I Can See the Lines of Fortune

Chapter 31: Shadow Hound



At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Mo Xiaobai's mind, and he guessed something.

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Xiaobai's heart went cold, his mouth felt parched, and his mind went blank.

… impossible

Not so unlucky

Seeing the black and red intertwined light approaching him silently, Mo Xiaobai had no time to think about it.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, and a cold and ferocious flashed in his eyes.

When the light approached Mo Xiaobai by about two meters, his tense body suddenly moved.

In the right hand, the gray stone epee appeared without warning, and at the same time, the original force in the original orifice exploded and poured into the whole body.

He took a sharp step forward with his right foot.

Boom! !

Tiny cracks appeared on the ground of the bluestone slab, and the dull sound echoed in the path.

Mo Xiaobai's face was ferocious, he held the epee in both hands, and spiritual power was poured into it.

Triple cut! !

A white ray of light surrounded the graystone epee. The white light flashed three times in the dark night, cutting towards the position of the light.


laugh! !

laugh! ! !

The sound of three sword blades piercing the flesh sounded, and then, three streams of purple-black blood shot out from the empty air, and splashed on the bluestone board and the wall.

At the same time, a black shadow twisted in the originally empty air, and a figure slowly emerged.

It was a big black dog about 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder.

The big dog has deep black skin with no hair on it. It looks extremely smooth, and you can see the raised muscles.

But its eyes are blood red, with the most weird and evil light shining in the world, full of extremely strong malice.

On the top of the big dog's head, there is also a ten centimeter long spiral black horn.

The moment he saw this big dog, Mo Xiaobai's pupils shrank violently, his body tensed, and he clenched the epee in his hand, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

really! It's the shadow dog!


Why are there demons here? !

Mo Xiaobai's scalp was numb, as if he had been poured a basin of ice water, and his whole body felt a little cold.

Demons actually appear in their Pingxi Town? !


The shadow demon dog grinned and growled, revealing its yellowed ferocious sharp teeth. Sticky saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth. Its blood-colored eyes gleamed with strong malice. move.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the Shadow Demon Dog, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Demons have always been a symbol of brutality and terror. Even if the Shadow Demon Dog is just the most common demon dog, it is still extremely powerful.

Mo Xiaobai, who met the devil for the first time, felt a little thumping in his heart.


At this moment, the Shadow Demon Dog let out a low growl, kicked its limbs on the ground, turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Mo Xiaobai.

Its right paw slashed across the night sky, grabbing towards Mo Xiaobai's neck.

A gust of wind rushed over, Mo Xiaobai's whole body tensed up, he twisted his waist and turned sideways, with the epee crossed.

when! !

The shadow dog's sharp claws collided with the epee, making a deafening sound.

Mo Xiaobai felt a huge force coming from the epee, his expression changed, his body backed up involuntarily, the ground was stepped on with tiny cracks, and he took five or six steps before stopping.

However, what surprised Mo Xiaobai was that after the Shadow Demon Dog hit the ground, he staggered when he landed, lost his balance and almost fell down.

Moreover, the black light around the shadow dog turned out to be slightly dimmer, and it became less dark.

He was startled, his eyes widened, a little surprised.

Has the Shadow Hound weakened

what happened? !

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai discovered that there were three deep wounds on the shadow dog's right leg and right shoulder.

Following the attack just now, its wounds were torn open, and streaks of purple-black blood slowly flowed out, flowing down its right leg to the ground.

It was the previous three-in-a-row attack!

Mo Xiaobai was pleasantly surprised.

It was injured by the previous three consecutive slashes, and it was not badly injured!

In this case…

Mo Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

Do you have any hope of beheading this shadow dog

He is very sure that this shadow dog is the murderer, and the Adventurer's Guild still has a mission about this guy!

As long as he kills it, he will be able to obtain an elite-level original crystal, and five hundred original crystals!

Mo Xiaobai's heartbeat sped up for a while, and the way he looked at the shadow dog changed.

It's not that he has no chance at all!

Taking advantage of the shadow dog not continuing to attack, Mo Xiaobai held the epee in his right hand, took out a bottle of blood-colored potion with his left hand, opened the potion bottle with one hand, and poured the potion into his mouth.

After the strength potion entered his stomach, Mo Xiaobai felt a strange force in his body, which increased his physical strength by more than 10%.

Before he had time to be pleasantly surprised, the shadow dog that stabilized his body suddenly rushed towards him again. This time, the shadow dog used its left paw.

Moreover, there is a faint black light flashing on its left claw.

The much stronger threat than before made the hairs on Mo Xiaobai's back stand on end.

He tensed his body, let out a low growl, the original force surged, and the epee flashed white light.

Triple cut! !

clang clang clang! ! !

Three heavy slashes landed on the shadow dog's left paw, sparks splashed everywhere, dancing in the dark night.

Both Mo Xiaobai and the shadow dog took a few steps back. Mo Xiaobai stabilized his body, but the shadow dog tilted his right leg and lost his balance again.

It's now!

A killing intent flashed in Mo Xiaobai's eyes, his legs bent slightly, and he rushed out as an afterimage.

He held the sword in both hands, the heavy sword was raised above his head, and white light flashed on the heavy sword.

Triple cut! !

Three white lights flashed in the night, and the shadow dog growled to avoid it.

However, because the body lost its balance, its movements had become distorted and slow.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Three slashes hit the shadow dog's head heavily.

The shadow dog's head was cut open by the epee, and purple-black blood gushed out.


It let out a low and painful whine, and its body fell heavily to the ground.

After its body struggled on the ground, its limbs twitched before it lost its vitality.

Mo Xiaobai watched the black light on the shadow dog's body slowly disappear, and exhaled slightly, with a little panic in his eyes.

Fortunately, I was able to see the light on this guy's body at the beginning, otherwise I wouldn't know how he died!

As a shadow demon dog, the shadow dog can be invisible!

Before there is no means to guard against original stealth skills, it is a great luck to be able to survive the shadow dog!

In other words, he obviously came to find treasures, why did he encounter such a dangerous demon? !

Mo Xiaobai's whole body is not well.

At this moment, a faint blue light flickered on the body of the shadow dog.


Mo Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, staring at the corpse of the shadow dog.

(end of this chapter)