I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 72


Wang Jiayi rented a small building in this urban village for almost half a year, and also worked as a waiter in a teahouse for more than two months. In terms of her status as a young lady, it was actually a hardship.

Now she has already obtained the permission of Jinjila cat to take the cat out of the teahouse at any time, and later took the initiative to adopt the kitten Hydrangea. Now the parents at home have come to find her, and the family has reconciled. At this time, it is completely reasonable to say that she wants to move out .

The old Lin family, including Lin Lan, felt that her parents were going to take her back, and the eldest lady left soon.


"My parents said they were going to take me home yesterday, but I'm not leaving!" Wang Jiayi, who continued to come to work in the teahouse the next day, skillfully put on her apron, with a look of course, "I said it before. , I will continue to work here, I still have a lot to learn!"

Lin Lan and the others: "..." So what is there to learn from such a big teahouse? Wouldn't it be better if you go back to your home to learn how to manage a company or go abroad for further education

"The management company has my brother, and I don't need me. I've been going abroad once or twice every year since I was three years old, and I'm already tired of it." The eldest lady didn't care, "I think raising cats is more interesting now. , I can learn new things from you Lanlan every day."

All the "new things" were actually heard from the cat and then repeated by Manager Lin: "..." No, she is an ordinary person with cat language level ten, and there is nothing to learn. With such a rant in her heart, Lin Lan still coughed and forced the topic to change, "Your parents are really so relieved to keep you here all the time?"

"Of course it's impossible for me to stay here all the time. It's just that most of the time I've been here for half a year is no different from being under their noses. After I said I wanted to stay, they didn't force it."

Wang Jiayan did not hide it, and directly confessed to Lin Lan.

"Lanlan, I've thought about it. I want to open a formal stray cat shelter with an official name. I hope that every cat in my shelter can meet the standard of being accepted by human families. Lanlan, you are me. The best cat tamer I have ever seen, no matter what kind of cat you have, it will be very good in the end. I want to learn how to raise cats from you. I will be satisfied that the cats I take in in the future are half as good and sensible as teahouse cats. ."

When she spoke, her tone and demeanor were very serious, and it was obvious that she was not playing on a whim.

But just because she was serious, Lin Lan couldn't help but be worried in addition to being surprised.

Regarding stray cat shelters, people who are interested in doing a little research know that this kind of public welfare facility basically loses money, and some station managers even subsidize money into it. Break yourself. This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Lan completely eliminated the source after meeting the cat boss and learning about the current situation of the stray cat group, although he had several impulses.

This is a bottomless pit. Every year, many poor cats and dogs are homeless. There are various reasons. Moreover, stray animals are not human beings after all, so it is impossible to get the attention of the poor people. It may be maintained by donations from caring people in the society. Not working on a daily basis.

That is, a family background like the eldest can easily do it, but...

"Even if your family supports it, if you keep losing money to fill the hole in the future..." Lin Lan didn't want to pour cold water like this, but the reality is that no one's money comes from the wind. It's all like this...

"So try hard not to let it lose money!" Wang Jiayi understood Lin Lan's implication, she took the little hydrangea out of the cage and gently smoothed her hair, "Of course I don't want to rely on my parents' efforts for granted like before, When I grow up, I am not even a cat. So I want to study harder and do what I want to do. I have met many friends, and now I also know you Lanlan. Willing to help me. If I can't tame the kittens, and I can't make them have a happy home like a gentleman, you will definitely help me, Lan Lan, right?"

Seeing the trusting smile on the young lady's face, Lin Lan suddenly understood her thoughts.

"It turns out that you had the idea of asking me for technical support." She also smiled, "Okay, if you really open it, of course I will help."

Who said that only stray cats can be accommodated and transformed in shelters for adoption by suitable families? If necessary, grumpy pet cats from wealthy families or kittens in need of domestication can also be sent. There is no need to worry about the business of rich cat slaves, which can become the main source of income for the shelter.

All along, Lin Lan has always been limited by her own situation and her unspoken timidity in her heart. Sometimes I feel uneasy and guilty, wondering if the golden finger I got is too narrow to use in this way? Now Wang Jiayi has given her a better place to play and can help more stray cats, of course she is happy.

"It won't help you for nothing!" The eldest lady responded earnestly at this time, "You get paid every time for technical support, we are rich and not bad."

Fu shovel, the abbreviation of the rich shovel officer. The eldest lady, who is also from the rich shovel class, said that she did not feel bad about slaughtering them.

Lin Lan was amused: "Okay, then I'll go to the big family with you."

The matter that the eldest lady will continue to stay will soon subside. She has rules and regulations for what she will do in the future, and of course everyone has nothing to say. Lin Lan even told her some common experiences in cat raising that she had concluded after she understood cat language, intentionally or unintentionally. This girl learns things fast, and the better she learns now, she will open a shelter later, and stray cats will It will be more comfortable, so Manager Lin doesn't hide anything.

Of course, Wang Jiayi can feel her attitude, and she is more and more reciprocal. She has made a special note about her tea and pastry experience. If there is a new good recipe, it will be recorded on it. After half of the notebook is used, she will leave her job. Shidang gave Lin Lan a gift.

Now she lives in a small building. In addition to making refreshments at work and learning to take care of cats every day, she will take the initiative to make a phone call at home after get off work, chat with her relatives and talk about what she did today, and then take out her brother and send it to her. I came here to study the operation and management information of the open shelter, and I lived a busy but fulfilling life.

Of course, during this period, under Lan Lan's reminder, she did not forget to pay attention to the coexistence of the two cats she wanted to adopt.

"It looks pretty good."

After the seven-day isolation period, the kitten was tentatively placed among the teahouse cats, and no serious rejection occurred.

It should be said that the teahouse cats who have enough food and never need to fight are all very good-tempered now. Even if they hear the threatening food protection sound from the mouth of the little milk cat eating the cat's rice, no cat cares about it.

The milk cat Hydrangea is not very close to Jinjila, but it is not exclusive. The two cats get along more like parallel lines with little intersection, but they like to stick to the black cat Momo.

Adult cats are quite tolerant towards cubs. Momo sometimes lets it stick to it, and sometimes when impatient, he stretches his paws to the side, but the milk cat is not discouraged after being rejected, and is still happy to stick to it when he has time. superior.

"It's an unexpected development..." Manager Lin, who wanted to watch the show, and Designer Cheng, who was walking around a lot, couldn't help but be disappointed when they didn't see what they wanted. The latter said directly, "Is it because I joined the show? The main story of the giants hasn't started yet?"

"Probably can't start." Manager Lin, who can see clearly, shook his head, "When Hydrangea gets used to the environment of so many cats and gets used to the smell of these cats, even if they are brought home with Baiyin, they will not be able to make trouble later. "

There was no trouble in the large courtyard, and it was even more impossible to live in a single room of a wealthy family.

Fu Chan, who accidentally heard this, stomped his feet and was unhappy: "Really! You two are too bad-hearted! I hope they will fight with me when they get home!"

The two of them only returned her a slappy smile, and their faces were not concealed at all to watch the fun and not think it was a big deal.

"I hate it!" The eldest lady frowned and said angrily, "Wait and see, in the future, Baiyin and Hydrangea will definitely become a pair of cats who love each other with my efforts!"

Lin Lan was originally waiting to see the liveliness between the kittens, but she did not expect that within two days, she herself would be watched by others.

Oh, to be precise, her teahouse was being watched.

The reason is that a local media in Xicheng excavated and reported that the teahouse had used the orange cat gentleman to cure Yaoyao. The catchy headline of the cat curing autistic children suddenly attracted the attention of the residents of Xicheng, and attracted the attention of the residents of Xicheng. Many curious people came into the store to spend.

If it’s just an ordinary tea drinker, it’s fine. At most, he just asks a few questions out of curiosity. Lin Lan denies it and then fools around.

It is a pity that it is not just ordinary guests, but also the media who have come to interview. After all, Xicheng is a second-tier city. Even if only a small group of people came from various media, large and small, Lin Lan went through several waves, and her face froze when she said with a smile, "No such thing." .

She wanted to calm things down, but those reporters were not happy. The first time she was perfunctory, and the second time they appeared in front of her with all kinds of real hammer evidence, either photos or videos, all of them were other tea guests who were also present at that time. The sporadic information posted on the Internet is enough to prove that the child was indeed mentally ill at that time, and then it became better and better because of the cat.

"It's just a normal adoption of a cat." "That child is really not autistic." No matter how hard Lin Lan tried to explain, after the reporters finished interviewing on the spot, it was up to them to decide how to write the article when they came back.

When I got more material, the manuscript was even more sensational and eye-catching. How did the little girl get sick, how terrifying her family was haggard when she fell ill, how the teahouse used cats to treat it, and then for the family's perseverance, she came to the teahouse every day to report to the hydrangea and moved the boss. I'm willing to give them the cat for adoption, Yunyun... It's like I've seen the whole thing with my own eyes.

"If I hadn't been by my side, I would have thought it was true." After swiping away a report in his hand, Lin Lan said angrily, "These unscrupulous media are really here for the click rate! Autism! Can the disease be cured casually? It's cured in such a short time? This is treating people as fools!"

"Maybe someone will scold you, saying that you made false advertisements to make the teahouse famous." Cheng Fengyang looked up at the sky.

"I'd rather those people think it's a false advertisement." Lin Lan sighed, "It would be troublesome if there are autistic relatives who can't understand clearly."

This is bad.

Wang Jiayi immediately took out her mobile phone: "I'll call my dad and ask him to help remove these outrageous news."

The eldest lady works in a teahouse. If she has a bad reputation and encounters any accident, she is worried that the baby girl's father will definitely take action to prevent future troubles.

Ten minutes later, Wang Jiayi hung up the phone and came back: "Dad said that it is impossible to withdraw the manuscript, but it is possible to change the manuscript and restore the autism as a fact."

That's fine too.

Lin Lan wholeheartedly waited for the news to cool down, and she always refused subsequent interviews. She thought it would stop, but when she was trying to confuse the reporter, Song Xinmin, who came back from leave, took a photo magazine and pushed the door. Inside shouted: "Store manager! My photo won an award! First place in the animal group!"

Afraid that others would not see it, he held up the very famous photography magazine in China.

Hurala, the group of reporters surrounding Lin Lan instantly turned towards the photographer Xiao Song at the door.

In this way, Lin Lan's cat teahouse suddenly became popular in Xicheng.

In the past, there was a gimmick about using cats to cure mental illness. Later, an employee under his name was a winner of the top magazine competition for emerging photographers. Therefore, whether it was to see cats or people and photos, a large group of people came to the teahouse.

The business of the teahouse, which had obviously been stagnant, was as hot as it was when it first opened, and it was too busy to touch the ground.

"Fengyang, thank you for coming to help these past few days, otherwise you will be really tired and paralyzed." Lin Lan thanked Cheng Fengyang who came to help again during her free time.

"It's okay, it'll be normal when the heat is over." Cheng Fengyang, who knew that she didn't open the store to make money but just to raise cats, was considerate and comforting, "It's an online celebrity store, in fact, everyone is in waves."

"Haha, I just want to be mad now." With a wry smile, Manager Lin changed his face when he turned to look at the employee Xiao Song, "For what you caused, don't think about resigning for a while, when will you take this group of people away? They are all waiting, when will you be able to refund the deposit and move."

Xiao Song, the photographer who justified the loss, said weakly, who made him so happy at the time, and he spread it without looking at the occasion when his head was hot, and it was his own fault.

In order to cope with these waves of punch-in party guests, the winning photo of Song Xinmin was enlarged and posted on the wall of the teahouse.

The background weather shown in the photo is not very good, the wind is blowing with sporadic rain, a cat is sitting on the wall of the fence, its head is raised, and the eyes are looking ahead. There is a wonderful sense of picture in between. But the most shocking thing was the cat's eyes. It was calm, and there was no misery and panic in front of the storm, and it was even enjoying itself. This arrogant temperament suddenly made this cat stand out from the picture and become the focus of everyone.

"This cat is so handsome!" a guest who saw the photo blurted out.

Even people who don't understand photos will be attracted by the cat in this photo, and the temperament is enough to make people unforgettable.

Some tea guests discussed this photo, some were more interested in cats, and found out that these teahouse cats are treasure cats who can pose more poses than they are, and they are directly addicted to taking selfies.

The number of new repeat customers is constantly increasing. The effect of the online celebrity shop makes Lin Lan, who is used to it, very uncomfortable. She just wants the heat to pass by quickly.

But unbeknownst to her, these hot news locally in Xicheng also spread to the rest of the country through the Internet.

In a city far from Xicheng, in a rental house, a man sat in front of a laptop, watching a news video playing on the screen.

Under the cute sign with the words "Cat Teahouse" hanging, a pretty woman in a teahouse apron is being interviewed by reporters.

[… That kid is not autistic, just an ordinary guest. Using cats to cure autism is pure nonsense, all false rumors. There is only a cat in the teahouse that was adopted by a guest, please don't listen to the rumors.]

The man stared at the face on the screen and the background of a very ordinary residential building behind her, but his fists were gradually clenched and his teeth clenched: "Lin Lan, you dare to play with me!"