I Can’t Act Anymore

Chapter 4


There are some people who, under extreme circumstances, will burst out with potential that they don't usually have.

But it's a pity that Mu Mu doesn't belong to that group of people.

He belongs to the hob meat that you dare to scold, I dare to cry, and you dare to touch me directly.

Except when surfing the Internet, I really can't do anything, and I will be number one.

Mu Mu looked at Qin Yucheng, who had the word "angry" written all over his body and hair, and sat up silently from the bed.

Hahaha, I laughed so hard that I didn't dare to speak at all.

Mu Mu panicked, pursed her lips and lowered her eyes, without saying a word.

How do you say it

When you don't know what to do, just lower your head and avoid your eyes, indicating that you don't have the desire to fight.

—Although this sentence seems to come from a strange wilderness survival program, Mu Mu feels that it is very suitable for the current situation.

After all, it was Qin Yucheng standing opposite him!

Laughing to death, no one really expects the hero of the male frequency cool article to have basic legal training, right? No, no, no, no

Human beings without legal restraint are beasts!

Is this a problem? No!

So it is very reasonable to use the skills of survival in the wilderness to deal with Qin Yucheng!

Mu Mu stood up barefoot, looked down at her toes on the ground, carefully raised her eyes to look at Qin Yucheng, then looked away instantly, her scalp numb.

It doesn't matter whether the tough guy wears pink bunny sandals, or whether Qin Yucheng actually sleeps in his own home, it's not worth mentioning at this moment!

Because Qin Yucheng looked like he was going to eat people!

woo woo woo.

I deliberately avoided the master bedroom and did not rest in the master bedroom because I was afraid that this kind of thing would happen!

In the end, it was all Qin Yucheng's fault that he slept in his own house!

Who would have thought of this, it was simply unthinkable!

I am obviously the most innocent victim!

Mu Mu was about to cry, he lowered his head, curling up his toes in grief.

Qin Yucheng looked coldly at the liar in the room who hung his head and said nothing.

He was wearing a T-shirt and beach shorts that were too bulky for him, making him extra slender and fragile.

The loosely tied long hair leaked a few unruly strands due to the slight bow of the owner's head, and the ends of the hair fell on the collarbone, making people feel a little itchy when they looked at it.


Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who was showing a weak and harmless posture in front of his eyes, his fingertips curled up, and even the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

Every time, every time, he was deceived by the innocence shown by the other party, retreating again and again, and finally got nothing.

He has already suffered such a loss, and he will not soften his heart again.

Mu Mu could almost hear Qin Yucheng's breathing.

He felt like a sinner who had been put on the guillotine, the severe dragon's head was hanging high, and he couldn't fall off. The executioner, Qin Yucheng, was playing with the huge ax that was used to cut off the reins in his hand, admiring the sinner's fear before the death penalty came.

Damn it!

Can the heart not be so dirty, just be more straightforward if you are a man!

Mu Mu couldn't take it anymore, and thought that stretching out his head and retracting his head would be a stab anyway, so why don't he scold the executioner a few words, and die early and be reborn early!

He summoned up the courage to raise his head, met Qin Yucheng's gaze, and instantly retracted his courage, which was not as big as a fingernail.

The light was not turned on in the living room. Qin Yucheng stood at the door of the room, not at all favored by the bright lights in the room. The whole person was trapped in the spreading darkness, staring at him emotionlessly.

Grass is horrible.

He looked like a ghost who came to claim his life in the middle of the night.

Qin Yucheng's refusal to act in a horror film is simply a huge loss to the industry!

Mu Mu instantly tightened his hand holding the phone, thinking in horror that if Qin Yucheng really violently hurt someone, he would not have time to call the police when the other party rushed over.

If he survives by chance, he must go to Longhu Mountain to worship and drive away evil spirits.

Qin Yucheng raised his hand to hold the twitching forehead, and took a deep breath.

Mu Mu was taken aback by his sudden movement, and stared round at Qin Yucheng.

Qin Yucheng said coldly, "Get out."

Mu Mu: "?"

What? That's it

There is such a good thing

Mu Mu is incredible.

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu's astonished expression, and repeated: "Get lost."

Mu Mu almost laughed out loud.

He stopped laughing for a moment, and lowered his head with his lips tightly pressed, afraid of exposing his joy to Qin Yucheng's eyes.

Barefoot, he quickly walked to the door, carefully bypassing Qin Yucheng, and went straight to the door with extremely brisk steps.

Qin Yucheng's anger paused, and he subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"

Mu Mu was taken aback, stopped, turned his head and pointed to the door, and whispered: "... go out?"

Didn't you let me out? !

Qin Yucheng stared at Mu Mu, feeling that his anger had been blocked, and his emotions were not coherent.

He didn't even think that there was such a solution to this question—a normal person's understanding should be to get out of the room, right

Mu Mu was stared at by Qin Yucheng, and finally realized that he seemed to be wrong.

Mu Mu: "..."

Mu Mu silently withdrew her foot towards the door, and under Qin Yucheng's gaze, slipped into the master bedroom in desperation.

In order to prevent being caught by dark sharks in the middle of the night, Mu Mu directly locked the door and even put the lock on the door as soon as he entered.

I don't know why there is an anti-theft lock in the master bedroom at home. It looks suspicious no matter how you look at it. Qin Yucheng didn't feel anything wrong before


Mu Mujin washed his feet cleanly, feeling a bit wrong.

He came in without slippers.

Mu Mu stood on tiptoe, glanced at the mirror, and moved wildly to support the false chest.

Fortunately, I put it on just in case, otherwise Qin Yucheng would have to watch his Bcup's wife turn into a plain in a second, and the psychological shadow would be more happy.

That was really grotesque.

A Zhai, who quickly regained his optimism when the alarm was lifted, patted his fake breasts happily.

Good boobs! grateful to you!

He thought so, and in the next second he mercilessly left his good chest brother in the bathroom, and climbed onto the bed on tiptoe.

The bed in the master bedroom is different from the bed in the guest bedroom. This bed is unbelievably soft and skin-friendly, and it doesn't look like a Simmons mattress when you sleep on it.

But Mu Mu felt uncomfortable when lying down. He likes to sleep on a hard board bed, and at most put a cotton mattress on it. The guest bedroom is a hard board bed, and he is very used to sleeping on it.

Mu Mu twisted and twisted on the bed, not getting used to sleeping, he frowned and lifted the sheet.

There were eleven layers of sheets under the sheets, the bottom layer was a cotton mattress, and Mu Mu stretched out his hand to touch the upper layers, and showed a blank expression that shocked me on the spot.

Good guy, the silk quilt is used as a quilt and has ten layers of cushions. Are you the contemporary Princess and the Pea

Is this the life of the rich

Mu Mu froze on the bed, and planted a towering lemon tree on the spot.

Qin Yucheng stayed at the door of the guest bedroom.

He heard the sound of Mu Mu locking the door, turned his head to glance at the closed bedroom door, and looked away without any surprise.

In the past, Mu Mu had to be locked up when sleeping, and the excuse he used was still being afraid and unable to sleep.

It seems unreasonable now, but when a person has a filter for a certain object, no matter how nonsense that person says, he will take it for granted.

Qin Yucheng now realizes that something is wrong, but he is too lazy to pursue it for the time being.

There is still a lot of time in the future. He got a chance to be reborn, and he used it all to confront a liar. It was too embarrassing for the other party.

Thinking of this, Qin Yucheng turned his head and turned on the light in the study.

The biggest advantage of rebirth is the control of the future. He can use this advantage to avoid the pitfalls that he stepped on in the past, so that he can climb up faster.

Qin Yucheng sat on the office chair and began to familiarize himself with the existing resources and business.

He didn't have any impression of the furnishings in his study a few years ago, so he didn't notice that Mu Mu had come in to look in the study.

However, the study room should be equipped with a monitoring system, and it will be installed tomorrow.

Qin Yucheng thought casually.

Mu Mu, who had no idea that he had escaped several calamities, was still sitting on the bed wondering whether he should take off a few layers of quilts to let him sleep well.

People's physique cannot be generalized, and Mu Mu is the kind of person who is not used to sleeping on soft beds and high pillows.

On the one hand, he felt that it was a pity that such a luxury opportunity was so rare that he did not sleep. On the other hand, he felt that he would be sore when he slept on such a soft bed tomorrow.

In the end, the impulse to experience the life of the rich overwhelmed reason, and Mu Mu quickly retreated into the quilt.

Before going to bed, he took his mobile phone and stayed on the page of the alarm clock, lost in thought.

Mu Mu is a household with difficulty getting up, but he feels that it is necessary to consider getting up early for his own life and health.

—Of course it’s not such a perfunctory reason to go to bed early and get up early!

But Mu Mu thinks that a gentle and kind girl should... get up early to make breakfast for her husband/boyfriend, right

Although he himself will definitely not let his wife/girlfriend get up early and work hard.

After all, he judges others by himself. As a household who has difficulty getting up, how dare he ask others to get up early to make breakfast for him!

But Mu Mu here should get up early to make breakfast for Qin Yucheng, right

Mu Mu hugged the quilt, and struggled for a full twenty minutes between "defying the power and sticking to bed" and "acting yourself wronged", and finally set the alarm clock for seven o'clock the next morning with tears in his eyes.

Although the commuting time of the migrant workers may cause them to get up for breakfast after six o'clock, getting up at seven o'clock is Mu Mu's last stubbornness.

He hasn't woken up before seven since high school!

Seven o'clock is the bottom line, if Qin Yucheng has to wake up after six o'clock, then let him kill me!

I won't get up if I'm a shark!

Mu Mu's expression was extremely firm, and then in the next ten minutes, he silently added an alarm clock at half past six.


Life is still important.

After setting the alarm clock, Mu Mu closed his eyes and fell asleep on the spot.

The lights in the study stayed on all night.

Mu Mu was woken up by the alarm clock at 6:30, and was so sleepy that his soul was out of his body, his eyes were blind, and his whole body was sore as expected.

Until he dawdled until seven o'clock, when he finished washing and tidying up and opened the door, he didn't hear Qin Yucheng get up.

Mu Mu was wearing a pink-blue jumpsuit found in the cloakroom, and instinctively lightened his footsteps when he passed the study room—although there was no sound of footsteps when he stepped on the ground with bare feet.

Qin Yucheng fell asleep lying on the desk. The files on the desk were a bit messy, and the computer screen had gone to sleep. The ceiling lamp in the study and the lamp on the desk were still on. The excessive light made the person lying on the desk frown even when he was sleeping. .

It seems that the processing work fell asleep, and has been asleep for a while.

Mu Mu stood at the door of the study and looked at Qin Yucheng, and was stunned for a while.

I didn't feel much through words before, but when I think about it carefully, Qin Yucheng is really miserable in all aspects. Whether it is before or after rebirth, he seems to have nothing that can be called a "friend" people.

In the author's eyes, there are only career and face-slapping, and he has no arrangement for dating, and there is no daily content. Every plot is either upgrading or on the way of upgrading, as if career is the whole life of the protagonist.

It's unimaginable for a mediocre salty fish like Mu Mu!


Mu Mu stepped on the carpet in the study, and tiptoedly turned off the desk lamp and the light in the study for Qin Yucheng.

But he has no position to sympathize with others now - after all, Qin Yucheng must miss him very much now!

Mu Mu sighed in his heart, turned his head and walked out of the study lightly, and closed the door of the study, concealing it.

When fully closed, the sound of the latch closing may wake a light sleeper.

Mu Mu didn't want Qin Yucheng to wake up so early, the longer the free time, the better.

A Zhai doesn't want to fight wits and courage with the hero!

Mu Mu walked towards the kitchen.

If you haven't slept well, eat something that is easy to swallow and digest, such as porridge or something.

I remember when I looked through the refrigerator and kitchen yesterday, there seemed to be millet.

It is best to boil some brown sugar ginger water.

Qin Yucheng slept on his stomach in the air-conditioned room all night wearing short-sleeved sleeves, and there was a high possibility of catching a cold.

Mu Mu is an old man who lives alone, and knows all these details of life clearly.

Mu Mu didn't see that the moment he left the study, Qin Yucheng, who was lying on his stomach, opened his eyes, staring at the half-covered door, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Mu Mu went to the door to put on slippers, and cooked a pot of millet porridge with the ready-made ingredients. Seeing that Qin Yucheng hadn't come out yet, he thought that the brother might not have woken up yet, so he simply went to the terrace where he hadn't seen it well yesterday.

As soon as the balcony door is opened, there is a scent of gardenias oncoming.

Mu Mu looked at the four gardenias by the door, they were in flowering season, and the white flowers were blooming beautifully and brilliantly, and they seemed to be well-raised.

Looking outside, there are pomegranates, roses, hydrangeas, sunflowers...

City Z is hot in summer, and many plants need to be watered every day in this environment, and some of them need to be moved every morning and evening to follow the sun.

Mu Mu likes to tinker with these things when he has nothing to do. He wandered around the terrace and the roof garden, and as expected, he found a hose and a pot for watering.

It's a pity that these plants are gone, Mu Mu thought regretfully while watering them.

Qin Yucheng should sell this apartment soon and put him in a low-rent housing.

Mu Mu doesn't care much about living in low-rent housing. Ah Zhai can live anywhere, and he can take care of himself wherever he is. When the time comes to earn some money by working part-time, as long as Qin Yucheng doesn't kill them all, he can survive no matter what.

But these green plants are really a pity.

It is estimated that when the house is sold, these plants will also be sold as a bonus.

The next owner of the house is one of Qin Yucheng's younger brothers, and he probably doesn't know much about taking care of plants. These green plants will probably end up belching in the end.

Rarely raised so well.

Mu Mu touched the succulents on the wrought iron frame, swept the water accumulated on the terrace to the drain, looked at the rising sun, put down the broom, looked up and saw Qin Yucheng standing in the living room watching through the floor-to-ceiling windows. with him.

I don't know how long I stared at it.

Mu Mu was terrified.

Grass! Mu Mu collapsed.

This man is really like a ghost! !

No, strictly speaking, Qin Yucheng died once, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to say that he is a ghost!

Is this gentleman really not considering a career in horror films

The downturn in the domestic horror film market may be due to the lack of your dusty gem!

Mu Mu stood on the balcony, her heart was beating fast, and she didn't dare to take a step into the house for a long while.

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who was standing on the balcony, shivering, not daring to enter the house, and smelled the sweet fragrance of millet porridge on the tip of his nose.

His eyes turned to the kitchen.

This is really strange.

In the past, Mu Mu never touched the spring water with his ten fingers, not to mention cooking for the family and watering the green plants, and he never even took the initiative to reach out for housework.

But Qin Yucheng doesn't like to hire a nanny. The family education he has always received is that doing housework together is a way to bond with the family.

After all, in contemporary society, both sides of the family are generally very busy. Being able to have a meal together a day, and cooperate to do some housework after the meal and watch TV and chat are the only family activities left.

In Qin Yucheng's impression, Mu Mu was hands-on at the beginning, but later, with the rapid advancement of technology, things like sweeping robots and dishwashers quickly occupied the place of housework at home.

In the end, what they need to do by themselves is only cooking and taking care of green plants.

Of course, at that time, he was considerate of Mu Mu's "poor health", and Qin Yucheng did all these tasks by himself.

Can Mu Mu know how to cook

Does Mu Mu know how to take care of these green plants

Will Mu Mu gently come to help turn off the lights when he falls asleep in the study

Even with four years of marriage, when Qin Yucheng was thinking about these two questions, he couldn't give a clear answer.

But now it seems that Mu Mu can do it.

It's just that he never knew before—or was never qualified to experience the other party's care.

Qin Yucheng pulled the corner of his mouth mockingly, and walked towards the restaurant expressionlessly.

Standing under the sun, Mu Mu took a deep breath, feeling that he had absorbed enough yang energy, and then re-entered the underworld where Qin Yucheng existed.

It's too miserable, Mu Mu.

A Zhai expressed sympathy for himself, and then walked into the restaurant.

Qin Yucheng was serving porridge in the kitchen.

Mu Mu stood in the restaurant and compared the distance between the restaurant, the room and the gate, and dared not go in.

Laughing to death, no one really dares to go in, no, no, no, no

There are knives in the kitchen!

Although Qin Yucheng never did it himself in the original text, who can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Don't underestimate men's concern for cuckolds!

Qin Yucheng turned his head to look at Mu Mu who was standing in the restaurant, and gave him a smirk: "You want to divorce me so much?"

Mu Mu withdrew his gaze from looking for the escape route, and asked in a daze, "?"

Why, why did such a deadly option suddenly appear? !

"Not enough." Qin Yucheng walked out of the kitchen and stopped in front of Mu Mu.

Mu Mu: "??"

Mu Mu glanced at the porridge in Qin Yucheng's hand, and recalled the portion of the porridge he cooked.

Not enough

Wow, Qin Yucheng has a big appetite.

Is this the food intake of an iron hunk

Qin Yucheng looked down at Mu Mu: "Just work harder to please me."


Mu Mu's eyes fluttered.

Cough, it wasn't about the weight of porridge.

"Work harder to please me." Qin Yucheng repeated, with a smile on his face, "I'll consider divorce."

Mu Mu: "...?"

Mu Mu was stunned.

What? What's good

Wait, wake up early and make a meal to please

Oh my god, what kind of life did Qin Yucheng live in the past!

Mu Mu almost couldn't control his spontaneous pity and love.


Qin Yucheng is so miserable that I don't know where to take this drama!

Mu Mu lowered his head, tried his best to suppress his almost out-of-control expression, and whispered: "...um."

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who looked timid and cowering on the surface but was still determined to get a divorce, and there was no wavering in his heart.

It's over if your emotions are led by the nose by this person, Qin Yucheng thought.

It's just a trick of retreating to advance and playing hard to get.

Qin Yucheng returned to his expressionless face, sat down at the dining table, and drank the porridge quietly.

He would like to see how much this little liar still doesn't know.