I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 120: Abnormal learning ability


"From now on, you will be called Jian Er." Chu Xian looked at the strong Jian Er and said directly, regardless of whether he understood or not.

Bringing the basin with the puffer fish over, Chu Xian transformed into a fish shape and swallowed it directly.

"Ding, swallow the pufferfish to get the natural body toxin!"

The toxins of puffer fish are a bit useless. The so-called physical toxins are poisonous to the internal organs and specific locations. After Chu Xian gained this ability, he could contain toxins in his body and could not release the toxins.

This is a defensive talent, but it is a bit useless for Chu Xian. If his flesh is really eaten, he will probably die soon.

There was not much left, so Chu Xian quickly accepted that he would never have too much talent.

Returning to his adult form again, Chu Xian couldn't help but patted his head when he looked at the three naked old men beside him. If others knew about the three naked men in his room, then he would be really justified. I can’t tell!

"You three, stay here and don't move. I'll buy you some clothes!" Chu Xian said, locked the door, and went to a large supermarket in the community.

After buying three pieces of clothes and shoes, Chu Xian bought some books and Xinhua dictionaries from a library next to the elementary school, and also bought some food.

Arriving in the room, Chu Xian looked at the three motionless mermaids and shook his head speechlessly: "Put on your clothes, uh, forget it, Old Man, I'll teach you how to put on clothes first, you have to remember!"

Chu Xian put on his clothes hand by hand, and then said tentatively: "Help them put their clothes on!"

However, what surprised him was that Old Man Yao quickly put on the clothes of Jian Yi Jian Er. Although this scene was beautiful, Old Man Yao's learning ability was very abnormal.

"Come on, come on, you three, come here. I'll teach you Chinese characters and how to speak. Look at the content above. Ah, Botz's Hungry Buddha Song~" Chu Xian transformed into a kindergarten teacher and began to teach the three of them.

"Genius, what a fool!"

Two minutes later, Chu Xian couldn't help but pat his thigh. He once spent several months on the twenty-six letters. After reading and listening to them again and again, he completely memorized them and could even recite them backwards and forwards.

"Perhaps if you give him some time, Mr. Ya can become a mermaid with as much knowledge as a professor!" Chu Xian looked at Mr. Ya with twinkling eyes, and then continued to teach.

Chu Xian only taught him the basic algorithms of pinyin, Chinese characters, and mathematics for an hour, and he completely mastered it. He even found that he could learn by himself as long as he gave him a book.

"That's great, that's great, haha!" Chu Xian laughed excitedly, and then threw a Xinhua Dictionary to him for him to read for himself.

During dinner, Chu Xian couldn't help but twitch when he looked at the three people with huge appetites. The food intake of fish is usually one-twentieth of himself. The lowest weight of the three guys is Jianyi, who weighs about 150 kilograms. .

But one-twentieth of one hundred and fifty pounds is 7.5 pounds. Fortunately, they can last for a day with one meal, otherwise it would cost a lot of money to raise these guys.

"Although the transformation of the three mermaids has been completed, their identity is a problem. We still need to find a special place for them to live. Undoubtedly, it is safer to put them in the suburbs."

"Identity issues can be solved with money, as well as accommodation!"

Chu Xian thought for a while and decided to buy a villa tomorrow. According to the number of people he can absolutely rule at present, there will be eleven more mermaids in the future.

It's a bit unsafe to let them live in a community, at least for the moment, not at all based on the intelligence of these mermaids, so we might as well gather them in a sparsely populated place.

There are many villa areas around Haiqing, and many of them are close to the mountains and the sea. You can buy one and let them live there. If anything happens, you can quickly escape into the sea.

Although they have transformed into human form, their ability to survive in the sea has not changed.

Thinking of this, Chu Xian asked them to sleep on the sofa if they were sleepy, while he went back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

They became mermaids through Yao Laojian Yi Jian Er, but some of their characteristics remained unchanged, such as sleeping. It’s not that fish don’t need sleep, but their sleep time is very short. Of course, they cannot be compared with those hibernating fish.

At this moment, when Chu Xian was sleeping, Old Man took out the Xinhua Dictionary and started reading it. The speed at which he read it was simply staggering. He turned a page in less than a minute, with a serious look on his face. Keep all the words in your mind.

Jian Yi and Jian Er were no longer as sluggish as they were at the beginning. They looked around curiously, touching here and there in the room.

"Sword One, Sword Two, come here, I will teach you how to learn the Xinhua Dictionary!" In the middle of the night, Old Man, who was reading the Xinhua Dictionary, suddenly said to Jian Yi, Jian Two, who was standing beside him.

Jian Yi Jian Er thought of what Chu Xian said about listening to Old Man, and immediately walked over.

"Come, read with me!"

If Chu Xian went to the toilet at this time and saw this scene, he would definitely jump up in shock. Mr. Yao has only been reformed for less than a day, and now he can speak so fluently, which is simply abnormal.

But if he saw Old Man teaching Jian Yi and Jian Er to learn the Xinhua Dictionary, he wouldn't know whether to cry or laugh.

However, soon, when Chu Xian woke up and was about to wash up, he saw Mr. Ba teaching them how to speak.

"You guys, if you want to read with me, Jianyi, you come first, your name is Jianyi."

"Your name is Jian Yi!"

"You should say your name yourself. My name is Jian Yi. Say it again."

"My name is Jian Yi."

"Yes, what is my name?"

"My name is Old Man!"

"It's you, not me!"

"Oh, you are Old Man."

"Pa!" Chu Xian couldn't help but patted his forehead, feeling a little surprised, a little happy, and a little speechless.

"Bao Lao's wisdom is four to five times that of Jian Yi Jian Er. It is equivalent to having a genius brain but lacking the corresponding insights. Jian Yi Jian Er has the wisdom of a seventeen or eighteen year old boy, and his learning ability is still very fast. .”

"At this rate, they will be able to integrate into the world in half a month, and by then they will be able to follow him into the world."

Chu Xian smiled: "It's a pity that there are too few large fish. I still have to go to the dock to buy some. If I had known that I had spent 50,000 yuan to buy that tuna last time, why bother with that young man?" Calculate.”

"Come on, Old Man, come here and I will teach you how to cook today!"

Under the current circumstances, Chu Xian plans to train Mr. Ya as a superman and let him learn everything.

Well, this way someone will make your breakfast in the future!

ps: Mermaid transformation is inevitable. I have laid a lot of groundwork for this. There is nothing I can do if some readers don't like it, but I still ask for support. Also, thank you to all the brothers who have tipped, I really appreciate your support!

(End of chapter)