I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 102: Excellent food


"Not bad, brother David, you have also opened an ornamental fish shop. I would like to see what kind of ornamental fish you have in your shop!"

At this time, the black man Nata suddenly walked in, followed by a middle-aged man beside him.

"Oh, they are just ordinary ornamental fish." The middle-aged man next to him glanced at a few fish at the door of the store, including Arhat, goldfish and angel fish, and said with a chuckle.

Nata also looked around with a smile on his face.

"Nata!" Seeing him walking in, David looked at him gloomily: "Are you trying to break the rules?"

Nata's pupils couldn't help but shrink when he heard what he said, and then he laughed: "I don't understand what breaking the rules is, but I didn't break the rules!"

"Haha, it's good that you know. If there is a next time, it won't be so simple." David looked at him gloomily.

A smile appeared on Nata's face. People with their status have rules within the circle. He undoubtedly violated these rules yesterday. If he is caught, he will be ostracized and lose everything.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Nata shook his head: "You did a good job, what? You are going to destroy my ornamental fish shop, haha. Let me introduce you to someone. This is Sen from Shenlong Fishing Ground. Mr. Wen, I have established long-term cooperation with Shenlong Fishery."

"Haha, hello, I am Senwen, a person in charge of Shenlong Fishing Farm in Singapore. Now I am working with Mr. Nata to explore the American market. Mr. David, to be honest, the ornamental fish in your store are not good!" Senwen looked crazy. Said proudly.

"Shenlong Fishing Ground?" David looked at Chu Xian standing aside and suddenly laughed: "Well, one of the five overlords, but I heard it is much different from the Fairyland Fishing Ground!"

Sen Wen's face changed slightly when he heard what he said, and then he smiled: "They were just lucky enough to breed mutated arowanas. Besides, how many arowanas can the Fairyland Ornamental Fishing Farm produce? Haha, they can produce good quality ones. A few dozen are considered good, but our Shenlong Fishing Farm can produce thousands of them, and this is the foundation."

"Haha, I don't know the details." David smiled and then looked at the staff inside: "Put a few arowanas in the most conspicuous position!"

"Okay boss!"

The staff behind nodded and immediately moved the fish tank over. Five exquisite arowanas were swimming slowly in the fish tank.

"This top-quality arowana?" Senwen suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at it with surprise, especially one of the blood-red dragons, which was worth at least more than one million.

"Haha, the dragon fish from the fairyland, can this brother of the Dragon Fishing Farm fall in your eyes?" David looked at him with some teasing.

"The arowana of the wonderland ornamental fish!" Sen Wen was stunned for a moment, then a gloomy look appeared on his face.

When it comes to the word "Wonderland", all aquarium enthusiasts know that the Black-horned Snow Dragon King is unique in the world. The Fairyland ornamental fishery is called the king of the arowana fishery. The Shenlong ornamental fish, which also focuses on arowana, has some Embarrassing, some people say that the fairyland cannot be left, and the dragon is king. These eight words are more about elevating the status of the ornamental fish in the fairyland.

Nata looked very embarrassed, but looking at these top-notch arowanas, it was really possible to say that they were ornamental fish from Wonderland.

"I didn't expect that, David, it seems you are well prepared!" Nata lit a cigarette and looked at him.

"Of course, how can you open an ornamental fish shop if you don't have 100% confidence?" David looked at him with a smile.

"Okay, very good!" Nata walked out directly with a gloomy face.

"The good news is yet to come!" David smiled and then looked at Chu Xian: "Brother Chu Xian, you are really my lucky star. There will be more interesting things next!"

"Let's go!" David said, taking him directly to his hotel.

As soon as he walked to the door of the hotel, he saw five large water tanks placed at the entrance. Five or six large lobsters were crawling around in the water tanks, giving people a visual impact.

In a small water tank next to it, there are more than a dozen abalones, each one about the size of a palm.

"Has the publicity been released? David walked into the store and asked the manager in the lobby.

"Boss, we've already publicized it!" The manager came over immediately and said with a smile on his face.

"Well, that's good!" A smile appeared on David's face: "Get us a lobster, come Chu Xian, let's go have lunch and taste the best lobster."

The two walked to a private room, and half an hour later, five plates of large lobsters were served!

"Come and try it. This lobster weighs more than ten kilograms. The chef made a lobster feast!" David said, pointing to the separated lobster body.

Chu Xian looked at the white and tender lobster meat and couldn't help but spit. The so-called lobster feast is the way to make lobster. There are garlic lobster, cheese baked lobster, soup baked lobster, spicy lobster and many other flavors. One taste, every enjoyment.

"Tsk, tsk, it's delicious. The whole lobster feast is enough for five people. It's a pity that there are too few of these big lobsters!" David shook his head with regret.

"Well, it's very delicious!" Chu Xian nodded in agreement.

"Brother Chu, I'm asking you a favor, can you sell me your secret recipe for dried fish?" David asked him after finishing a delicious lobster feast.

"I'm afraid this won't work. This is the secret recipe my uncle gave me. It can't be sold to others!" Chu Xian shook his head. The biggest secret of dried fish is compression. Giving him the formula can't achieve that effect.

"That's it, brother Chu Xian, can I pay to buy your dried fish!" David looked at him expectantly.

"Okay!" Chu Xian hesitated and nodded.

"Haha, thank you so much, my brother, you are really my lucky star!" David happily gave him a hug!

"Let's go outside and take a look!" David smiled.

As soon as they reached the hall, Chu Xian and the others saw a group of people gathered around several water tanks in surprise.

"What a big lobster. This lobster weighs at least ten or twenty kilograms, right? How delicious it would be if it were made into delicious food!"

"Lobsters are nothing. Come and look at these abalones. Oh my god, there are four double-headed abalones. Where did Longhua Hotel get so many precious abalones? It's incredible!"

"Look at the price. A lobster dinner costs three thousand dollars. It's really expensive, but it's still money!"

"A double-headed abalone actually sells for 50,000 US dollars. Who can afford this?"

"And the oysters here are cheap, a thousand dollars a plate!"

"Longhua Hotel is really full of energy, and it can actually obtain so many top-quality ingredients!"

55. I only wrote four of the five promised updates. I will continue tomorrow with at least four updates.

(End of chapter)