I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 106: Life is going well


Name: Griffin Jones

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: [Protagonist: "Super Brain"]

Talent potential: Medicine (3 stars)

Special: None

Obsession: To stand out.

Favorability: 0

After returning home, Xia Xu glanced at the attribute panel that had been floating in his field of vision.

This is the attribute of the protagonist of "Super Brain". He can only be said to be mediocre, not as good as Catherine Acheson. After all, she is a serious young medical professor. Griffin Jones, looking at his miserable appearance, it is obvious that he is not a highly educated intellectual.

Of course, these are not important. After all, he is the protagonist of the plot and relies on cheats. The worse his life was before cheating, the more powerful the cheats are, and the more satisfying it is.

For Xia Xu, the only thing that really matters is Griffin Jones's fate as the protagonist, from which he gains some additional plot information.

"Super Brain": ... The down-and-out young man picked up the briefcase from the bench, opened it, and found a pack of unmarked white pills inside.

Looking at these pills and the double-sided tape remaining on the bag, young Griffin Jones quickly realized that these pills were most likely hidden there by someone.

Having had a painful experience, he soon realized that the mysteriously hidden pills were likely some kind of well-known contraband.

After a moment of panic and surprise, and after making sure that no one around noticed him, Griffin Jones quickly packed up his bag and left the scene, running all the way back to his rental house.

When he entered the door, he saw his girlfriend Mary, who seemed a little flustered, and his best friend Joel, who had come to visit him at some point in time.

But he didn't care about these things at the moment. He said hello perfunctorily and went back to his bedroom. With his heart pounding, he took out the big bag of white medicine from his briefcase again.

After hesitating for a moment, Griffin Jones scraped a small amount of powder from the white tablet and put it into his mouth.

The next moment, he was stunned, then confused, and finally ecstatic, and he swallowed the pill in his hand whole.

This was not the contraband he had guessed, but its value was even more crazy.

He could feel his brain becoming exceptionally clear, his thoughts becoming exceptionally fast and sharp, everything that flashed before his eyes was being recorded like taking a picture frame by frame, his dusty memories of the past were being recalled and called out at will like computer documents, and all his doubts were cleared up at once...

It took him two seconds to confirm that this was not an illusion.

It took a second for him to fall into ecstasy.

He spent another second reviewing his memories.

Then he couldn't laugh anymore.

Putting aside the past embarrassment and misery, and the unbearable memories, recent scenes flashed through my mind quickly, especially the scene when I just came back and walked in, which emerged frame by frame like a still photo.

The panic on his girlfriend Meili's face, the unrest that Joel tried hard to hide, the barely detectable lipstick mark at the corner of his mouth...

Some wrinkled clothes, a shirt button undone, a buttocks mark on the leather sofa that had obviously just been moved and had not yet fully rebounded...

There was also a square plastic bag with a circular protrusion on the coffee table, which only he noticed with his peripheral vision, and which his friend Joel covered with his foot as if he was not paying attention when he turned his eyes away...

He rushed out of the bedroom in a rage. The two people in the living room wanted to argue, but he, who was not good at speaking, used rigorous and fluent words and detailed evidence to scold them, leaving them speechless and leaving in shame.

He won, but it seemed like he didn't win. He sat on the sofa in a daze for a long time.

However, he soon realized the changes in himself. With his current state, he could succeed in anything and he would soon become a rich man and a genius that everyone would admire.

Compared to these, matters with girlfriends and friends don't seem that important.

A smile appeared on his face again, and the curve of his mouth became wider and wider.

Griffin Jones immediately began to teach himself economics and finance, and ambitiously started his own plan to get rich...

"This... poor baby."

After reading the plot unlocked from Griffin Jones, Xia Xu couldn't help but observe two seconds of silence out of pity.

Normally, the protagonist would have a counterattack after gaining the upper hand, but this poor kid was given a hat when he returned home.

However, if you think about the fact that this is an American-style plot, it seems easy to understand. This kind of cheating before stepping on it, and the friend putting a hat on the male protagonist Luther is simply a traditional art-level operation.

You don't have to guess what's going to happen next. It's definitely about Griffin Jones relying on brain-enhancing drugs to make a comeback and slap his friends and ex-girlfriend in the face. It's a bit disgusting, but it's a very normal routine in Hollywood blockbusters. Maybe his girlfriend will even return to his arms, and the two of them will put aside their past grudges and reconcile.

"But this medicine is much stronger than I thought..."

Xia Xu's attention quickly shifted to the pills in his pocket. He took out one and looked up.

The plot unlocked by Griffin Jones' fate seems to have no benefit at present. The only value is that it allows him to confirm that this pill is indeed the result of the super brain project and a drug that can enhance the brain.

Judging from the number of pills, this thing should be a drug similar to stimulants that only has a temporary effect.

He was not too surprised by this, but had already had some suspicions about it.

It's a very basic truth. The reason why hyperthymesia is defined as a disease is because it is uncontrollable. Having a photographic memory is a good thing, but having a photographic memory without the ability to choose it is a torture.

Therefore, this type of drug is either self-controlled or has a limited efficacy period, and is only effective for a period of time after taking the drug.

Compared with the latter, the former's effect of developing superpowers is obviously much more difficult to achieve. It is possible through genetic modification, but the difficulty is definitely beyond imagination, and using chemical drugs is even more wishful thinking.

However, the effect of this medicine is much stronger than he imagined.

Originally, he thought it would be great to have a photographic memory like hyperthymesia, but from the description mentioned in the plot synopsis, it is obviously more than that. This drug can also review past memories, enhance thinking speed and even observation ability.

"Griffin Jones, the main character, has taken it, so there shouldn't be too many side effects. Even if there are, they can definitely be resolved through subsequent plots..."

After hesitating for a moment while holding the pill, Xia Xu followed the instructions in the plot summary and scraped a little off the pill and put it into his mouth.

After all, this drug is given to the protagonist Griffin Jones, so it is impossible for it to have fatal effects such as death from toxicity. Even if there are side effects and defects, they can definitely be resolved through subsequent plots.