I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 35


Lin Lan's mood was not calm.

To be more careful, there are quite a lot of things that happened this weekend, from Miss Wang calling a friend of the same level to pick up the lost cat, to Qian Xuan talking about fostering Niuniu, Miss Tang renting a house, and then to the later date. Cheng Fengyang's dinner together... It seems that the things he has experienced have never stopped, and he is busier than usual.

Well, it must be because there are too many things that cause the emotional ups and downs, and it is definitely not because of the realization of something that was not discovered.

Sure enough, when she got home, she was questioned by her parents because she came back late. Lin Lan chose to tell Cheng Fengyang's bad luck eating hot pot and hurt her eyes. She successfully diverted her parents' attention from complaining about her late return, and was able to listen to them in a leisurely manner. Cheng Qingnian's bad luck started to feed the cat while holding the grilled dried fish.

"Eat the dried fish!" Although the dozen or so cats squatting at home had already smelled the smell and surrounded her with their tails raised, Lin Lan still shouted at them, "Old rules, Everyone lined up to eat! Not only did the disobedient kitten not get to eat, but the dried fish had to be rewarded to the other most obedient cats this time!"

How does this work!

The cats, who were always dazzled by the smell of the food, woke up instantly, and they lined up in three rows in descending order of size, with their tails swung upright, waiting for Lin Lan to distribute food after the parade.

Because the old Zhoutou family also keeps cats and pets cats, this barbecue restaurant is very proficient in how to bake the most popular dried fish. While feeding the three-flowered cat Huahua, it is also the favorite cat of Lao Lin’s son, Meow Snowflake. One of the snacks. Similarly, after Lin Lan took in a group of cats one after another, she became the favorite of the cats in the teahouse.

Even if they are currently in the isolation cage, the same is true for orange cats and cow cats who eat this snack for the first time.

The two pastoral cats who had been wandering before were so devoured that they devoured each other, and the meowing meows were all a series of "delicious" and "never eaten such delicious dried fish" in Lin Lan's ears. .

As we all know, the orange cat has always been a colorful cat that can eat very well. The beautiful little orange cat quickly ate his share and looked into the bowls of other cats while clinging to the cage.

The little orange cat saw that one of the big white cats was different from the other cats. There were actually two pieces of grilled dried fish in its bowl.

Little Orange Cat: "!!!"

Obviously there is only one other cat, not even the boss black cat Momo here!

The two-legged beast on which it has taken refuge is eccentric!

"Meow!" (Lan Lan, I still want to eat! I also want to eat another dried fish!) The orange cat pulled the cage and shouted loudly.

Lin Lan, who understood the cat language, immediately turned her head to look at its cage. At the stage when most cats had only eaten more than half of it, this orange cat who had already finished eating and was barking for another one successfully caught her attention.

The top of Lin Lan's head was also a vigilant red exclamation mark.

She didn't forget the famous saying on the Internet that "out of ten orange cats, nine are fat, and there is one couchette." Although it can't be said to be 100% accurate, it is a recognized fact that orange cats can eat.

Lin Lan looked at the neat orange cat in front of her eyes. The white gloves and white triangle bra made this cat look really beautiful and handsome.

No, no, she will never allow obese kittens in her teahouse, whether it's for health or looks!

"No, gentleman, I just bought so many, one cat can only eat one dried fish." Lin Lan tapped the head it rubbed against and explained patiently with her fingers through the gap in the cage. .

Yes, this orange cat is called Gentleman, and the cat's coat color is as its name suggests.

But the little orange cat did not inherit the reserved elegance of the new name, but called her more eagerly: "Meow!" (But why can the white cat eat two!)

"Did you say Snowflake?" Lin Lan smiled when she heard the words, scratching the orange cat's chin with her index finger, her tone was still patient, "Xuehua is different, it is a regular customer of the shop that provides dried fish, and has been a regular customer for almost four years. , the extra dried fish was given as an extra by someone's name."

The little orange cat suddenly rounded its big golden eyes, and the pupils inside were stretched to the maximum, as if shocked.

The other kittens who also heard this answer suddenly became restless. After eating the dried fish, a lot of meows came around. The cats were very consistent, saying that they would also become such old customers.

"Everything is there, as long as you continue to work in my teahouse, everyone has it!" Surrounded by furry, under the coquettish offensive of rubbing his hands or legs, Lin Lan sat calmly, and was very skilled in some small gestures. The cat's body has been rubbed, "As long as the performance of this month passes, everyone can enjoy the benefit of grilled dried fish again at the end of the month. In addition, during the New Year, our teahouse also has benefits. On New Year's Eve, I will launch a luxury cat meal for the Spring Festival. They are all exclusive to teahouse cats, so you can eat with your belly open!"

With a promise, the cat group's antenna tails stood up straighter, and there was another series of excited meows.

The two cats in the cage were no exception.

"Meow!" The cow cat is very happy. If it weren't for the isolation cage, I would like to go over and rub the new two-legged beast boss, but if it can't do it, it's just like the orange cat in the next cage sending out a signal of joy. , "Meow!" (Gentlemen, gentlemen, it's good here! It's right to follow this two-legged beast. Fortunately, we were all selected!)

The orange cat next to him ignored the cow cat's joy. It just stared at the big white cat who was slowly eating the dried dried fish not far away. Although he had only been here for less than a week, the orange cat had already discovered that the big white cat was here. Different status. It never came to the teahouse to participate in training. It was obviously a male cat, but even the eldest black cat, Mo Mo, always let it be intentionally or unintentionally.

Now even grilled dried fish can eat two!

The orange cat stared at the big white cat who had jumped onto Lin Lan's knee and rubbed its head against her face. The two front paws of the color of white gloves hooked restlessly.

There's definitely something wrong with this cat!

When the lights went out and the human beings who had finished washing went back to their rooms to sleep, the golden gentleman who was still in the cage lifted his dozing eyelids and glanced at his companions who were sitting peacefully on the heated mat.

Cats are nocturnal creatures. They can sleep for more than ten hours during the day, and it is common for them to dance in the middle of the night. But it doesn't exist in the cat teahouse. It doesn't matter whether you play with humans until you don't have much time to sleep, or you can hunt canned food even if you sleep with your beauty, and when you come back here at night, just turn off the lights There are also cats who dare to make a fuss. Tomorrow, there will be no supply of Lanlan's special cat food, only ordinary brand cat food, and every few days, there will be no cat massages that make the kittens so comfortable that they lie down directly.

In the beginning, there were kittens who didn't follow the rules, but after a few days, don't let cats eat big meals, they eat cat food pellets, and don't cats enjoy the torture of horses and chickens that they can only watch, and they all become rules.

Later, there are still naive and active ghosts who have accumulated habits that are hard to change. The black cat boss Mo Mo will directly teach him to be a qualified teahouse cat.

The orange cat gentleman, who has long learned the rules, is very quiet - even if there is no threat from the black cat, it can't play even if it wants to make trouble in the cage. In the dark living room, it easily confirmed the number of cats of its companions through its excellent night vision, and found that there was no sign of the big white cat and the ragdoll.

He must have slept with the two-legged boss again!

The gentleman is very unhappy, this is the boss of the two-legged beast that he likes, and he is actually occupied by those two cats!

It probably felt that it was restless in the cage, and the cat Dachshund, the cat that happened to be sleeping nearby, purred and looked up.

The two kittens began to silently communicate in their meows.

Sausage: "Don't you know? Although Momo is the boss here. But the snowflake is Lanlan and grandma's treasure. It doesn't have to go hunting by itself, and Lanlan will raise it."

Gentleman: "...!! Then, what about the sapphire?"

Dachshund: "Lan Lan said that Sapphire is a ragdoll cat, which is very popular among humans, and it is a big cat that can eat more than snowflakes, and can go to the teahouse to hunt canned food with its beauty. You can also see it in the teahouse during the day, it is super good at hunting. It's canned. And Lan Bao was raised by Lan Lan alone, so of course it's different!"

Gentleman: "… "

Sausage: "Go to sleep, I have to go to the teahouse to hunt for canned food tomorrow. How can I have the energy to sell cute and change canned food if I don't keep my spirits up?"

The cute short-footed cat opened his mouth and yawned, and then the whole cat huddled into a ball and then slept loudly.

Leaving the dumb orange cat squatting in the cage, staring at Lin Lan's closed room.

It remembered Vivi, the beautiful short cat who was with them during the day but was picked up by the owner. The two-legged beast's cherished eyes towards Vivi overlapped with Lin Lan's eyes when she was looking at the snowflakes, which was surprisingly similar.

The orange cat suddenly crouched down with a humming sound, still staring at Lin Lan's room, but his eyes were full of longing.

It has been wandering outside all the time, and has suffered countless hunger, cold and ruthless drives. In fact, it really wants to have a two-legged beast that loves it the most.

The night passed quickly, and in the season with short days and long nights, it was late when the sky was bright.

Not long after Lin Lan opened the shop, Qian Xuan had already entered the teahouse with a cat bag and a large bag of cat litter and cat food.

"I followed you to learn how to cook cat food, but I don't know if it's because of my handicap, Niuniu doesn't eat it at all." Qian Xuan was helpless when she said this, she had already copied down the cat food recipe and took the electronic The scales were used to match the exact proportions, but the taste of the made cat rice could not be compared with Lin Lan's. After wasting a bunch of ingredients, she voluntarily gave up, "This is Niu Niu's favorite staple food and snacks, and it has other uses. I'm used to cat litter. I'll leave it to you in three days."

"No problem, leave it to me." Lin Lan smiled and accepted the cat bag and cat food in her hand.

Although the official cat employees in the teahouse have all learned to use the toilet, there is still a litter box in the special toilet for cats in the teahouse. This is for cats who have just come to the teahouse for an internship and have not yet learned to use the squat toilet. First, they can gradually learn to use the toilet. Second, Lin Lan can also judge the physical condition of the new cats through those cat litter dumplings. Once you're sure he's been in good health and learns to use the squat under the guidance of other cats, the litter box will become a decoration again.

Niuniu is someone else's cat, and she is used to using cat litter. Unless the guests ask for it, Lin Lan will not change this. She will give the cat whatever Qian Xuan gives, whether it is cat litter or cat food.

Seeing that she has always been so bright and bright, Qian Xuan still feels a little embarrassed when she thinks of the fact that she disliked Snowflakes as a local cat in the autumn: "Niuniu, I raised her to be squeamish, if you are very cold to you in the middle, or Shaking your face or something, please bear with me. Your cats are more well-behaved than mine, and it seems that they rarely fight, so if Niu Niu is bored in the cage, you can let it out if the situation permits. "

Lin Lan gave her an OK gesture.

The transaction is officially concluded, and Qian Xuan has no time to stay in the teahouse, so she can only reluctantly say goodbye to the favored, and wave her hand sadly at the small window on the cat bag: "Niuniu, I'm going on a business trip for a few days. Heaven can't accompany you. During this period, you have to get along well with Lin Lan and the cats in the teahouse, don't worry, mom will be back in a few days, you have to be happy."

The blue cat in the cat bag watched the feces shoveling and waved to it continuously. Although it didn't make sense, it still pressed its small paws on the transparent cover and barked at her: "Meow!" (Minion, what are you doing! Why did you let me go it's here?)

Seeing this, Qian Xuan was even more sad: "Niuniu can't bear me anymore, no, I have to leave quickly!" If she stayed, she would be even more bearable of Niuniu.

After speaking, she covered her mouth, turned around, pushed open the door and ran away.

"Meow!" (Minion! What are you running for!)

The author has something to say:

Teahouse Kitty Situation is about to open—