I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 52: Big game! Down


"Xiaoying, I just heard from Siyu that there is a problem with your employment at school. What is the problem?"

Chu Xian and Xiaoying were walking alone on the school path.

"Well, there was a little problem at first." Xiaoying nodded, and then said: "There is always a professor in the department who disagrees with my employment in school."

Xiaoying said truthfully, and then stood next to him: "Did you know? That professor is Tang Qiumeng's father. Professor Tang wanted Qiumeng to come to the school to be a teacher, so he never let me pass the review. "

"Qiu Meng is a graduate student at HSD University in the United States. She just returned to China yesterday. Her major is biological sciences, but what is more unusual is that she majors in animal knowledge. Professor Tang does not want her to become a veterinarian, so he wants to arrange for her to Be a teacher in school.”

"Qiu Meng was a little resistant after learning about this, especially today when she learned that she was going to take my place. She even had a quarrel with Professor Tang in the office. In the end, Professor Tang had no choice but to compromise and immediately I was approved to stay in school, and when I left the office, I started chatting with Qiu Meng."

"That's it!" Chu Xian felt very dramatic and smiled: "I thought it was a bitchy rich girl who wanted to use her power to take your place!"

"If Qiu Meng really wants to come to school to be a teacher, even if he is completely capable based on his strength, she also majored in psychology during school and obtained a degree." Xiaoying said with some admiration.

"You're a woman with a high degree and a veterinarian. Judging from her appearance, she probably hasn't found a boyfriend." Chu Xian said with a smile.

"Go, go, others like you don't look down on you. By the way, you said you came to school for something, what is it?" Xiaoying held his arm and asked curiously.

"Help me find someone." Chu Xian looked at her confused look and continued: "There is a girl from the normal school named Xiao Xiao, and she is an Internet celebrity."

"Why are you looking for her?" Xiaoying let go of his arm and looked at Chu Xian warily.

"Uh." Chu Xian walked over and pinched her cheek: "What are you thinking about? I have something to do with her, um, I need her to help me!"

"Then who knows, it's true that men become bad when they have money." Xiaoying pouted and looked at him: "I've heard of the girl you mentioned. She's a celebrity in our school, a freshman girl. , let me take you to look for it!"

"Okay!" Chu Xian looked at Xiaoying's amused look and immediately put her arm in his own: "Then thank you, my wife."

"Pfft!" Xiaoying couldn't help laughing when she looked at him, and led him towards Xiao Xiao's classroom.

Walking to the door of the classroom, Xiaoying looked at him, and then the two of them walked into the classroom and asked a classmate sitting in front: "Classmate, is Xiao Xiao in the class?"

"Ah! It's Senior Tianying, she's here." The boy who was playing with his mobile phone looked up and saw Xiaoying, and shouted excitedly to the back: "Xiao Xiao, Senior Tianying is looking for you."

"Ah!" Xiao Xiao, who was lying on the table, raised his head in surprise. Then he saw Chu Xian and Xiao Ying in front of him. He looked confused and stood up and walked towards them.

"Senior Tianying, what do you want to see me for?" Xiao Xiao walked out of the classroom and looked at Xiaoying, then looked at Chu Xian: "Handsome guy, you should be the one who came to see me, right?"

"Yes." Chu Xian smiled at her: "I don't know where you are, so I can only ask my girlfriend to bring me here."

Hearing Chu Xian's words about "girlfriend", Xiaoying showed a smile on her face.

"Handsome boy, what do you want from me?" Xiao Xiao looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"Please do me a favor!" Chu Xian said, and then asked: "Do you have time now?"

"Yes!" Xiao Xiao nodded, and then followed Chu Xian to a coffee shop outside the school.

"What are you talking about? You want me to help you find some big Vs on Weibo?" Xiao Xiao looked at him with some surprise: "Are you going to ask them to advertise for you and promote your goldfish?"

"No!" Chu Xian shook his head, then turned on his phone and put a message in front of her: "Help me spread this message on the Internet. It's best to become popular on Weibo!"

Xiao Xiao looked at the content on the phone curiously, and Xiaoying also looked over in confusion!

"This" Xiao Xiao's eyes widened: "This is the official Weibo of Haiqing City Morning News?"

"Yes." Chu Xian saw her surprised look and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "The official Weibo of Morning News has a little attention, I want to beat them!"

"This" Xiao Xiao was a little stunned and found it very funny when he saw the above content. Chu Xian's goldfish shop was actually reported by the morning newspaper as a black shop. Are all reporters nowadays so ignorant or brainless

"Are you going to let this information spread on the Internet? Let everyone know about your black shop?" Xiao Xiao asked, and then a clear understanding appeared on his face: "Are you trying to hype it up?"

"No, I just exposed some illegal shops and let people all over the country know that there is such a illegal shop in Guwu Street, Haiqing City that sells goldfish for three thousand yuan. I want people all over the country to denounce this shop. It's really too much. It's dark!" Chu Xian clenched his fists and said excitedly.

Xiao Xiao looked at him and his face darkened, and he said very speechlessly: "Your goldfish now sells for three thousand yuan?"

"Well, the price has just increased!" Chu Xian's lips raised slightly: "Do you recognize the big V on Weibo? Can you help me contact him?"

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "I know a few of you, but by doing this, you are simply toying with everyone?"

"Is there any?" Chu Xian drank a cup of coffee: "I just asked some people to help repost the Weibo of Haiqing City Morning News. I didn't do anything else?"

"You are so cunning." Xiao Xiao looked at him blankly, and then said: "Five goldfish!"

Chu Xian's face turned dark and he looked at him angrily: "I think you are the cunning and evil person. Okay, I hope you will contact me today. It is best to find dozens of bloggers with many fans. Money is not an issue. .”

"Dozens!" Xiao Xiao's brows twitched, and after a moment of silence, he assured: "No problem, use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, I'll take care of this!"


Xiaoying, who was watching the conversation between the two of them, looked confused and asked Chu Xian in confusion: "Xiaoxian, the morning newspaper reported that your shop is a black shop, so why do you still publicize it?"

"Because!" Chu Xian looked at Xiaoying and said confidently: "I want my black shop to be known to everyone in the country!"

"When the time comes, someone will come out to refute the rumors for me, and then...haha!"

Originally, I wanted to make a show-off about Xiaoying's employment problem, but after thinking about it, I changed it. This plot is too cliche!

There will be another chapter tonight, please~~

(End of chapter)