I Can Turn into a Fish

Chapter 65: Shipwreck


"Cao Cao Cao, saury fish, so many big saury fish!"

Chu Xian's eyes widened and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Swordfish, also known as swordfish and mackerel, is a migratory fish. It is known as the "Four Delicacies of the Yangtze River" together with puffer fish, anchovy and catfish. The swordfish has a long and narrow body with thin sides, resembling a sharp knife, silvery white, and meaty texture. Delicate, but with many fine hairy bone spurs. The meat is delicious, fat but not greasy, and has a slight aroma.

Swordfish is generally 18 to 25 centimeters long and weighs 10 to 20 grams. The price of swordfish varies greatly depending on the weight, but it is at least 2,000 to 4,000 kilograms.

In Chu Xian's sight, there were at least a dozen saury fish swimming happily, including several saury fish that were three or four in size.

"Both Chinese sturgeon and saury, this area is a bit strange!" Chu Xian immediately controlled them, thinking with some surprise in his heart.

Both saury and Chinese sturgeon are very rare and precious fishes. At least no one has caught saury in several nearby villages in the past year or two.

Chu Xian looked at the group of swordfish and hesitated for a moment. He looked around and found that no one could see them. He immediately took off his clothes and walked slowly towards the river.

"Become a fish!" Chu Xian thought, and in an instant, a scary black fish appeared in the water, splashing over the water and quickly heading towards the depths.

Under his control, more than a dozen swordfish swam to his side and followed him towards the depths.

"Ma Dan, the water in the Yangtze River now really smells bad, it's extremely polluted!" Chu Xian breathed the air in the Yangtze River with some displeasure. It was a little turbid and filthy, which made him feel uncomfortable!

Holding back the discomfort in his heart, Chu Xian swam inside.

Slowly, Chu Xian came to the center of the Yangtze River. There were more fish here, and occasionally he could encounter large carp and silver carp weighing twenty to thirty pounds.

However, he was not very interested in these fish and searched everywhere for swordfish and Chinese sturgeon.

After swimming aimlessly in the water for more than twenty minutes, I never encountered a swordfish again, which made me swish my tail in a speechless manner!

"It seems that I was just lucky enough to meet the Chinese sturgeon and saury!" Chu Xian thought in his heart, but he still felt a little unwilling. With a move in his heart, he immediately released his control over the saury following him.

The saury that was freed from its rule frantically ran away from Chu Xian as if encountering a natural enemy. More than a dozen saury fish quickly swam in one direction.

"Huh? Sure enough, there is something wrong. More than a dozen swordfish actually swam neatly in the same direction." Chu Xian looked at them and felt happy. He slowly followed behind, always keeping a distance of about fifteen meters. .

A dozen saury fishes were unaware that the big demon was following behind them, swimming towards the right and diving towards the bottom of the water!

Chu Xian followed curiously. About three minutes later, his black fish eyes suddenly widened. He looked at a huge creature in his sight, and his heart couldn't help but beat.

"A shipwreck, it turned out to be a shipwreck!" He couldn't help but open his mouth, staring dumbfounded at the decaying shipwreck in front of him. Around the shipwreck, he saw the familiar Chinese sturgeon and dozens of saury fish. Swimming around.

"Get rich, get rich!"

Chu Xian quickly swung his tail and swam to the side of the sunken ship at the fastest speed.

A dozen saury fishes ahead, who thought they had escaped the clutches of the devil, felt the surging water behind them and dispersed in panic.

"Rule, rule, rule!" Chu Xian quickly approached to exert his rule. At the same time, a coquettish divine fish swung its tail and swam within the range of dozens of other saury fish and Chinese sturgeons, ruling them all!

The Yangtze River has existed on the land of China since ancient times and has witnessed the growth of human beings. From ancient times to modern times, countless ships have flowed through the Yangtze River, and many ships have sunk in it. Even in modern times, some inevitable events still occurred A major shipwreck with thousands of casualties.

Chu Xian ruled the swordfish and Chinese sturgeon and approached the sunken ship curiously.

The ship was completely rotten. When Chu Xian lightly touched the wood on it, it tilted to the side. In a circle around the sunken ship, Chu Xian found that it was almost twenty meters long. He couldn't tell the specific age.

"Will there be any treasures?" Chu Xian found a location that looked like an entrance and swam towards it with some anticipation.

As soon as he entered it, he found several swordfish swimming leisurely inside. Chu Xian grinned and ruled directly. The space inside the sunken ship was not large. Half of it had sunk into the mud. There were some boxes inside. He swam over with eyes shining.

"Bump!" Chu Xian was now a little proud of the pliers on his head. The two pliers opened and easily opened the dilapidated wooden box.

"Um, clothes or silk?" Chu Xian looked at the black cloth-like object and tore it open in disappointment. Then he opened the remaining boxes. It was still this kind of thing. The only thing was that one of them could still be seen. It's red.

"No, this is an ordinary sunken ship!" Chu Xian reluctantly used his tail to dig into the soil.

"Huh? There's something!" Suddenly, Chu Xian felt something hard coming from his tail. He excitedly wrapped his body around it and pulled it out.

"Hold a straw!" Chu Xian was startled when he saw what he had pulled out, and quickly shook it away.

"Human bones, it's a shame." Chu Xian swam to the side unluckily, but when he glanced around, he found that the human bones were carrying something on their arms. After a moment of hesitation, he leaned over.

"A jade bracelet." Chu Xian looked at it and hesitated before taking it off. Of course, he didn't know how to wear it, so he sold it.

"A sunken ship can't just be a bracelet worn by a dead man! It should be full of gold, silver and various ancient porcelain, worth millions each." Chu Xian continued to dig at the sunken part with his tail unwillingly.

"Hey, there's another thing!" About five minutes later, a hard object touched his tail again.

"This is this?" What was dug out was a wooden box the size of a football. The wood was very hard and it should have been a good thing. Chu Xian did not open it and continued to dig around with a sense of expectation.

For half an hour, Chu Xian dug out three boxes in total, one of which was a long wooden box and the other two were square.

Feeling that the time was a little too late, Chu Xian stopped digging and brought the controlled swordfish and Chinese sturgeon to the shore.

Landing quietly, Chu Xian put on his clothes, looked at the huge Chinese sturgeon with curiosity, then touched its head and let him go!

Third update, please recommend me, there are still two fans left to reach 100, is there anyone cute

Note: In this article, there will generally not be any windfalls from the sky, nor will there be any outrageous things like going into the sea and encountering a sunken ship full of treasures~ But the readers must be handsome guys and beautiful girls~


(End of chapter)