I Can See the Lines of Fortune

Chapter 48: That's it?


Mo Xiaobai carefully dug out the entire scorched earth rhizome and put it into the space ring.

Then he stood up and looked around.

There were a few candidates scattered in the distance, but they didn't notice the situation here.

Mo Xiaobai didn't care anymore, and continued to move towards the direction with fewer people.

The number of scorched earth roots was more than expected. In just a few hours, Mo Xiaobai found eight or nine of them, which was much faster than killing monsters.

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai saw a red-brown figure crawling on the ground in the distance.

It was a huge lizard with a length of four meters.

Thick and yellowish mucus dripped from the corner of its ferocious mouth, and the mucus dripped on the scorched ground with a hissing sound, and there was a tyrannical aura in its crimson eyes.

Blazing Salamander, one orifice level six.

Mo Xiaobai stopped in his tracks, and looked at this fiery salamander with a strong breath vigilantly.

Most areas of Blazing Wilderness are very empty, when Mo Xiaobai saw it, it also saw Mo Xiaobai.


The Fire Lizard let out a sharp neighing sound, stepped on the ground with its stubby limbs, twisted its body like a snake, turned into a reddish-brown shadow and rushed towards Mo Xiaobai.

Around its body, there are gray and reddish rays of light twining.

The distance of hundreds of meters was fleeting, and the Fiery Salamander rushed to Mo Xiaobai. Its mouth opened, and its yellowed sharp teeth looked extremely ferocious, and it bit Mo Xiaobai.

Mo Xiaobai's expression was calm, his original force surged, his legs glowed with white light, he stepped on the ground, moved two meters to the left, and instantly escaped the bite of the fiery salamander.


Then, a pitch-black epee appeared on his right hand, the muscles in his arm swelled, his wrist shook, and his right hand swung out, a black shadow streaked across the air, and also across the neck of the fiery salamander.


An incomparably soft sound sounded, and the body of the Fiery Salamander flew out. When it was in the air, the body and head separated, and a large amount of blood gushed out and fell on the ground, scorching the scorching ground with a scorching sound. Blood touched the white gas.

Mo Xiaobai glanced at the Fiery Salamander who had lost his head and was still writhing, and then at the Demon Dog Spine Epee in his hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This was the first time he had used the Demon Dog's Spine epee to kill an enemy.

It was also the first time he realized the power of rare equipment made by heaven.

The Fiery Salamander, who was one level stronger than him, couldn't even block a single normal attack.

He didn't even use triple slash!

It is worthy of Tianzhu equipment.

Mo Xiaobai sighed in admiration, then turned his head to look at the Fiery Salamander again.

The twisting of its headless body stopped, and then the flesh and blood began to wither and shrink. Under the flash of a faint white light, the reddish-brown rough skin of the Fiery Salamander fell off.

Mo Xiaobai smiled slightly, stepped forward to pick up the fiery salamander skin, and then continued to explore.

Time passed, and soon came the afternoon.

The hottest time is over, the blazing sun is setting, and the temperature is starting to drop.

In these few hours, Mo Xiaobai can be said to have gained a lot.

He did a rough calculation, at least he got a hundred points just now, and at this rate, it should be no problem at all to get into the top three.

This made Mo Xiaobai feel happier.

Walking out of the flat wasteland, Mo Xiaobai came to a small piece of low mountain range.

The difference from the Graystone Hills is that there is only some dry grass on the small mountains in the hot wilderness, and the rest are stones and hard soil. There is no such lush forest as the Graystone Hills.

Mo Xiaobai was moving in the mountains, looking for herbs, and saw other candidates sporadically along the way, but everyone restrained themselves, met each other and left.

In a valley area, Mo Xiaobai showed a look of surprise as soon as he walked in.

In the dry grass in the distance, Mo Xiaobai saw strands of bright red light.

There are good things!

Mo Xiaobai walked over in three or two steps.

The bright red light entwined on a common-looking withered grass, and Mo Xiaobai took out the herb picking shovel and dug up the soil around the withered grass.

A faint blue light flickered, making Mo Xiaobai's heart beat a little faster, and he swallowed.

Rare herbs? !

As expected of a suffering-level void domain, there are rare-level herbs!

The movements of his hands were more careful, gently digging up the soil to prevent the herbs from being damaged.

At this moment, a somewhat frivolous voice came from behind.

"Isn't this a country bumpkin? I didn't expect to meet you here."

The movement in Mo Xiaobai's hands paused, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

At the bend of the valley in the distance, two figures came over.

A boy with slender eyebrows slightly raised, with a slightly frivolous expression, was a night spirit boy in white leather armor, and a bunny boy with a swollen face and squinting eyes, wearing a khaki leather armor.

Mo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and stood up.

The Yeling boy grinned: "You bumpkin, come, let me see what you have harvested? If you show it, I won't beat you up, how about it?"

The bunny boy next to him smiled fiercely.

Just as Mo Xiaobai was about to speak, the smile of the rabbit boy froze, and his narrow eyes widened, almost the size of a normal person.

He opened his mouth, looked at the land behind Mo Xiaobai, and patted the young Yeling beside him, his voice trembling with excitement: "Xiao...Xiao Fei, look at the ground, the ground behind that bumpkin!"

The Yeling boy was taken aback for a moment, and looked towards the direction the rabbitman boy was pointing at. Afterwards, he also opened his eyes wide, his frivolous face flushed a little, and his body trembled slightly.

"Rare herbs?!"

The smile on his face gradually spread: "We sent it! Rare herbs, at least two hundred points!"

The two held long swords and walked towards Mo Xiaobai quickly, with gray and red lights flowing around their bodies.

Ye Ling's young man looked ferocious, and shouted at Mo Xiaobai: "You bumpkin, get out!"

Mo Xiaobai chuckled lightly, a cold sternness flashed in his eyes, his legs were slightly bent, and there was a white light flashing on them.


Cracks like spider webs appeared on the weak ground, and Mo Xiaobai's body turned into an afterimage, appearing in front of the young Ye Ling almost instantly.

Sensing Mo Xiaobai's speed, the pupils of the night spirit boy and the rabbit man boy shrank violently.

However, if the two can become young dragons, their strength is naturally good, and their reactions are not weak.

The two took a step back at the same time, and the long sword in their hands had a hazy white light flashing.

The cultivation base of the two of them burst out at level six.

Sensing the sharp aura above the long sword, Mo Xiaobai's face remained normal, and the epee with the spine of a demon dog appeared on his right hand, and a white light wrapped around the pitch-black epee.

Triple cut!


In the first slash, Mo Xiaobai slashed on the long sword of the rabbit boy. The boy's face changed drastically, his arms trembled, and the long sword in his hand dropped instantly.


In the second cut, Mo Xiaobai slashed on the long sword of the young Yeling. The young Yeling's body shook, his face turned pale, and the long sword in his hand also flew out.

Then for the third slash, Mo Xiaobai changed from a slash to a slap, restrained a part of his strength, and slapped the rabbit boy's chest with the thick sword.


With a dull sound, the round body of the rabbitman boy was sent flying like a ball, spouting a few mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Mo Xiaobai didn't look at the rabbit boy who was shot flying. He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the face of the pale Yeling boy. With the power of the giant spirit, he took a step forward and pushed his head to the ground.


The Yeling boy's head came into close contact with the dry and hard ground, making a dull sound.


The young Ye Ling's body trembled in pain, screamed, and white light flashed on his right hand, wanting to continue attacking.

Mo Xiaobai's eyes were cold, he raised his head again, and continued to press down.

boom! !

Cracks like spider webs appeared on the hard ground, and a trace of blood splashed out. The Ye Ling boy trembled violently, his limbs softened, and the white light slowly dissipated.

Between Mo Xiaobai's fingers, the young Ye Ling's eyes revealed a look of fear.

Mo Xiaobai smiled softly, staring at the fearful eyes of the young Ye Ling.

"Oh, that's it?"

(end of this chapter)