I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 4


First, the sweet crit of the newlyweds in the Aegean Sea, and then the stabbing of the scumbag gods. Lin Lan completely lost the fun of seeing the attractions one by one according to the strategy, and hastily walked around the Acropolis, taking pictures and punching in like a mission. She then returned to the hotel.

In the next few days, she abandoned all the procedures and strategies, and just let herself go, cruising the surrounding scenery on the bus, getting off at her favorite stop and wandering around. I really intend to treat this exotic trip as a relaxing trip.

The weather in the past few days has been very good, away from the love holy land where couples flock to check in, Lin Lan can also watch the sea and watch the tide with peace of mind.

Just like now, she is sitting in a seaside restaurant and ordering a lunch. At this time, she is eating at an open-air table while looking at the opposite sea, and a few kittens under her feet are rubbing against her ankles. , meowing nonstop.

Even if she didn't understand cat language, she knew that these little guys were begging her for food.

"A group of greedy cats." Lin Lan shared the fish and meat on the plate with a smile. These cats were of different colors, but their fur was uniform and smooth. Obviously, although they were stray cats, they had a good life. Shi Zheng looked at one of the pure white cats with a nostalgic look, "You and my snowflake are similar, both in body shape and coat color, but its eyes are golden, you are blue and gold, which is rarer. ."

The white cat eating fish raised her head and meowed at her as if in response, but Lin Lan didn't know what it was talking about at the moment.

Maybe you're saying you're more beautiful

Lin Lan guessed at random, but she felt a little bored, but after only two or three days of going abroad, she began to feel homesick.

I miss my parents, my grandma, and the big white cat Snowflake at home. Every time she comes home from a long vacation, it will send gifts at her door, such as dead mice, such as dead birds. New flavors, including but not limited to half a ham sausage, salted fish, candy stolen from an unknown family, etc., etc., all kinds of strange things are completely unchanged.

Thinking about it, she smiled, but her eyes were wet when she smiled.

At this moment, the white cat with mandarin duck eyes suddenly jumped onto her knees. It did nothing but sat dignifiedly with its head raised and meowing at her.

"Are you comforting me?" Lin Lan tentatively reached out and touched its head, only to find that the white cat didn't resist, so she followed the touch again. The smooth feeling in it seems to soothe people's hearts, and it also makes people's emotions slowly calm down, "Thank you, you are really human."

The owner's voice suddenly came: "It's rare to see this little guy give so much face, and he actually took the initiative to touch it. You are very popular with cats as a guest." He spoke English, and the speed was a bit fast. Lin Lan was confused and guessed. Got it.

He immediately replied in English: "It's okay, the cats don't hate me, at least the cats in my family really like me." Every time she came home, it brought her gifts, the only one in the family. She has a share, but it may also be that she is the only one in the family who works outside the city and is often absent.

When he was thinking this way, the shop owner had already said again: "Does the customer know about the cat wishing pond nearby?" Seeing her blank face, she knew the answer, and immediately pointed out enthusiastically, "Not far in front of this street, there is a Fountain Square, where there is a Luna Fountain Wishing Pool. But we locals prefer to call it the cat wishing pool, because it is more popular with cats. If people who like cats go there to put coins and make a wish, it is more important than others. Be smart."

"Is there such a legend?" Lin Lan laughed immediately.

"Although it's not a famous scenic spot, it's quite famous among us nearby residents. At least my neighbor's children made a wish a few days ago to find a puppet that was lost in the park, and there was a cat the next day. Bring her back."

I don't know if it's true or false rumors, and there are plausible corroborating evidence. It's really a good pastime for Lin Lan, who is currently idle. Digested after meals.

"Ah, can you help me pack some more fried fish? Chicken is fine too. There must be quite a few cats over there too."

The boss did not lie to her, it is indeed a fountain square, and the statue of the goddess as the main body is very beautiful. The beautiful moon goddess here highlights her side of nature and hunting, wearing a corset skirt and hunting boots, holding a bow and arrow, There were two deer beside him. It's just that there are cats on the backs of the two deer and the shoulders of the goddess, and there are also many cats next to the fountain pool, all of them maintaining the posture of farmers and basking in the sun.

Lin Lan glanced around, and there were passers-by feeding the stray cat with cat food, and the coins at the bottom of the constantly spraying fountain were shining because of the refraction of light.

"Meow meow meow-"

The kitten with a pointed nose smelled the aroma of the food in her bag, which was much more than cat food to lure cats, and many cats gathered around at the moment.

Lin Lan is quite familiar with the job of feeding stray cats, but she is not the kind of good-hearted person who will bring food to stray cats. She will only give food when the cat runs to her feet. Everyone is self-reliant. She earns wages by her ability, and the kitten also finds her to eat and drink by her ability.

I haven't seen her boss get more wages if she doesn't work and doesn't work overtime because she looks pretty.

"You Greek stray cats are also very lucky. The local cats on my side haven't been treated by me once." Lin Lan said to them casually, never mentioning that this is because she is resigning now. At work, there is a lot of time to waste.

What responded to her were all kinds of incomprehensible meows and purrs of food protection.

Can't understand a word. Looking at this large group of cats, Lin Lan couldn't help thinking to herself, but these cats might not understand what she was talking about.

If only she could get along with the cats, she could understand what they were saying, and they could understand what she meant.

The second time this thought occurred to her, Lin Lan no longer hesitated. She threw the wish into the wishing pool with the coin in her hand with a casual attitude.

Dusk came soon. Lin Lan, who bought a kebab for dinner on the street, took the bus back to the hotel and fed the two kittens at the door. After these few days of feeding and getting along, the two homeless The cat has long been willing to give her a hug. So after playing with the cat for a while, she returned to the hotel room in a happy mood, and soon fell asleep after washing up.

That night, Lin Lan had a dream.

In the dream, she was running in the woods, surrounded by the whirring of the wind, she ran as if to vent, with no purpose at all. Then a voice told her that now she could choose to become an animal. Lin Lan, who wanted to run faster, chose to become the fastest cheetah without even thinking about it. In her dream, she really didn't rely on two legs, but immediately became running in a complex environment. Also like a leopard on the ground.

Forests, plains, mountains, and rivers were all left behind by her, until a cat meow suddenly came from her ear, and she suddenly woke up with a jolt.

Sitting up from the bed, the sun was already high outside, Lin Lan scratched her hair and frowned as she recalled the dream, but found that she had not remembered anything, but she only felt that the spirit that had been somewhat gloomy was full at this time, and her heart was refreshing like never before.

"It was a beautiful dream, but unfortunately I can't remember anything."

It didn't take long for Lin Lan to regret. Her return ticket was this afternoon, and she had to use the rest of the time to pack up and prepare to go home.

When she checked out and left, Lin Lan had a happy smile on her face. As soon as she walked out of the hotel door, she was lucky enough to hire a taxi. She put her suitcase in the trunk and prepared to open the car door. , out of the corner of her eye, she saw two cats near the door again, and she couldn't help but smile and wave to them: "Goodbye~"

When the car door was closed, she heard the two cats meowing at her, but for some reason, Lin Lan's mind inexplicably floated another meaning: "Goodbye, come play again when you have time!" "Thank you. The feeding of these days, the taste is good!".

Recently, the cat has been licking a lot and started to go crazy

It was another ten-hour flight. Lin Lan dragged the large and small bags all the way, rolled from the airport to the bus terminal, took another two-hour drive by bus, and finally returned to his hometown, Xicheng.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning. After Lin Lan got off the taxi, she landed on a row of shops facing the street. She just took a step forward with a large bag and a small bag. A person came out and rushed straight towards her.

"Lanlan is back!" The loud voice was full of surprises.

"Dad." Looking at the middle-aged man rushing over, Lin Lan's face showed a smile, "I'm back, and I brought you a lot of Greek souvenirs."

"Why don't you make a phone call, so I can go and pick you up." Lin's father in a gray sweater complained and quickly reached out to take the large and small bags on his daughter's body, "Look at what's hanging on your body, you should call directly when you get off the car. Throat, your mother and I both heard it and came to help you."

Speaking of Cao Cao's arrival, Lin's father just said a word, and a middle-aged woman who was still wearing an apron also heard the movement and ran over. It was Lin's mother.

"Damn girl, you're back! You've been worrying about me these days!" After running over to see that her daughter was safe and sound, Mother Lin began to complain, and frowned when she saw some specialties that her daughter bought, "I told you before. The expensive things in the tourist attractions make you buy less, and you buy a bunch of them without listening, which is a net waste of money!"

Lin's father touched her secretly at this moment, and Lin's mother, who used to nagging her daughter, got stuck as if she had finally remembered something, and grinned with a cautious smile: "What, Lanlan, just come back, Mom is going to the vegetable market today. I bought a lot of vegetables, all of which you like to eat."

Lin Lan pursed her lips, not mentioning what happened to her, Uncle Yu would definitely tell her family, even if she suddenly moved and brought back all the things in the rental house, she couldn't hide it from them.

Mom and Dad know it all now, so they're worried about her too.

"Dad, Mom." Lin Lan lowered her head, her eyes turned red, and whispered as if she had done something wrong, "I resigned." Lose the job that was just about to be promoted and raised. , abandoned everything in that big city, and came back in despair.

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and Dad's generous voice followed: "It's okay, your mother and I both know. Young people, there will always be some setbacks."

Lin Lan looked up and saw the concerned faces of her parents, who were smiling tolerantly at her.

"Besides, you're not afraid of failure, and your mother and I are here." As he said, he took his daughter's shoulders and motioned her to look up and look forward.

The building in front of it has six shops, and further up is a six-storey residential building. Because it is built facing the street, the outer wall of the small building is beautifully decorated, and the surrounding area is excellent for people coming and going.

The family of three just stared at the building, and Father Lin was still patting his daughter's shoulder in relief.

"It's not a big deal to resign. Dad still has a building for you to inherit."