I Can Read Minds But Will Not Be Marked

Chapter 98


He Yunting had only seen that woman in the documentation.

Her life and death seemed to be just a string of fluffy data, showing that Lin Han had just passed the exam in the core area, and the other party never opened his eyes again.

It's normal for people in civilian areas to have incomplete information, and it's the same for her.

He Yunting's authority is already very high, but she has searched through all the clues, and there is almost no record of her before Lin Han was born, just like before she had her own children, she didn't even have the enthusiasm to record her own life, as if it was just an optional No small people.

But the woman in the photo is very beautiful. When she smiles with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she has gentle eyebrows and eyes similar to Lin Han. She is not aggressive and looks weak, and sometimes it is almost unimaginable how she raised her children in a civilian area by herself.

There is no record of her other half in the data. It seems that she has always been alone, and she has never thought of contacting any alpha.

You must know that in a place like a civilian area that is extremely unfriendly to oga, if you don't even have an alpha who can protect yourself, it's easy to get into trouble during the estrus period, and sometimes you can't even protect your own children.

At that time, He Yunting searched for a long time before he found a vague hospital record.

There is such a sentence in the past medical history registered above.

"The patient's glands are severely damaged, and the pheromone has been disordered for a long time, and there is no possibility of repair."

It just confirmed what Gu Miao said.

Gu Miao looks like a lunatic, and the data cannot prove his position, but there are not a few "experiments" who died under his hands.

Each oga collected as a sample will have a number. When He Yunting arrived, the other party was comparing the two samples in front of him. He was only surprised by his visit for a moment, and then laughed again.

He took it for granted that He Yunting would cooperate with him, and even excitedly said that he would soon have a successful example: "How difficult it is for the empire to cultivate an alpha, it is better to transform these useless weak dolls a little, anyway, the spiritual power It's a waste to put on an oga... you might as well think about it."

He Yunting didn't know what he was like at the time. He only remembered that the other party's expression gradually became hideous. It was not until he drew his gun that he realized that all the bewitching was useless.

Burning text

He began to panic, but found that all the channels on the communicator had become unanswered, and even the light screen could not be turned on.

But Gu Miao was still clutching the list she had just compared, and she reluctantly wanted to continue to bewitch the cold-faced man: "Do you know who is today's sample? He will soon go to the lecture where he admires the professor, I just want to let the surnamed Xu take a good look at what kind of treasures the things that he has banned are..."

On the sample in front of him, there were pictures of young people who were thinking about it day and night but didn't dare to get close.

"He will definitely bring nutritional supplements with him. As long as he steals the things he has on hand, the lecture time is long, and once the oga starts to feel sleepy, it will be much easier to operate."

He Yunting's eyes were cold, and he raised his gun at the other party: "The venue was cleaned up before I came."

The smile on Gu Miao's face froze, and gradually became hideous: "Xu Zhiheng is really a useless piece of trash, it's obviously a project he developed and he stopped himself, I'll do what he doesn't dare to do for him, obviously What a perfect sample this time—"

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth turned into some kind of mockery: "I know that I can see your face, which means I can't get out of here alive."

"But if it's the mission of the base, it would be good for me to meet someone three or four titles lower than you. How could I meet you in person?" Gu Miao almost quickly deduced, "This is your action alone. For what, or... for whom?"

"It's the sample in my hand." Gu Miao didn't seem to want to remember his name. "Then he's lucky to be remembered."

He got excited when he said this: "But you know what, he's different from everyone."

Gu Miao seemed to know that her plan had failed, so Gu Miao had nothing to worry about. She glanced at He Yunting and showed an uncomfortable smile: "Do you like him? Did you tell him?"

"You alphas are all the same. No matter what you like, you don't always compromise your instincts." He said, "Do you want to mark him? You want to take him as your own? Especially for this kind of oga who has no ability to resist. "

"Do you know his abilities? Like his mother, he can hear what other people think when he is an adult."

"Did you know his mother—"

He Yunting didn't seem to want to talk to him anymore, and shot him without any hesitation.

He subconsciously didn't want to hear the words behind him.

But he couldn't do it.

The bullet opened a blood hole in the opponent's body, Gu Miao gritted his teeth, blood was constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth because of the shattered wound, and the room was gradually filled with a sweet smell. He tried to swallow a mouthful of blood and continued: "That woman is really miserable. After all, she didn't have a good life for a few days."

He Yunting didn't know how he heard those words.

She originally had her own lover, but she was deceived by the person she once trusted most, imprisoned by him in the name of love, and accompanied by despair all day long.

No one could hear her cry for help, and she was repeatedly forcibly marked. She knew that if it continued like this, she would succumb to her instincts and smashed her glands to the point where it was impossible to recover.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her life for a day, but she always failed.

When she finally got rid of this bondage in an accidental situation and could finally leave decisively...

She is pregnant.

In the end, she didn't give up, but she couldn't get rid of the torment and painful memories day after day.

She still raised him with all her tenderness. Even in the civilian area, she did not let the child get any bad things. He was like the self before the nightmare, always kind and gentle.

Those cruel pasts should have nothing to do with him.

"Do you think she knows whose child it is? I don't know anyway." Gu Miao said that she had lost her strength in the end, but she still continued to stimulate He Yunting, "But this child is so good-looking, she looks a lot like she."

"It's useless for you to kill me. He'll know what you've heard one day. The woman who hid the past for so long was dug up by you. Will the child be in pain? Let's cry. "

"It's useless for you to cut off this plan, he'll still be in pain in the end anyway—"

Gu Miao finally fell silent.

He Yunting is very efficient and handles everything cleanly.

Everything was as peaceful and serene as it seemed, as if these ugliness and conspiracies had never occurred.

According to Lin Han's habit, he should go to the lecture in the afternoon.

He wanted to take a look at him.

As long as Xu Zhiheng's lectures, there are always many people who come to listen.

He Yunting didn't wait too long, and sure enough, he saw the person he wanted to meet at the entrance of people coming and going.

The young man seemed to be in a good mood, so he quietly found a corner and sat down.

He Yunting looked at him.

So he can read minds? No wonder he was wearing gloves recently.

He looked so pure, his skin was so white that it was almost transparent, and the lazy light shone on him, making him more and more clean and warm. Even though he was so far away, He Yunting seemed to be able to smell the scent of the sun that year.

After so many years, Lin Han doesn't seem to have changed anything.

Those scars from the past are too far away from him. He should be so simple and gentle by nature, do what he wants to do, and love the people he wants to love.

What if he loves someone

Would you just smile at that person and show tenderness to him only

Will his tone of voice be different from others? Will he be softer and lower his eyes.

Could that person be himself.

He Yunting was not interested in the content of life sciences. He saw that halfway through the time, the young man began to look hesitant in his seat.

Sure enough, as Gu Miao said, the nutritional supplement was gone.

Before that, He Yunting didn't know much about oga creatures. It turned out that nutritional supplements were really necessary for some weak oga.

He frowned when he saw the young man rummaging for a long time, and because the lecture was still going on, he didn't get up and leave.

After a while, the young man seemed to start to feel sleepy, with his head down and his chin drooping little by little.

In the end, I couldn't hold back, I leaned against the back of the chair beside me, and fell asleep quietly.

At the end of the lecture, Xu Zhiheng left with Xi Yuan, and the crowd of people in the originally lively venue gradually dissipated. Everyone was very busy, and no one would notice a young man leaning in a corner with his eyes closed.

Xu Zhiheng used a large space for his lectures, but it didn't seem to take much time for everyone to finish.

Soon, there were only the two of them left in the huge auditorium.

He Yunting was wearing casual clothes. After hesitating for a long time, he finally walked over.

He Yunting stood in front of the young man and looked down at him.

The young man looked particularly quiet when he fell asleep, his eyelashes were long, and his breathing was light and soft, making him more and more well-behaved.

His lips were slightly parted, well-shaped, pinkish, but plump and moist.

His name should sound nice, his upper and lower lips moved slightly, and he could see a little bit of white teeth.

His voice should be like morning dew, with the freshest and most attractive water vapor that makes people want to swallow it.

He Yunting wanted to touch each other, but after reaching out his hand, he froze in midair again.

What is this to yourself.

If you meet him, the other party will wake up and know the hidden things.

He stood still like this, consuming the last bit of time in silence.

Just touch it, he said to himself, just touch it.

He Yunting couldn't hold back in the end, the hand that never trembled while holding the gun and driver trembled slightly at this moment, and lightly touched the other's hair.

The youth's hair was dark and soft, and the touch was exactly what he thought.

He only dared to touch here, and he could only touch here.

There was a faint scent of ebony in the air.

My susceptibility period actually arrived at this time.

So those originally unbearable thoughts just came up little by little.

The other party didn't seem aggressive at all, and was shrouded in his own shadow, which made He Yunting have the illusion that Lin Han might belong to him.

He would look at himself with foggy eyes, call his name softly, then put his hand on his shoulder and press his lips lightly.

If he wanted to, he could even make him his own now. He would long for the soft and fragile glands on the other side's neck, for a deeper pheromone fusion, for hugs, and for union.

Some can no longer hide.

That's his nature, and it's the root of his sin.

The sense of anxiety that made him powerless came up again, but this time was different from any other time. He had the person he wanted most in front of him, and he didn't even know how much effort he had put in to control himself. His hand stopped touching him.

"Do you know his mother? The glands have been smashed, and there is no possibility of recovery."

"Are you an alpha? Do you want to mark him? You can't hide it with such a high-sounding statement."

He Yunting remembered Gu Miao's words, and the oga that were used as experiments.

Marked, forced into glands, like his mother...

It will hurt a lot.

In the end, He Yunting did nothing.

Lu Anhe said that human beings always like commemorative days.

Today is his birthday, which is indeed very memorable.

He had originally come to find him.

Maybe there will be an opening remark between them, the young man will remember him from now on, maybe after today, there should be a new story.

But no longer.

He solved the biggest trouble for Lin Han at the cost of knowing one of his secrets.

He still has a lot to do.

You should leave him when you are in a vulnerable period, and then forget about him.

This was the first time He Yunting was alone with Lin Han.

Maybe... the last time.

The author has something to say: 520 tomorrow, then, be sweeter

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 5)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 6)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 7)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 8)

There are 4 paragraphs in this chapter, you are reading (paragraph 9)