I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 71


Lin Han only found out about the news in the afternoon.

Before He Yunting left the night before, he only had a rough idea, plus he had to go back to the research institute and sleep early, and after dealing with things in the morning, he reluctantly rested and found out about it from other people's mouths.

I only realized that something was wrong last night, and today there is news that Proton Star is out of control. To insist that it is a coincidence, there is no credibility.

Moreover, it was a direct order. It did not pass Wen Tianyao or the parliament. It had reached the point where He Yunting needed to be dispatched. It must have been a distress message directly sent by the government of Proton Star. In order to express its importance to the autonomous star, the empire would definitely agree this requirement.

Because it was an emergency, all the news was being broadcast urgently, and everyone in the research institute was naturally discussing it.

But after all, the fire can't burn your head, and everyone's words have some other flavors.

At this time, it was a rare time to relax all day, and Lin Han was walking towards the rest room when he heard the people in the assembly department discussing this matter.

After all, those who can enter the research institute are all people who have been screened and cultivated at various levels, and they are in the core area. Even if someone does not intend to, there is some unconscious sense of class in their words.

"I went to Proton Star once a few years ago, it was nothing interesting, the transportation was inconvenient, and many things were still unavailable," one of them said in uniform, "At that time, the blocking agent in the core area was released to the fifth generation, Proton You can only buy the original version of the blocker over there."

One of them patted him on the shoulder and explained, "It's basically beta over there, and it's normal for the blocking agent to be unsalable."

"That's right," the previous person nodded and sighed, "the news was very serious this time, and the admiral was actually called to go in person..."

"Is it really that serious? But it shouldn't use too many mechas. After all, it's not a Zerg. Let's talk about the conspiracy theory. Maybe the Proton Star has received too little attention recently, and something happened again. Take advantage of the moment to brush up on your presence.”

"Yes, and this time, the direct dispatch of the general is also a good face. There is no doubt about his strength. It is really smart to do so. While letting the entire M star notice him, he also solved the problem."

"Yes, I just think it's a bit overkill to let the general go, but he is the one who can be attacked by one and five, and finally insists on coming back from the border area."

Only half of the news about the battleship was released, so most people only knew how heroic He Yunting was, and didn't care that he had brought someone by his side at the time, and how many dangers the two had experienced together.

When they saw Lin Han come to get the nutritional supplements, the two stopped him smoothly: "Speaking of which, Lin Han just came back from the base. How does it feel to follow the training? Is the general a particularly scary person?"

Lin Han originally wanted to leave directly, but after a moment of hesitation, he stopped.

He glanced at the two colleagues who were not familiar with him.

The other party had a relaxed smile on his face, as if these things were just things to talk about in their spare time. They only knew that the proton star resources were not as good as the core area, and that it was all beta, and they only knew that He Yunting was cold and inhumane, like a stone that would never be hot.

These people, maybe they are not bad in nature, and they work fairly hard, but they are limited by the so-called gender and core area, and they become creatures who only care about themselves.

They are born with a sense of superiority, and they don't understand why some alphas are willing to be trapped in places where resources are scarce.

Like spoiled children, unaware that from the moment they are born, their destiny has been placed in the lesser category of survivorship bias.

Lin Han listened, put his hand on the cap of the nutritional supplement, and did not unscrew it.

Lin Han looked at them and wanted to say no, He Yunting was not indifferent at all, on the contrary was incredibly gentle.

His every hug was warm, every kiss was cherished, and even the marks between creatures were packed with reason and gentlemanly and cautiously.

But when the two saw that he didn't speak, one of them seemed to be very considerate and considerate and said to him: "Okay, you can guess it just by your silence at the moment."

"Sure enough, it is better for us to be a hero who can only be seen from afar."

"I heard that it's easy to work at the base. Although I admire the admiral a lot, I'll probably die of cold if I work with him." Another colleague also helped, "Everyone who followed him for training last year said the same thing. of."

Probably because of Lin Han's omega, despite his good intentions, his colleagues will always take care of him unconsciously and be extra tolerant towards him - even if he doesn't actually need these.

"It's hard work for you, I guess you won't get used to it at the base. It's good to come back." The first colleague saw that he had been holding the nutritional supplement in his hand for a long time, and he extended his hand friendly and asked, "Do you want me to help? Did you unscrew?"

Lin Han ducked subconsciously and didn't let the other party touch him: "No need, thank you."

The two didn't care and continued to discuss the topic just now.

When they said, "I don't know if He Yunting will go to Proton Star this time and come back in a few days", Lin Han still couldn't hold back and asked, "When did the news say he will leave?"

My colleague didn't know who this "he" was referring to. After all, officers of this rank in the empire would not usually call them by their first names: "Who?"

"General." Lin Han added.

"Oh, didn't the news just say to leave immediately..." One of the colleagues said halfway, watching Lin Han take off the protective suit and the dust goggles on his head as he walked, "What's the matter? ?"

After all, Lin Han is a well-known workaholic in the research institute, and sometimes he is fascinated and often spends the night in the office or the mecha under development.

"Help me take a leave of absence, it will be counted as my annual leave." Lin Han said as he walked, the first time he left work before the hour, "suddenly something happened, I have to go back."

Lin Han packed up in the quickest way, without even changing his uniform, he was about to leave the office.

But when he was about to lock the door and leave, the previous impulse was slowly eased, and he was a little confused.

Is He Yunting gone? Where is he now

Where should I go to find him, will it affect him

Lin Han just felt overwhelmed at this moment, and he didn't even know whether he should communicate with He Yunting willfully. After all, after returning from the base, the work of the two gradually disappeared.

But before he could leave the institute, he heard a commotion coming from the door.

"Mr. Lin, is Teacher Lin there—" the intern in charge of the message called his name, and when he saw Lin Han was walking towards the door, he quickly stopped him, "Mr. Lin, there is a man in military uniform at the entrance of the courtyard, saying I am looking for you. I am busy."

Lin Han's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly trotted to the door.

The intern said that there was a man in a military uniform, but he couldn't name it, so it probably wasn't He Yunting or Lu Anhe.

But Lin Han didn't have time to think about it, so he just walked out.

At first, he didn't see He Yunting's flying machine, and he lost a point in his heart, only to see Qi Jiamu who was standing beside him and saluted him.

"Mr. Lin." He said to Lin Han, and pointed to the mecha that he drove over, "Admiral is waiting for you inside."

So the apprehension from a few minutes ago all dissipated at this moment, Lin Han nodded to Qi Jiamu and walked over.

He Yunting dressed very formally, exactly the same as when he took the battleship to the border area before.

He lowered his head, the military cap covered his eyebrows, and only the lights to maintain the basic functions of the system were turned on in the mecha cabin.

But after hearing the sound from the cabin door, it became different.

Lin Han walked in a hurry just now, unable to control his breathing, and bumped into his eyes, feeling a little nervous for no reason; "...you're here."

"Lu Anhe is too busy to contact you, because he will be leaving soon and the aircraft will not be used, so he borrowed his mecha to come and see you." He Yunting's tone was calm, "You should already know it. "

"I also heard from my colleagues, but I haven't..."

Just as Lin Han was about to say, before he knew too much, he saw He Yunting reaching out to him.


He only said one word, but Lin Han instantly understood what he meant.

Come, I tell you.

You can hear it.

Lin Han put his hand up, and quickly knew what had happened the day before and now, as well as the cause and effect.

It's not that the V-shaped proton star is self-governing for too long and needs to attract the attention of some empires. It is really a serious incident, and all this is related to the report the night before.

And Xi Yuan's name was also passed to Lin Han's ears through He Yunting's hand.

After a short silence, He Yunting continued to speak.

"Qi Jiamu will stay here." He Yunting explained to him one by one, even though he knew that Lin Han could read his own mind, he still said it one by one.

"I'll let him keep in touch with you, and I'll keep you safe." His fingertips rubbed Lin Han's palm, "No matter what, safety comes first."

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

"Don't contact Xi Yuan alone under any circumstances—" He Yunting's voice became serious, "Even if Qi Jiamu is there, you know."

Lin Han felt He Yunting's worry and nervousness. It was the first time that these emotions were exposed to him so frankly.

The other party is obviously a person who doesn't want to say a few more words, but at this moment, he is rushing to the last bit of time, talking about everything in detail.

"The communication system of Proton Star is still perfect. If there is anything, you can communicate with me. I will definitely reply when I see it. If not, then wait for me to reply."

"Do you understand."

Lin Han's heart-wrenching feeling came up again and again, he blinked, trying to get rid of some emotions.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, "He Yunting, you are so long-winded."

The other party didn't seem to have talked about what he would say, and was a little helpless.

Lin Han quickly leaned up to kiss him, and said, "But I know."

"I will listen."

"I'll wait for you to come back."