I Can See the Lines of Fortune

Chapter 91: Abandoned ruins, ancient gods


This "History of the Mongolian King" is obviously the diary of the Mongolian history who was elected as the king by the same clan a long time ago.

From the lines, Mo Xiaobai could feel the tension and panic in the heart of the Meng King when he first became the king.

At that time, the life of their bunny people didn't seem to be very good

However, Mo Xiaobai could also feel from the text that King Mengchu was the king and his determination to protect his compatriots.

He turned to the second page.

"Today, we encountered a pack of prairie wolves. My captain of the guard sacrificed himself to save me... I didn't expect there to be such a large pack of wolves in this area. I'm afraid this area won't last long. Find this fertile gathering place It's only been a month, we can only pack up and leave in a hurry... It's a pity for this fat and fresh grass."

The bunny people in ancient times lived a nomadic life

And still live by eating grass

This is too miserable, right

The corner of Mo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, and he continued to read the translation.

"Damn rainy season! Twelve more compatriots have been washed away..."

"Today's carrots are delicious!"

"Today we encountered grassland marchers, and five compatriots were eaten, so we can only continue wandering."

"Spring is here, and there are more newborns. I have to find a way to ensure food, at least let the children have enough to eat... Carrot juice is good..."

"The drought is coming... Many compatriots left us because of hunger. Am I really suitable to be the king?"

"I proposed to abdicate today, but my compatriots all said that under my leadership, life is much better than before, and I hope I can continue to lead them. It turns out that I am deeply trusted by my compatriots. I remembered my oath, I once swore to spend my whole life fighting for the happiness of my compatriots, how can I back down like this? I don’t want to be a coward!”


The previous diaries are basically recording that the king of Meng led his clan nomadicly in the grasslands.

If they find a grassland with relatively good resources, they will settle down for a period of time. When there is insufficient food nearby, they will continue to wander.

Their staple food seems to be grass and fruit, and they will choose to eat animals when they are really hungry.

They advocate harmonious coexistence with nature and are gentle in nature.

This is completely different from the current bunny.

Which rabbitman doesn't eat meat now? And many bunny people are quite grumpy.

I really don't know what kind of tortuous process the rabbitman's recipe and character evolution have gone through.

Mo Xiaobai complained secretly in his heart.

In addition to what they ate, the Meng kings also recorded how many of their countrymen died of disasters, including drought, rainy season, predators, etc.

Of course, it also recorded how many newborns were born, which brought hope to the bunny people and so on.

Occasionally, King Meng would also be confused about the future path.

However, he soon regained his strength.

It has to be said that King Meng has a very tenacious will.

Mo Xiaobai continued to turn to the next page.

After seeing the words, Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, opened his eyes wide, and showed a look of surprise.

"Today, the scouts reported that they encountered a tall creature, which is the same intelligent creature as our rabbitmen! I was very surprised. There are other intelligent creatures outside the grassland? The scouts also reported that this intelligent creature seems to intend to fight with us. Rabbit people communicate."

"After thinking about it all night, I decided to meet this intelligent creature who claims to be a giant spirit."

"I saw the genies. My god, how are they so tall?? We bunny people only go up to their ass! It's not fair! What the hell did they eat to grow so big!? Extraordinarily rich carrots?? "

"It's a pity, they don't seem to eat carrots, they eat meat! After hearing that they eat meat, I'm a little worried. Given their size, our rabbitmen are only enough for them to eat, right? Maybe because they saw my worry, their leader said that the giant spirits don't eat intelligent creatures. Although I was a little disappointed, I was still relieved."

"It was a pleasant conversation with the giant spirits. Although they are big, they are very friendly. Their leaders told me about the world beyond the grasslands, towering mountains, boundless oceans, and vast forests... It turns out This world is so beautiful. The giants have a better life than us rabbit people. As the king of rabbit people, I feel a little frustrated. However, they said that they hope that the two sides can establish a good relationship, and I agreed."

This is... In ancient times, the rabbitman and the giant spirit met for the first time

Looking at the words, Mo Xiaobai was surprised, and at the same time, the picture on the mural that he saw in the living room appeared in his mind.

Mo Xiaobai asked curiously: "Teacher Meng, is the meeting between the rabbit man and the barbarian real?"

Hearing this, Meng Cheng chuckled: "Who knows? So far, there is no evidence to prove that this is true, and of course there is no evidence to prove that this is false. Only by finding more ancient ruins can we get the correct answer Bar."

Mo Xiaobai nodded slightly and continued to look down.

After the rabbitman and the giant spirit established contact, the giant spirit taught the rabbitman the martial arts of self-defense. In addition, the civilization of the giant spirit seemed to be slightly stronger, and some weapons were traded.

With weapons and martial arts, the life of the rabbit people gradually improved.

Even, the scale of the rabbitman is much larger than before.

It can be seen from King Meng's diary that he is quite satisfied with his better and better life, and even gave birth to two children.

Mo Xiaobai continued to read. After turning to a new page, his body paused and his pupils shrank slightly.

The content of the diary has changed.

"The scouts reported that they found a strange area, where there were ruins of a building made of stone, but... the building seemed to be very huge, and he was a little incoherent, as if he was frightened."

"I sent more scouts to investigate, and the news that the scouts finally brought back was shocking! The gates of the ruins are more than 100 meters high. If the gates represent the height of the occupants, then the original residents in the ruins are almost one hundred meters tall. 100 meters?? Are you kidding me! Isn’t this dozens of times higher than the giant spirit?? What’s more exaggerated is that there are several broken huge statues in front of the ruins.”

"... I have some doubts that my scout has lost his mind."

"Almost all the scouts answered this way, a huge residence, a huge statue. I am very curious, and I will go and see for myself tomorrow."

Mo Xiaobai's heart was pounding, and he turned to the next page curiously.

"My God! I saw the magnificent ruins. What the scouts said is true! The dome of the ruins seems to have collapsed, leaving a broken stone door. The square should be able to accommodate all of us rabbitmen There are two statues in front of the square, but the upper body of the statue is broken, and even the lower body is more than 200 meters high! Doesn’t this mean that the complete statue is about 400 meters high?”

"Is this the abandoned residence of the gods? I can't imagine that someone can create such a magnificent and huge building! Only a miracle can explain it!"

"This ruins seems to have been abandoned for a long time, very quiet. The grass and fruits near the ruins are growing gratifyingly, and my favorite carrot!"

"This is the place God gave us rabbit people to live in. I have made up my mind to settle here so that my compatriots can live and work in peace and contentment!"

Mo Xiaobai continued to turn the pages. After seeing the content of the next page, Mo Xiaobai's heart contracted for a while.

"This residence is not devoid of life! I saw a very beautiful creature in the ruins. It was a silver deer. I have never seen such a beautiful and elegant deer. It's just that this deer is a bit tall, almost as tall as a giant spirit. It's so tall... it doesn't eat meat, does it?"

"My God!! The silver deer spoke! Yes, I heard that right! That deer really spoke!! It greeted me!"

Mo Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

In ancient times, could even deer speak

Mo Xiaobai continued to look down.

"It says its name is Chao, and it has lived for thousands of years... Although I don't want to believe that a deer can live for such a long time, but this deer has spoken, I don't know if it is reasonable for it to live for so long? It It’s also a recent visit to the grassland, um... Its latest was a hundred years ago, and this ruin was discovered later. It said that this ruin once had great power.”

"Great? Is it the power of the gods? Such a tall statue is a masterpiece of the gods. Is this a matter of course?"

"What a miracle! That deer... No, He is God! What incredible things only God can do! My son's hand was clearly broken, but He actually let his arm grow back! Isn't this a miracle?! "

"He said it was a force of nature, not a miracle, not comparable to a great god. But in my opinion, this is the humility of the gods! I pray to the deer god to protect my rabbit people..."

At this moment, the writing stopped abruptly. Mo Xiaobai was engrossed in reading it, but there was no writing, and he was at a loss for a moment.

He blinked his eyes before returning to his senses.

That's it

That's it? !


Who lived in this ruin

What happened to the deer god? ? Are there any bunnymen sheltered? !

Mo Xiaobai was a little confused.

He looked up at Meng Cheng beside him: "Teacher Meng, what's next?"

Meng Cheng shook his head slightly, put on his gold-rimmed glasses, and said with a smile: "This is almost all the translations that our Meng family has translated."

When Mo Xiaobai heard this, he felt a little disappointed.

He also wanted to know if the last deer god had sheltered the rabbitman.

He asked curiously: "Teacher Meng, is that deer really a god?"

Meng Cheng heard the words, after being silent for a while, he said softly: "It should be an ancient god."

"Ancient God?"

"Well, in the ancient ruins, some powerful creatures are sometimes recorded. These creatures have powers that are beyond the reach of the ancient times, and even the current Azure Empire powerhouses. Such creatures are called ancient gods."

Mo Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, a little shocked: "In the ancient times, there were such powerful creatures? Since they are so powerful, are they still alive?"

Hearing this, Meng Cheng chuckled lightly: "How is it possible? The ancient times, the golden age, experienced the doomsdays of two full ages, even the ancient gods, I'm afraid it would be difficult for them to survive?"

Mo Xiaobai felt that what Meng Cheng said made sense.

He nodded: "That's right."

He asked curiously, "Then who lived in that ruin?"

Meng Cheng was silent for a while, and then said softly: "I'm afraid it is a powerful creature before the ancient times."

As he spoke, he chuckled lightly: "Perhaps, could it really be a god?"

The corner of Mo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, but he was even more puzzled.

A creature hundreds of meters tall...should be very powerful, right

Since such a powerful creature, why did it disappear? Where did they go

Were there any disasters before the ancient times

Mo Xiaobai couldn't understand it.

(end of this chapter)