I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 86


Lu Anhe smiled reluctantly: "Mr. Lin, you..."

Lin Han couldn't even make a cooperative expression, he just kept silent, concentrated all his energy, and didn't let go of every word from Lu Anhe's heart.

Impossible, apart from me and the boss, no one else knows about it.

Besides, Mr. Lin had never met the boss before, how could he...

Lin Han couldn't tell how he felt, and countless speculations were confirmed by Lu Anhe's words at this moment.

There were too many things in his mind, but he had to force himself to calm down and listen to what Lu Anhe said.

He clearly had forgotten it completely.

After hearing this sentence, Lin Han suddenly felt an unreal feeling of dizziness.

He always thought that his lover fell in love with him at first sight, even though he might not even understand it at the time.

Now someone tells himself that he may have seen you a long time ago, perhaps with silent love, in the early morning when he did not notice, or some quiet and long evening.

Lin Han put his emotions in his eyes and raised his head again: "But He Yunting told me that he felt that his memory could not be retrieved, and I thought maybe Lieutenant Colonel Lu covered up something that he didn't even know about himself."

Lu Anhe subconsciously said this time, "No, it's the boss himself—"

Halfway through his words, he realized that Lin Han had been using his words from the very beginning.

Can't hide it in the end.

Then I can only tell Mr. Lin...

Lin Han saw that Lu Anhe's expression had calmed down again, but looked at himself deeply, sighed, and finally simply admitted: "Yes."

The other party didn't know Lin Han's ability, so he only grabbed himself and asked when he was nervous, and smiled bitterly: "But maybe, it's not what you think."

Then he slowly pulled his hand out of Lu Anhe's hand and pursed his lips.

He heard Lu Anhe say.

"He was voluntary."

The air seemed to freeze.

Lu Anhe stopped especially, he felt that Lin Han must have a lot to ask, and he thoughtfully left blank time.

But after waiting for a long time, the young man in front of him slowly moved his lips and asked softly tentatively, "Then did he like me back then?"

Lu Anhe didn't expect Lin Han's first question to be like this.

But the other party's expression still looks very painful, even if the words are caught, they are still unhappy.


Probably because Lin Han's expression was too sad, Lu Anhe couldn't bear it and said.

"He always liked it."

Lu Anhe's tone finally became calm.

"Just like now."

It was also the first time that Lu Anhe told anyone about this.

"He didn't want to tell me some details at the time." Lu Anhe raised his eyes and looked out the window, recalling something.

"But there's no doubt he likes you."

"He wasn't quite the same back then," Lu Anhe said, "at least when it comes to you."

"But he is a person, you should know that he holds back everything by himself, feeling that

As long as you don't talk about it, you'll be fine. No matter how others support him and step on him, he will only be alone in his heart. I followed him for so long that I couldn't help but ask some things.

"I don't know when he met you or why he likes you, but at least it's been a few years."

Lu Anhe smiled and said, "I discovered it by accident. At that time, he would only know about you from other sources, and would not take the initiative to find you. He didn't even know if he liked him, but he couldn't help but pay attention. you."

"So it's quite normal that you don't know anything. If I hadn't been with him for a long time, I wouldn't have found out."

Lin Han's voice trembled a little: "...When is it?"

"A few years ago, I remember you were just about to graduate." Lu Anhe pondered, "At that time, the base had a half-day public holiday every week, and he would call me with a sullen face, saying that he was going to the Imperial Army for freshman year. trip.

"But in fact, there is no task at all. He just wants to watch you from a distance."

"At that time, he also asked me, where will you go in the future, and if there is any problem with the mecha, it can be delivered to you."

Halfway through Lu Anhe's words, Gululu came out when she heard the movement, and shrank subconsciously when she saw the stranger.

But Lu Anhe didn't look fierce at all, and he was wearing clothes similar to He Yunting, and he was still talking to Lin Han. After hesitating for a while, he rolled over and stretched out his paws to follow Lin Han's trouser legs. into his hand.

The warm and fluffy touch of the small dumplings relieved Lin Han's mood a little at the moment. He subconsciously touched the thing in his hand, trying to find some comfort from it.

Lu Anhe also waited considerately for a while, and then continued to speak when Lin Han raised his head again.

"After you graduated, you were looking for a house at that time, right? I don't know the specific details. Anyway, he disappeared for a long time. When he came back, he told me that Mr. Lin's problem was solved."

Lin Han was dumbfounded.

He was really thinking about the apartment at that time, but he didn't expect that he had this idea, so the tutor took the initiative to throw an olive branch to him and solved the problem with high efficiency.

At that time, he only felt grateful. It turned out that there was someone behind the scenes to help him silently.

Lin Han's lips moved: "Is there anything else?"

How much time he has missed, how much the other side is silently guarding.

Looking at Lin Han's actions, Lu Anhe was obviously very sad, but she was afraid that her emotions would be leaked, so she kept stroking the little hairy ball in her hand to ease.

He paused and nodded: "Later... I really couldn't stand it, so I suggested to him whether to try to contact you."

"He didn't think about it at first," Lu Anhe was a little embarrassed, "but you know that I sometimes talk a lot, so after persuading me a few times, I finally persuaded me."

Lu Anhe tried to briefly reveal the past, but Lin Han could still imagine the situation at that time.

Even though he shouldn't be thinking about it now, he has a picture he constructed in his mind.

He Yunting's elm head would definitely refuse indifferently at first, or simply ignore Lu Anhe, but he gradually became curious under the other party's various hypotheses, and finally asked Lu Anhe how to get in touch.

At this moment, Lin Han was actually made to laugh by his own assumptions.

Unfortunately, it would be nice if that were the case.

"I told him that people usually choose some special days to do something memorable for themselves." Lu Anhe said, "I thought he would choose a day that is at least related to you."

"Who would have thought that he chose his birthday." Lu Anhe said with some helplessness, "He said, this is a special day. I think it's good for him to think of it here, so he didn't say much."

A haze suddenly rose in Lin Han's heart.

He still remembered that Wen Tianyao made an excuse to celebrate He Yunting's birthday, but the other party had no impression of the day, but at that time Lu Anhe was smoothing things out, saying that the admiral never had a birthday.

Later, he also jokingly asked him if he only remembered what he remembered. The other party looked blank and said no.

Now it seems that it should not be no, but something must have happened that day.

"It was his birthday three years ago." Lin Han suddenly said.

Lu Anhe didn't expect Lin Han to guess: "Yes."

It became difficult for Lin Han to speak: "What happened that day..."

This time, Lu Anhe was silent for a long time.

"He didn't tell me." Lu Anhe raised his head, "He contacted me very late that day, but he didn't say anything."

"The next day he came to ask me if there was any way to forget someone completely."

"I thought at first that you rejected him or not, that's what he said, but after thinking about it, it's wrong. With his character, it's absolutely impossible for him to suddenly do this."

"No matter how I ask, he won't say it."

"I'm actually very surprised. Even if something happens, you don't even have an intersection, not to mention that only I know his thoughts. If you want to end it, just stop paying attention, and you don't need to take out the memory at all."

"But he insisted on doing it."

"He was very firm and only told me that no matter what the circumstances, even if he realized something was wrong later, he couldn't tell him. So..." he said, "I kept this a secret for three years."

"But I know you'll see each other again."

Lin Han's palms were sweating a little, and he couldn't help but exert a little force, and Gululu was scratched uncomfortable by him, making a small sound.

Lu Anhe raised his head and looked at Lin Han again: "It's my selfishness. I always feel that I missed it like this. It's a pity."

"When I came back from the extermination of the star thief, he told me to find the best mecha master." He smiled, "I sent the invitation letter to the celebration banquet."

"I told him that there is an excellent mechanic, would you like to meet him."

Lu Anhe wanted to go back to the base, so he didn't stay any longer.

Lin Han was sitting alone in front of He Yunting's bed, holding a small plush ball in his hand, and looked up at the window. When the sun was setting, he finally heard the sound from the door.

At this moment he almost forgot to breathe.

The sound of steady footsteps approached little by little, and I couldn't say what I was in. Every time He Yunting took a step closer, Lin Han felt more sour in his eyes.

I should give him a smile first, Lin Han thought.

The bedroom door was not closed, and the other party seemed to pause after seeing it, and then continued to approach the source of the light.

The man crossed the long, empty corridor, echoing his footsteps all around.

He walked over step by step, across the tens of thousands of light-years they had not seen for a long time, and also through the forgotten time in the past few years.

When he walked to the door, Lin Han heard his breathing.

"I am back."

He says.

The silence seemed to be only a few seconds, but it seemed to last too long.

Gululu was the first to react. After seeing He Yunting, he subconsciously blew up his hair in a conditioned reflex, but he quickly felt that he shouldn't be so afraid of him after being brave these days. Then he jumped again, arrogant. looked at the vicious man.

However, the staring didn't last long, because it soon found out that it was his favorite time to chase dramas again, so he decided not to care about this man for the time being, jumped off Lin Han with a "squeak" and went to another room. .

So there were only the two of them left in the bedroom.

Lin Han finally looked up at him, just like when the other party left that day, he rolled his eyes at He Yunting, smiled sweetly and softly, and said, "Welcome back."

The smile on his face was too gentle, as if he hadn't shaken his hands half an hour ago and said those words to Lu Anhe.

He seemed to have been sitting quietly and well-behaved, waiting for his lover to triumph.

He Yunting was more silent than when he left, but when he saw Lin Han, his brows eased a little. He might want to laugh, but he was afraid that his expression would be too ugly, so he just said "um" in the end.

It's a pity that what greeted him this time was not crowds and cheers, but unfounded suspicion and slander. Lin Han didn't even want to recall those unbearable abuses when the formation passed through Zhongyang Avenue, but even if he wanted to block his ears, He Yunting would also Impossible not to care.

He once thought about how he would welcome He Yunting.

He should have looked at him at the central statue in full bloom, with a hidden pride in his heart that no one knew, this was his hero alone. Then when the cheers dissipate, he will wait for him at the end of the flower field, a smile, a hug, or a kiss, whatever it is, can remove all the fatigue.

But these are nothing, and there is even a fact left, allowing himself to accept his oblivion.

Lin Han thought about what He Yunting looked like in the past.

When he first graduated, he must have looked very stupid, with some unrealistic fantasies, thinking that he would definitely be able to design and manufacture the best mecha for the most heroic warriors.

At that time, he didn't know anything, he was devoted to his career, he didn't like to communicate with people very much, and he had a youthful conceit.

Will He Yunting see himself at that time

Where does he stand and what does he look like

Will I feel stupid, will I be helpless, will I want to stop myself at a certain moment and say, Lin Han, hello.

"Sword Comes"

He once thought that only mechas were cold and romantic. But he didn't know until now that there was someone who was not far from him. Maybe he hid a bunch of tulips behind him when he walked towards him, with a love that was full of unspoken love.

- That is what really belongs to him, the still water is deep, calm and gentle.

A hand with a gun calluses slowly over his face.

"Why are you crying."

It wasn't until He Yunting spoke in a panic that Lin Han realized that he had already burst into tears.

He just looked at He Yunting, but couldn't say anything.

Tears flowed quietly. He Yunting wanted to wipe the saltiness from his face with his fingers, but he didn't dare to use force. He just tried to soften his voice and asked "what's the matter with you".

But no matter how he wiped it, he couldn't wipe it clean. As soon as he wiped some of it, more warm tears came out of his eyes one after another and fell onto his hand.

Lin Han's whole face was full of tears, but he didn't even sob. The tip of his nose was red, and his pupils became clearer and clearer because of the tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He Yunting used both hands and began to apologize, "I'm late, I'm late."

He just finished saying these words, but Lin Han suddenly couldn't hold back, stretched out his arms around the man standing in front of him, and buried his face in his waist.

You are never wrong and you are never too late.

He sat on the bed, hugged He Yunting's waist and started to cry, Lin Han felt that his tears from childhood to the big one were almost concentrated in the past six months.

Why didn't you come to me, what happened to make you forget me.

You are conceited in many things, but you are hesitant and undecided about the question of liking me.

What happened when you forgot about me.

"Why?" he asked.

Lin Han hugged him tightly.

Later, he couldn't even speak completely, He Yunting lowered his head to look at the person sitting on the bed, said "I'm sorry" very softly, then slowly picked up his face, leaned over and pressed his lips to it.

The kiss was more bitter than ever, but it was also warmer than ever because of the relationship that had not been seen for a long time.

Lin Han was clinging to He Yunting's neck, and his tears melted on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to embed himself into the other person's body. If so, would there be no incomplete time between them.

He Yunting's lips and tongue also had a different temperature than before, his embrace became tighter and tighter, and he chased and teased with him with his eyes closed.

The aura that belonged to him spread overwhelmingly in the room. Lin Han was kissed by him and couldn't do anything about it. He simply leaked out a little pheromone without concealing it, and let his deep kiss make himself send out some unbearable, Blushing sound.

Lin Han used to induce He Yunting little by little, but now the other party finally doesn't have the previous rejection, the two are very close, and in the gap between the lips, Lin Han looked into his eyes, intoxicating and sexy, tainted by lust. It is also used for Qingming, a party belonging to He Yunting.

He Yunting poked straight into his depths, Lin Han was forced to open his mouth, and he couldn't help trembling when hooked by the other party.

After lingering for a while, He Yunting began to explore downward without a teacher. His lips started from the tip of Lin Han's nose and swept across his lips and chin. Finally, he put one hand on Lin Han's waist and pushed him onto the bed, while he leaned over himself. Go, bite each other's Adam's apple.

Lin Han only felt itchy, but in addition, there was a completely different sense of satisfaction.

He Yunting pressed Lin Han on the bed and squeezed all his fingers into it. His hand was a circle bigger than the other's. Lin Han felt the familiar calluses on the gun, and clasped his fingers together with him.

For a long time, the two did not speak, until the whole room was filled with pheromones intertwined by the two, and He Yunting propped himself up from Lin Han's body and lowered his head to look at him.

Young man lying on bed with open arms

On the top, the fabric was wrinkled because it was pressed just now, and a large piece of snow-white skin was exposed on the neckline, with an ambiguous pink reflection on it. He was still panting, his chest was up and down, his hair was a little messy, and his lips were rosy and glowing from the kiss, but the things in his eyes were still very bright, and when he looked at He Yunting, he still had undisguised innocence.

As if to say, you can do anything to me.

He Yunting couldn't stand the look in his eyes at all, his eyes darkened a bit, and he lowered his head and pressed him to kiss him. This time he didn't hide his sex any more. and dissolve.

"Lin Han." He Yunting seemed to be really discussing with him, as long as he refused, he could even stop there.

But there were still tears in Lin Han's eyes. He had been softened by the other party for a long time. Resistance and rejection were all useless.

Don't ask me and don't stop.

He longed to be picked, and he longed to be loved.

His heart was sour and soft, but as long as he looked at the person in front of him, he didn't want to think about anything.

Passion and desire overlapped with the soul, he wanted to be comforted and filled, to fill the years when he did not appear, to fill the sadness that should not exist here.

Lin Han put one hand on the other's waist, his voice became hoarse and hoarse because of the tears and kisses, and he called the other's name word by word.

"He Yunting."

He raised his head and put it to the other's lips and said softly.

"Open me."


The author has something to say: ... , no prompt, understand

Sent before 12 o'clock

Please type He Yunting's five words on the public screen

father! ! ! don't lock me! ! ! !