I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 1: I can turn into a fish




"What a damn weather!" Chu Xian frowned and cursed loudly. Looking at the heavy rain outside the store, he closed the store door unluckily.

He picked up mats and quilts from the cabinet at the back and spread them on the floor. He took out a basin to wash his face and brush his teeth and immediately got in. The thunder outside was deafening, making Chu Xian a little irritable.

"The rent is due in one month, which can be considered a liberation." A wry smile appeared on Chu Xian's face.

It has been two years since I graduated. I went out to work in the first year, but after one year, instead of achieving anything, I became very angry, so I came up with the idea of starting my own business.

After thinking about it for nearly a month, I finally asked my family for 30,000 yuan of my parents' hard-earned money, rented a shop on an old house street near the university, and started selling ornamental fish.

From the time the store opened until now, excluding the expensive rent, the monthly profit has been less than 3,000, so that Chu Xian had no choice but to sell out the house he rented outside and move into this small house of more than ten square meters.

"Damn it, the author of this novel turned out to be a eunuch, I despise you, you damn eunuch!" Lying on the bed, Chu Xian took his cell phone and saw that the novel he had been following turned out to be a eunuch, and he cursed angrily.

Reading novels is Chu Xian's main way to pass the time, but now the book he has been chasing for more than a month is actually Eunuch. Not to mention how depressed he is, he is short of books. Hearing the thunder and lightning outside made him smile bitterly.

"Alas!" Chu Xian sighed, opened the game software on his mobile phone out of boredom, looked at the games on it, and clicked to download Big Fish Eat Little Fish.

"Can't the Internet speed next door be mentioned as 20M? It sells computers. I curse you to close down like me!" Chu Xian looked at the download speed of more than 20 kb on the wireless, a little shamelessly said.

"98%99%. It's finally going to be fine." Chu Xian saw that the download had reached 99, with a smile on his face.


Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by deafening thunder.

"It's raining heavily and it still needs accompaniment. Oh my god, you're so pretentious!" Chu Xian was frightened by the thunder and sat up, complaining angrily.

What he didn't see was that the phone in his hand suddenly turned black, followed by the following message: Big Fish Eat Small Fish is being updated, 1% 10% 20%

The speed of this update is absolutely impossible if it is not 100 Mbps optical fiber.

Tightening the quilt, Chu Xian lay down again. Because of his short-sightedness, he held the mobile phone in front of his face. However, he felt that the mobile phone was a little hot, and sparks appeared on it.

"Zhoucao, my three-star!" Chu Xian had a look of horror on his face and threw it aside in a panic.



The sound of thunder was accompanied by the explosion of the mobile phone. Chu Xian felt that his hand was fine, so he immediately stood up from the bed, turned on the light and wiped the sweat from his forehead in shock.

"Where's the cell phone?" Chu Xian looked around with a gloomy face, but he didn't see even a scrap of the cell phone.

"How is it possible? The power of Samsung mobile phones cannot reach the level of annihilation. How come there is not even a broken shell!" Chu Xian thought with a darkened face. This mobile phone of his is not a tycoon's phone worth five thousand or six thousand. It’s a ** silk machine worth about a thousand dollars. I’ve been using it for half a year, but I didn’t expect it to explode!

"Damn, it's over a thousand yuan." Chu Xian looked for it angrily for a while and found that it was gone, with a distressed look on his face.

"Everything goes wrong!"

"Ding, the big fish eating small fish system has been installed. Do you want to enable it?"

A mechanical voice suddenly appeared in his mind. Chu Xian was startled and looked around in panic: "Who is talking? Who is it? Where are you?"

"Ding, the big fish eating small fish system has been installed. Do you want to enable it?"

Just as Chu Xian finished speaking, this somewhat mechanical voice came again, causing his expression to keep changing.

"Turn on the system!" What happened at this moment was a bit unbelievable, but after all, Chu Xian had experienced the baptism of various novels, and slowly calmed down, and answered.

"Ding, the big fish eating small fish system has been activated and has been integrated with the host. The host can view personal attributes in his mind."

The mechanical sound ended, and a picture appeared in his mind.

"Ma Dan." Chu Xian couldn't help but curse when he saw the picture in his mind. A picture of a mobile phone appeared in his mind. The Samsung logo on it was clearly visible. On the screen of the mobile phone was a game screen. There is a figure on it.

The characters above are exactly the same as Chu Xian, with handsome appearance, melancholy eyes, flowing hair, forehead, and poor hair. Next to the characters, there is a similar introduction to other games.

Name: Chu Xian

State: Humanoid state (can be transformed into fish state!)

Level: 1 (young fish, 5cm in size!)

Attack power: 0.5

Talent: Devouring, can eat fish smaller than itself to evolve.

Dominate, you can dominate fish that are lower than yourself.

Big fish eats small fish system functions:

Transformation, a fish that can transform its own form and dominance. (Each transformation will lower the level of itself and the dominant fish)

"What kind of system is this? The big fish eats the small fish? Is there any mistake? How could there be such an unreliable system that can transform into a fish form? Could it really turn me into a fish?" Chu Xian looked at the system. Introduction, his face turned a little dark!

"Then you and I can turn into fish and see!"

Chu Xian said angrily, and as soon as he finished speaking, he was horrified to find that his vision had greatly enlarged.

"Is this?" Chu Xian swallowed and looked at the quilt in front of him. He wanted to turn his head, but found that he couldn't move his head at all. He felt like he had lost his limbs.

"I really turned into a fish!" He opened his mouth to say it, but he felt hungry and thirsty, as if he had lost the source of life and would die soon.

"I want to turn back into a human!" Chu Xian roared quickly in his heart.

In an instant, his body recovered again. Chu Xian looked down at his body with an incredible look on his face. He walked to the mirror and looked himself up and down, and then said again: "Become a fish!"

A fish the size of a little finger appeared in his sight in the mirror. Chu Xian looked at his body and finally believed that he could really turn into a fish.

Looking at the information in my mind again, there have been subtle changes.

Name: Chu Xian

State: Fish-shaped state (can be transformed into human state!)

Level: 1 (young fish, 5cm in size!)

Attack power: 0.5

Talent: Devouring, can eat fish smaller than itself to evolve.

Dominate, you can dominate fish that are lower than yourself.

Big fish eats small fish system functions:

Transformation, a fish that can transform its own form and dominance. (Each transformation will lower the level of itself or the dominant fish)

"In fish form and human form, I actually have the art of transformation."

Chu Xian returned to his human form and stood blankly in front of the mirror.

A book is like the author's child, and the readers of the book are the parents of this book. For the happy growth of your children, please collect and recommend it. Thank you all! Ha ha ha ha!

(End of chapter)

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