I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 85


And the most tormenting thing is that He Yunting hasn't come back. Even if he can stop Qin Zian's mouth today, he can't stop the mouth that is more terrifying than Qin Zian, who is out of context.

As long as there is a sign of this kind of thing, there is no way to stop it.

"I see." He still smiled at Qi Jiamu, "Thank you."

Qi Jiamu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he fell silent and only responded in a low voice.

Qi Jiamu sent Lin Han to He Yunting's residence and left.

Lin Han felt a little different as soon as he stepped into the door. It is estimated that the person in charge of regular maintenance has already come.

In fact, He Yunting didn't come back, and the room basically didn't need to be taken care of. Lin Han smelled the smell of soil that had just been turned over.

The Empire's climate is not very similar to Earth's before, so the tulips bloom a little later and don't bloom until late spring.

Lin Han saw this large flower field a few days ago, and remembered that when the two were in the border area, the tulips were about to bloom when they came back, and they wanted to wait for the two to come back together.

Unexpectedly, the flowers had just grown into stems and leaves, and He Yunting didn't even have time to take a look. When he was about to return, the things that greeted him were completely different.

Lin Han walked to the flower field, and every flower was well trimmed. He had never seen such a large flower field. In fact, he was also curious that He Yunting would plant such a number of tulips. Come on, the other party doesn't seem to have any hobbies, let alone joy and anger.

But it's not without good news, Lin Han thought.

At least when He Yunting returns, the tulips he likes will open.

Gululu has quickly adapted to the new life, and re-realized that He Yunting was really absent recently, and the coat that scared him was just an empty shell, nothing to be afraid of.

For this reason, the little guy also tried his courage. For example, when Lin Han was not paying attention, he would sneak up on He Yunting's military uniform with his claws, and then land on the epaulettes to show off his strength and power. In front of him, it can also compete with him—at least not in terms of momentum.

And Lin Han returned to He Yunting's study.

Since He Yunting said that there was a problem with his memory, the problem still occurred on that day, He Yunting would not let himself run around, and Lin Han couldn't find any other way, so he decided to start from that day to find out if there were any suspicious clues.

He first looked at He Yunting's attendance record again. Indeed, that time was the day of training that year. Judging from the level of rigor this year, He Yunting was almost always staying at the base like a sergeant. If it hadn't happened, he wouldn't have Impossible to be absent all afternoon.

But what could have happened that day

Lin Han rummaged through the records of the same day for three years before and after, and showed that He Yunting only left on that day, so there was no repetition. He also checked according to shooting training, but could not find anything unusual.

Is there anything special about that day

At the same time, he looked at the dispatch records of the base's mechas, and none of the mechas left the base that day.

Lin Han really had no clue, and he didn't have the right to obtain more detailed information about the base. He was about to put away He Yunting's records, and his heart moved.

Maybe not necessarily from He Yunting, what happened to the empire itself that day.

He quickly opened the search engine and typed in today's date, trying to find something else in the news.

The access to information by the people of the Empire was varied, and the information involved was different in different divisions. Lin Han didn't let go of the areas other than the core area, and browsed at a glance.

A lot of things happened that day. For example, Wen Tianyao returned to the core area to give a speech after experiencing the people's feelings in the civilian area. For example, the zoo in the Q area introduced a group of new creatures and sincerely invites interested people to come and visit.

Another example is Xu Zhiheng, an academic master of biological sciences, with his proud disciples, giving an academic lecture in the Imperial Army...

Lin Han suddenly held his breath.

I am impressed with this lecture.

When he was studying, he liked to listen to Xu Zhiheng's lectures. After going to work, he also lived near the Imperial Army University. At that time, when he first entered the research institute, he was very busy every day. Hesitating, as usual, he went to listen to Xu Zhiheng's lecture.

At that time, a teaching assistant had been diligently helping Xu Zhiheng with the management. Now that I think about it, it should be the "proud student" mentioned in the report.

The other party's name is Xi Yuan.

Lin Han's eyes stopped on it, and combined with the events of this period, a strong intuition told him that regardless of whether He Yunting's memory was related to this, Xi Yuan might have other thoughts at this time.

That day, I seemed to have forgotten to bring nutritional supplements. I felt very sleepy when I heard that, but I didn't want to leave the venue halfway, so I accidentally fell asleep leaning on a corner.

When he woke up, the lecture was over, and there were only a few scattered students still chatting.

He was a little embarrassed. After all, he came to listen to the lecture and fell asleep, but he left the venue and went home without thinking much. After that, his life was the same as usual, and there was no difference.

Lin Han's heart suddenly beat violently.

He Yunting's attendance record has not been closed yet. Lin Han has just turned over a lot. In some records, He Yunting will also record the situation reported by Lu Anhe. But on the day of the lecture, there was also no record of Lu Anhe's report.

In other words, the two probably left the base together that day.

Lin Han bit his lip, and an absurd thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Is it possible that He Yunting was also present at the lecture at that time

Could Lu Anhe know something, but couldn't tell He Yunting for various reasons

There was nothing to support this conjecture, but Lin Han felt his entire chest tremble.

Could it be that He Yunting's memory has something to do with him

The formation officially returned two days later.

Those cities that had been injected with antagonist aerosols began to recover gradually. Although many people still could not fully return to normal, there were no new symptoms and no more attacks on humans.

Residents stopped calling them "outliers," and now that they've gotten better, they're just traumatized patients.

However, for the sake of prudence, the reconstruction of those three cities was temporarily put on hold. Proton Star decided to wait until most of the infected people had recovered before starting construction. The main task now is to maintain the existing stability.

Xu Zhiheng hadn't closed his eyes for two days. He was afraid of omissions when he finally left. He kept explaining various precautions to the experts of Proton Star, not letting go of any details.

The residents of Proton Star deeply realized the seriousness of this incident, and no one blamed the formation that came to support why the three cities were cleared. Many things have opportunities, maybe the opportunity to solve this matter is the boy that Xu Zhiheng rescued - although there is no news now.

No one knew when the turning point would happen. They knew that if He Yunting didn't order the massacre, if Xu Zhiheng didn't follow, and if this young man hadn't appeared, then Proton Star might only have Central City as the only city left.

So no one complains, just want to cherish the hard-won stability now.

It’s just that after the communication was opened, the speed of message transmission was very fast. When this matter spread to the empire, many people didn’t think so much.

As Lin Han thought, within two days, even if the mainstream media deliberately did not mention this matter, all kinds of rumors still spread like wildfire.

Whether it is colleagues in the hospital or various remarks on the Internet, they all have their own opinions on the rescue of Proton Star.

They are not like the people of Proton Star. Because of the uneven distribution of the three genders, the people of the empire have different perspectives on things. Some people agree, some think that He Yunting’s move is not a big mistake, and some people think that he is too reckless and hasty , and even raised the issue to gender, saying that it is indeed alpha power in power, such cruel people can hold high positions without being held accountable, which is simply an insult to the age of empires.

Naturally, some of this information will also be fed back to the formation.

This was not the first time the formation had experienced this kind of thing. They didn't need Lu Anhe to speak, and everyone kept silent, but despite this, they still saw He Yunting's increasingly silent brows, and his face that was colder than usual.

When they were leaving, Chang Lin and the people from Proton Star said that they wanted to send the formation away. Lu Anhe knew that he couldn't resist, so he let them go.

They didn't expect the seriousness of the matter when they came, and when they left, they felt that it was unexpected that there could be a new turning point in this situation.

According to the serial number, each mecha slowly, in the eyes of joy, admiration or gratitude, sailed towards its homeland.

The formation was very secretive when it left, and it was much more high-profile when it came back.

He Yunting had to report to the emperor first. After the end, he would usually have a short rest for a few days, and then return to the base to continue what he should do.

The formation did not stop at the remote port this time, but crossed the L area and directly airborne to the core area. After passing through the iconic central statue representing the core area, it proceeded to the destination.

Lin Han stood beside the central statue.

The Central Avenue is very spacious, because it was born for the triumph of the army.

Lin Han had only seen it on TV before, and every time he returned with glory, the people would crowd around to welcome their heroes.

Unexpectedly, when he stood here for the first time, there were not many people who came to greet him.

He couldn't wait for He Yunting to arrive before contacting him. In any case, he wanted to see him as soon as possible - even if it was just a mecha.

Lin Han had imagined many ways to welcome He Yunting back. The people should hold flowers and shout the general's name at the place where the formation would pass. Every word was filled with excitement and admiration - after all, that was the god in everyone's heart.

Not like it is now.

Even if someone was near him, they were still discussing He Yunting's decision this time, saying that he shouldn't have done this. Some people even brought things for smashing the field and stood there with indignation, just waiting for the mecha to pass by. Condemn, ask for a statement about "human nature".

It was clear that the weather had turned warm, but Lin Han only felt cold.

Finally, after waiting for an unknown amount of time, someone in front shouted "The formation is here", and the originally stagnant crowd became lively.

Lin Han's heart trembled, and he heard the familiar sound of the engine. At a certain moment, he was so sad that he didn't even want to raise his head.

He had never escaped anything, but now he hoped that He Yunting's formation would not pass through the Central Avenue or come to the central statue.

"Admiral, didn't you explain it?"

"How many lives were lost at your command?"

"They don't even have the ability to resist, you actually use mecha as a tool for massacre-"

Some people around started throwing things at the mecha, their tone was full of anger with a tone of justice, and some people whispered, don't jump to conclusions, the general must have his own reasons.

But the "justice" being advertised at the moment is the loudest, and those so-called excuses were finally suppressed by the voice of anger.

Too noisy.

Lin Han didn't want to look up, but he couldn't help but look at him.

The sound of the engine was getting closer and closer, and he raised his head in the noisy crowd. When his eyes were focused on the mecha that was so familiar, he almost stopped breathing at this moment.

The huge mecha was like an icy container, driving forward without looking at it, followed by his subordinates.

And people will only condemn the leader, even though the mecha is tall, there is still some dirt on the feet thrown by some radical people.

Too noisy.

2742 slowly drove towards him, Lin Han didn't move, just stared at it.

He and the mecha looked at each other, as if his eyes could penetrate the cold iron sheet, and saw the man sitting in the cockpit at the moment.

It's really… too noisy around.

Did He Yunting see himself

How would he feel at the moment

His expression must be very cold now, there must be a calm and silent emotion in his blue eyes, he must not say anything, and he must not blame anyone.

Except for He Yunting himself.

Lin Han pursed his lips tightly, preventing any emotions from leaking out, and stood silently on the spot, waiting for the huge mecha to pass him.

Lin Han took the initiative to call Lu Anhe an hour later.

The other party was not surprised that he would find him and said politely: "Mr. Lin, the boss is probably not free now, and Qi Jiamu will also report back to the base..."

"I know." Lin Han replied, "Maybe I need to trouble Lieutenant Colonel Lu. I'm a little uncomfortable today, can you come to the institute to pick me up."

Lu Anhe responded: "Okay."

Soon, He Yunting's aircraft drove to the entrance of the research institute.

Lu Anhe didn't ask more: "Mr. Lin, are you going back to your apartment?"

"No." Lin Han said in a low voice, "Go to his manor."

Lu Anhe was stunned for a while. He didn't expect Lin Han to be so straightforward, but he didn't say anything and took Lin Han back with a familiar car.

The two were speechless all the way.

After seeing Lin Han at his destination, Lu Anhe still couldn't hold back. Seeing Lin Han's bad face, he thought about it and said, "Don't worry, the boss should... be back in a while."

Lin Han responded lightly.

Lu Anhe thought that Lin Han would be unhappy because of He Yunting's indifference when he returned, so he quickly explained to him: "Mr. Lin, I know you went to the central statue today, the boss is afraid that he will affect you because of his relationship, so he did it. …”

"It's okay." Lin Han didn't look angry, but there was a worried look between his eyebrows.

Lu Anhe breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll go back first."

"Wait." Lin Han stopped him.

He smiled a little, covered the original emotion between his brows, and said to Lu Anhe, "By the way, I have a question for you."

Lu Anhe stood still, nodded and said, "What's the matter with Mr. Lin?"

Lin Han's tone was normal: "It's a little doubt about the general."

Lu Anhe did not doubt him: "Okay."

Lin Han stopped smiling at this moment, and his expression changed suddenly.

"—Has the general forgotten me?"

At the same time as these words fell, Lin Han calmly stared into Lu Anhe's eyes.

He thought about many ways to cut in, such as tentatively asking if He Yunting was present at the lecture three years ago, if they had met before, or if He Yunting didn't attend the shooting training that day, if something happened.

But he suddenly didn't want to wait anymore, he didn't want to see He Yunting wearing a lonely body, standing in the air below his apartment building waiting for a whole silent night, no longer wanting to feel the trembling, hesitation and bitterness in his kiss, and waiting for the tulips in the flower field. After opening and thanking, the El Inniho Nebula disappeared from the Milky Way, and I never had the chance to see it again in my entire life.

Lin Han knew that this question was absurd, but even if he cheated Lu Anhe, he wanted to get an answer.

He saw Lu Anhe's eyes trembling violently.

"That's what I'm saying," Lin Han relaxed and twitched the corners of his mouth again, looking half joking and half serious, "I suddenly thought of it yesterday."

The other party's expression was a moment of surprise except for the moment when he said that sentence, and soon no trace could be found.

Lu Anhe laughed along with Lin Han, with a relaxed and natural tone: "Why does Mr. Lin suddenly think this way? The boss has been at the base all the time. The last time we were at the celebration banquet was the first time I met Mr. Lin."

Lin Han nodded in cooperation and lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry." The smile on Lin Han's face didn't disappear, he just lowered his head and said softly.

Lu Anhe didn't understand why Lin Han apologized, but the other party took a step closer and grabbed his hand almost eagerly.

"...Mr. Lin?" Lu Anhe hesitated for a second, his eyes puzzled.

Lin Han's hands were shaking, and Lu Anhe's voice, which was different from the calmness at the moment, appeared in his ears.

What happened to Mr. Lin

I should have acted calm just now.

But why did he suddenly ask that

What should I do, does Mr. Lin... know

The author has something to say: Xiaolin: I'm cheating, I'm cheating

The love line said that there is no knife! Don't panic! Don't spoil it in the comments section.

Write very slowly, send 30 red envelopes

Two useless easter eggs: When the name was named, the name of the Elinho Nebula was borrowed from the German transliteration of "memory", and the flower language of purple tulips is indelible love.

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 6)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 7)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 8)

There are 5 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 9)