had happened these days.

Lin Han squeezed He Yunting's hand very lightly. His professional instinct wanted him to go to Qi Jiamu's mecha to check the situation, but he couldn't say anything.

Lin Han didn't move much in the past few days, but after last night, it was not very good to continue to pretend that nothing happened and let He Yunting go behind his back.

Fortunately, He Yunting seemed to understand what Lin Han meant.

After all, there are still people waiting, even if they are entangled, it shouldn't be now, Lin Han thought so, just like the past few days, the neck of He Yunting hooked with his hand softly climbed onto his back.

Qi Jiamu didn't expect to see such a scene, so he glanced at He Yunting unexpectedly, and finally didn't say much, but followed the two to the mecha.

Qi Jiamu's mecha was not seriously damaged by accident, and during this time, they probably learned about the current situation.

What I told Lu Anhe was basically correct, but the truth was more serious than what he said a few days ago.

On the day when they were raided by the Zerg, He Yunting defended the remaining few giant mechanical sandworms who wanted to attack the battleship, so that the main force was able to escape and marched towards the transition point again.

Qi Jiaze failed to assassinate He Yunting, and after several shots in a row, he still screamed in a strange manner, and even wanted to continue hurting people, and was finally locked by Qi Jiamu on his mecha. .

And even if Qi Jiaze was resolved, even if the battleship reached the transition point, something worrying still happened.

Sure enough, there was an ambush there.

Even though Ye Ling was careful enough and avoided many unnecessary ups and downs, a fierce battle was inevitable due to the large number of Zerg lurking at the transition point.

Aside from those sergeants who are well-trained on weekdays, many of them even came to this kind of place for the first time. Even if they had survived many rigorous events in the first three rounds of the test, they had never taken the real test. battlefield.

And they didn't even have a chance to adapt, and even before the fourth round of training, they were forced to devote themselves to the sudden battle.

Many newcomers do not know the attributes of the Zerg, and some Zerg are indeed too vicious. They have not even had time to systematically obtain relevant information, and they have already faced these terrifying creatures.

What's more, some mechas are prepared for exercises, and their defensive power and comprehensive performance are not as good as exclusive mechas. In addition, the pilots themselves lack experience, and some tragic battles are almost inevitable.

Most of them paid too much price - and the most regrettable of them was that the last half of the rookie pilots failed to return successfully.

They were not eliminated by the exercise, but were truly and cruelly dissipated in the boundless space, leaving no bones.

The battleship used the only p-1-type nuclear particle beam cannon, collected the last bit of energy that was able to transition in the half of the transition point that was barely recaptured, and launched it at the moment of re-launch—

All the Mechas and Zerg who could not go back and died here were blown to dust together, and together with the transition point, they completely disappeared into the universe.

And the battleship that suffered heavy losses was able to return, with countless unknown conspiracies.

And after returning to the Empire, everything has just begun.

Some people want He Yunting to come back, and some people want him to take the opportunity to disappear. The first three rescue mechas were shot down when they were traveling, lost their positioning, and even fell into which space. Couldn't find it, let alone the pilot above.

That is to say, several other generals from other bases were transferred to coordinate the work, but Ye Ling and Lu Anhe were still restricted and could not personally participate in the rescue of He Yunting. Those who face it directly cannot escape.

"But Lieutenant Colonel Lu still won the second batch of rescue teams." Qi Jiamu said, "Because many of our pilots who survived even developed some mental illnesses, they were allowed not to participate in the next training."

"I didn't apply for psychological counseling. I applied to Lieutenant Colonel Lu to join the second batch of rescue teams, and that's how I came."

"There are five mechas in the second batch of rescue teams," Qi Jiamu paused when he said that, "but now... I'm the only one left."

The second batch of rescue teams encountered several mechas trying to stop them when they first arrived in the border area, but since He Yunting was no longer in the border area, they could only follow the wreckage of the mecha and try to find them, but they lost their way in the yellow sand .

Although there are only three mechas that want to cut Hu, they are above the rescue team in terms of combat experience and quality of mechas. Even the opponent's purpose is not only to prevent them from rescuing He Yunting, but also want the second batch of rescue teams to have them. No return.

Qi Jiamu omitted many details, but in the end, the two sides fought to the end, and he was the only one who survived.

And after the battle, he collected the energy of the remaining few mechs, which allowed him to continue searching all the way, and finally found signs of human life in the northern part of the strange creature galaxy.

"The energy is enough to transfer half of it to m2742." Lin Han said, "In this case, both mechas can go back."

After all, a big man like a battleship needs the support of a transition point, and a single mecha can return directly to the empire as long as it has enough energy.

"Let's go." There are still many problems that have not been resolved, but the most urgent task is to go back together. The longer the time, the bigger the problem.

The m2742 is parked not far from here. If the mecha is on, it will only take a few minutes to pass.

But when He Yunting was about to leave, Qi Jiamu moved his lips hesitantly: "Admiral."

"I have one more thing."

He Yunting stood there and looked at him lightly, waiting for him to speak.

"Aze..." Qi Jiamu gritted his teeth, "My brother has been in a coma for a week. I also obeyed the arrangement and handed him over to the military, but..."

Qi Jiamu's expression was solemn, and he didn't even look at He Yunting when he continued to speak: "I know I am not qualified to make such a request, but I do have selfish intentions, and I am worried that those people will be detrimental to Aze... He really didn't become like that on purpose. I don't ask for anything else. After returning to the empire, I will obey all conditions and accept any punishment, but can you... don't let others hurt him?"

"He has been very good since he was a child. I only left him for a year before I became like this. I also want to know why... I beg you." Qi Jiamu bowed deeply, "I will bear his fault, at least let him Those people saved his life, please, Admiral."

Silence spread in the air that was gradually becoming hot.

He Yunting narrowed his eyes and did not give Qi Jiamu a positive answer: "Let's go."

Qi Jiamu's eyes turned red and followed behind.

Even though He Yunting didn't make any guarantees, he still said "Thank you".

Although there is still a lot waiting for them, the most important thing is to return to the Empire first.

Lin Han crouched on He Yunting's back, and couldn't help but look back at the strange creatures that were still out of the situation.

The two Gudongdongs who always liked to imitate him and He Yunting were drinking water, while the others were still making mooing sounds that humans couldn't understand, exchanging something.

These creatures helped them move back to m2742, and brought them to a place where they could temporarily sleep.

Although they cannot speak and cannot communicate, they are still very gentle creatures.

And the little black hairy ball was still on Lin Han's shoulders.

Lin Han cupped the palm of his hand - this was his agreement with Gululu, as long as he did this, Gululu would definitely jump in and rub his palm twice.

Gollum did the same this time.

Lin Han called out its name, Gululu's pitch-black Doudou eyes turned around, and her little ears perked up.

"We're leaving." Lin Han thought about it and said, "No, we're going home."

Gululu raised his eyes a little ignorantly.

"Like you, we have our own planet. It's not that big iron shell that you will always faint. It's a place like now, with your favorite food and water, and your favorite friends and playmates." Lin Han He spoke softly to it.

Gululu usually doesn't understand immediately, so at this moment it hasn't reacted yet, and is focusing on scratching Lin Han's palm with its tail.

Lin Han leaned over, He Yunting crouched down too, and he put Gululu back on the ground.

Gululu became suspicious and rolled on the ground.

"So, bye."

"You are the cutest Kugeer I've ever seen, really." Lin Han waved to it and said goodbye to it.

Qi Jiamu silently boarded the mecha first, waiting for He Yunting and Lin Han to go up together.

They are also about to leave this place, and they are also going home.

"Let's go, General." Lin Han suddenly felt sad and reluctant, and finally turned his head ruthlessly and said to He Yunting.

He Yunting responded, turned around, and walked towards the somewhat damaged mecha step by step.

Maybe it was a tacit understanding, maybe He Yunting was also reluctant to give up. After Lin Han finished saying that, no one looked back, as if there would be no separation.

"Fairy Wood"

So no one saw it, and Gululu suddenly understood something the moment they turned around, and started running towards them at the fastest speed.

They boarded the mech.

But at the moment when Lin Han closed the hatch, he found that there was a little black dumpling in his arms that should have stayed by the lake.

"Gululu?" Lin Han was stunned for a moment, then a burst of joy that he had lost and found again.

Xiaomao Tuanzi used all his strength to grab He Yunting's trouser legs before he climbed up, and now the whole dumpling was dirty and wet, and was still shaking.

But it still looked at Lin Han very aggrieved, as if blaming him, why did he leave himself behind.

Qi Jiamu's mecha started and headed towards m2742.

Lin Han sighed and spoke to the little dumpling again.

"Are you really willing to come with me?"

Gululu didn't answer, but was still sad, rubbing against Lin Han's palm one after another.

"The way we go back will be very hard. You may have to keep getting dizzy with mechas." Lin Han spoke slowly, he knew that it should be easier to understand Gululu in this way, "You may not be able to adapt to our destination environment."

"We don't know when we'll be back."

"You're going to lose your friends, and maybe you won't be able to ride on Goo Dong Dong's nose for a long time."

After Lin Han said this, he gently touched its little head again: "Have you made up your mind? If you want to go back, I'll let you down in a while."

Gululu trembled all over, making a weak and sad "squeak" sound.

When Qi Jiamu began to transmit energy to m2742 and Lin Han tried to put it back on the ground again, Gululu hesitated for a long time, staring blankly at his favorite home.

But in the end, it still shrank into a ball, and slowly, slowly climbed onto Lin Han's shoulder, and accompanied him to the big iron shell that he hated the most.

They are about to cross the sea of stars, cross the galaxy, and return to the beginning of everything with a completely different mood and emotion than when they came.