I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 60


On the day when she agreed to go to someone else's house to see cats, Lin Lan deliberately changed into a semi-formal spring outfit, with long hair pulled into a high ponytail, light makeup, and simple earrings and a satchel. Not too casual.

The pretty appearance of her walking on the side of the road in thick-heeled leather shoes is also like a swaying flower blooming in spring.

Cheng Fengyang, who drove over to pick her up, lit up: "Lanlan, you look so good-looking, this is the first time I see you wearing such a style!"

Lin Lan smiled and joked: "That's for sure. We only met last year when it was autumn. I wouldn't wear it like this in that season." As she said, she opened the passenger's door and sat in. , "Let's go, don't make people wait too long."


The big Benz started, and the car drove towards the center of the street, speeding towards the destination.

The client that Cheng Fengyang took Lin Lan to this time is located in one of the most high-end communities in Xicheng, or a villa area is more suitable. The community is leaning on the wetland park and the landmark scenic mountains in Xicheng. The feng shui is excellent. There are all kinds of supporting facilities, and there will never be any inconvenience for the owner.

Therefore, although it is not the city center, it is definitely regarded as a wealthy area in Xicheng.

When Cheng Fengyang's car passed the gate of the villa complex with strict security and started running again on the well-green asphalt road, Lin Lan didn't respond when she looked at the extremely low-density single-family villa outside the car window.

"Is this client so rich?" She was a little confused, she never thought she would set foot here in her lifetime.

Cheng Fengyang nodded: "Yes, the client made a fortune from opening a company a few years ago. The family bought a house here. It was almost two years ago that they asked me to design the house. It was only completed last year and moved in."

Lin Lan: "...Oh."

Hearing Lin Lan's emotionally complicated response, Cheng Fengyang couldn't help laughing: "Actually, the house here isn't too expensive, and it's not impossible for my house or yours to buy it."

"Hehe, I can buy it, but it's definitely the kind of buying that hurts my bones." Lin Lan rolled her eyes at him, "Don't talk about these unrealistic things, how long will it take to arrive? ."

"It's coming."

Not long after Cheng Fengyang's voice fell, the car stopped in front of the iron gate of a villa. When they parked the car in the special parking space and walked out, there were already people waiting at the gate.

It was a young man in his twenties and a little girl about eight years old.

"Old Cheng, here!" The young man held the little girl's hand and greeted Cheng Fengyang loudly, and greeted him with a smile, "I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and you don't seem to be bald because you stay up all night doing designs!"

"Go, you just stayed up all night and became bald!" Cheng Fengyang gave him an angry look, then turned to introduce to Lin Lan, "Lan Lan, this is my college classmate Yuan Jiaqing, and the nephew of the owner of this villa. This villa is It was he who told me that the cat had a problem, and then pulled the strings."

"Hello, Miss Lin." The young man named Yuan Jiaqing did not wait for Cheng Fengyang's introduction, but skipped this step and negotiated with Lin Lan first, "I saw your cat-taming video from Lao Cheng, it's really amazing. I shared a dormitory with Laocheng University for four years, and I still trust the person he admires. My uncle's cat really has to ask you this time, or Lei Lei will really be sad."

As Yuan Jiaqing spoke, he lowered his head and patted the head of the eight-year-old girl beside him. The cute little girl named Leilei was looking up at Lin Lan at the moment, her big black and white eyes were staring at her: "Lin, Sister Lin, my family Yuanyuan has suddenly become good or bad, big brother said you I can change it back. Please, please help us. If Yuanyuan can be changed back, I, I will give you my piggy bank, okay?"

Not only are small animals cute, but polite and sensible children are also very cute!

Lin Lan couldn't help but patted the child's head gently: "Little sister Lei Lei, first of all I have to see Yuanyuan before I know if I can change it back. Can I ask you to take me to see it later? "

sure! The little girl immediately let go of Brother Hall's hand and ran into the villa with her short legs: "Dad, Mom! Here comes the one who can turn Yuanyuan back!"

Under the guidance of the little girl and Yuan Jiaqing, Lin Lan and Cheng Fengyang finally entered the entrance hall of the villa, where the host and hostess of the villa were waiting for them.

After some formal greetings, the five adults officially took their seats, but at this time, whether Lin Lan or Cheng Fengyang, the smiles on their faces were somewhat unnatural.

"I'm very complaining that the two of you have such a bad experience as soon as you enter the room." The host looked embarrassed. "The smell is very bad, right? Just this morning, Yuanyuan urinated again in the corner of the sofa."

The smell of cat excrement is heavy. Anyone who has raised it knows that Lin Lan smells it as soon as she enters the hall. Even if the owner uses something like freshener or perfume to cover it up, it can't beat the domineering stench.

It is obviously a luxurious mansion that is carefully decorated, and it is visually impeccable, but it is just dragged down several grades by this smell.

"Actually, it's not just the foyer, but many parts of the house have been overtaken by Yuanyuan. It seems to treat this new home as a large cat litter box." The hostess looked worried, "and not only that, many furniture in the house have also suffered disaster, the house I can always inadvertently see the scratches made by Yuanyuan. Not to mention my husband and Lei Lei, we have all been scratched by it. Yuanyuan was not like this before, I don’t know why I moved here It became like this.”

"Sounds serious." Lin Lan frowned.

"Yes, the situation is really getting worse. Two weeks after moving here, Yuanyuan has become a little bit wrong, and now it's getting more and more bad-tempered, but we don't know why." The hostess was a little sad, "Yuanyuan is the kitten that came to her house on Leilei's first birthday. When she decided to keep it, the conditions at home were not so good. I don't know if the cat is really lucky, Leilei. Since her father raised Yuanyuan, the business has become smoother and smoother, until now. Yuanyuan and Lei Lei grew up together since childhood, and it's really heart-wrenching that this has happened all of a sudden."

"Miss Lin, if you have a way, please help us." The host answered at this time, his face full of sincerity, "Yuanyuan has lived with us for six years, and has become an indispensable part of the family. One, I really don't want it to be like this all the time. As long as you can help us solve this problem, the pay is definitely good."

After Lin Lan listened to the descriptions of the clients, she spoke again: "Can I look at the cat first? Where is Yuanyuan now?"

"I know!" Lei Lei, who has been obedient and silent, raised her hand high, "Yuanyuan is upstairs! Sister, I'll take you there!"

After getting permission from the owner, Lin Lan followed the children to the second floor.

This villa is quite beautifully built, and the interior style is bright and bright, but the smell of cat urine can always be more or less, which makes the people who come in frown.

"This is Yuanyuan's favorite room!" Lei Lei led Lin Lan through the corridor and pushed open one of the doors. The moment the door opened, the smell was overwhelming.

Not only Lin Lan, but the entire family of clients who followed behind covered their noses.

"Wife, didn't you open the window for ventilation again?" the host asked his wife in a muffled voice.

"You can't open it. Did you forget that it was because you opened the window last time that Yuanyuan became more irritable?"

The couple's words made Lin Lan's mind move, but now is not the time to ask questions. What she needs to pay attention to most is the cat named Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan!" Compared with the adults who dislike the smell, the child doesn't care much about this, and rushes towards a cat climbing frame in the room with short legs. On the top is a pure white bottomed orange circle. The spotted longhair cat is lying on it.

Hearing the little master's call, the cat lightly stepped on the climbing ladder and jumped down, meowing and circling around the little girl.

(Lei Lei, you are here!)

It looked very well-behaved and normal, and the cat was in a good mood. When the little owner reached out to touch its head, it just lay down and touched her. Little Lei Lei is very happy.

But the parents at the door were not at all happy.

"It's like this again..." The male host frowned.

"Leilei, come back! Didn't you say that you are not allowed to touch Yuanyuan!" The hostess had already stepped forward to stop her daughter's movements.

The little girl was reluctant to walk away from the cat, she put her hand on the cat and looked back at her parents: "But now Yuanyuan it..."


Almost before he finished speaking, the docile cat suddenly opened its mouth and bit Leilei's hand on it.

Just as he was about to bite, Lin Lan, who arrived first, pulled the little girl away from the cat.

"Leilei!" The hostess hugged her daughter and was relieved to see that her daughter's hand was fine.

The male host frowned: "Miss Lin, have you seen it? Yuanyuan is like this now, first pretending to be friendly to get in touch with you, and then suddenly turning around."

"I already know about this situation." Lin Lan looked at the round-spotted tabby cat in front of her. After biting someone, it behaved as if nothing had happened. She even turned around and sat there with its tail behind everyone's back. She couldn't help but sigh. He turned his head to look at the cat owner's family, "You didn't seem to know the reason why it suddenly turned its face and bit people as soon as you touched it. Yuanyuan was injured, and it was located at the spot that Lei Lei just touched."

The cat owner's family was stunned.

"But... The first time I sent the cat to check, I didn't find this problem." The male owner looked hesitant.

"Uncle, could it be the injury later on?" Yuan Jiaqing asked at the right time, "I remember you told me before that Yuanyuan liked to pee everywhere, but she didn't like to bite you in the beginning. thing."

That is to say, peeing around and scratching furniture is one symptom, and being bitten by a cat is another symptom. The two are irrelevant.

"It should have come to this new home because of the unfamiliar environment, where did it fall." Lin Lan pointed at the cat and said, "You better take the cat to the vet for examination and treatment, Yuanyuan should be injured. The bone is broken. The pain tolerance of cats is generally very strong, and it will only show when it can't bear it. The cat can't speak human words, so it is impossible to tell you directly in words, but its behavior of scratching and biting is a clear rejection. It wants to play with you, but you always hurt it and make it angry. Like now, if you see if it has been turning its back on us, this body language is telling us that it is angry now and wants to look at us No worries."

"Is that so?" Little Lei Lei blinked, "It seems like this... Every time my parents and I touched it and got bitten, it either ran away or turned its back to us like this. It's just Yuanyuan being angry and ignoring us."

The male owner also lowered his head and recalled, as if it was true, every time someone touched the cat's back, Yuanyuan immediately went into a frenzy.

"It's really like this!" Yuan Jiaqing, who was bitten by the same person, looked down at the back of his hand with three red bars hanging on it, and also looked stunned, "I only came to my uncle's house yesterday, and I just rubbed its back. That's all."

The more experienced hostess had already dialed on her mobile phone: "I'm going to make an appointment for an afternoon visit at the pet hospital!" After that, the person went out of the room to make a call.

This is the downside of language barriers. Lin Lan sighed inwardly. If it wasn't for the "death of pain" sound when the cat bit someone, Lin Lan would not have discovered the hidden meaning of the cat's injury.