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Chapter 108: Brains and talent


People's desire for knowledge is innate.

At this moment, Xia Xu finally understood that the poor students did not dislike studying, but simply could not concentrate on learning because of the teaching method, psychological resistance, or difficulty in resisting temptation.

When learning becomes easy, when you really learn and understand it, this wonderful feeling is no less than being extremely addicted to the game, and it may even be more fulfilling and proud.

Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry, and even geography, history, and politics... all the textbooks for high school actually add up to only fifty-four. With the brain's overclocked memory, which can be called a scanning function, I memorized all of them in less than half an hour.

While memorizing, Xia Xu kept taking out snacks such as chocolate to replenish energy and sugar. Although it could not completely offset the consumption of the brain in an overclocked state, it also maintained some balance between supply and demand. After successfully memorizing all the textbooks in one breath, he still had some energy left and was still not satisfied.

"It will take time to fully understand and master it, but I will definitely have no problem taking the exam..."

After closing his eyes and sorting out and reviewing what he had just memorized, Xia Xu smiled with satisfaction.

The memory and understanding of knowledge are obviously not the same thing. Although the brain's overclocked state also greatly improves various aspects of performance such as thinking ability and information retrieval ability, it still takes time to understand and organize knowledge and turn it into one's own. It cannot be completed instantly like memory.

But it is more than enough to cope with exams. Exams are supposed to test things in the textbooks. Most of them test recitation and memory, and the rest are basically formulas and fixed question types.

"I don't know what the difference is between the brain overclocking state and those high-star talents..."

While the effect of the super brain potion he had just drunk had not yet worn off, Xia Xu had an idea and got up to go next door to look for Luo Hongyun.

Luo Hongyun has not done anything these days except taking his daughter to and from school and helping him with some chores. Most of the time he is doing "elderly rehabilitation training" at home. Although he didn't say anything after being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Colclough last time, he still felt a little unwilling in his heart.

"Aren't you supposed to go to class? Why are you back at this time?"

Luo Hongyun heard a knock on the door, and was a little surprised when he opened the door and saw Xia Xu.

"I came back temporarily."

Xia Xu glanced at Louise who was flipping through a book in the bedroom, and asked in confusion, "Didn't Louise go to class today either?"

"The school will be closed for one day today to allow parents to supervise and provide tutoring for review."

When Luo Hongyun heard Xia Xu mention this, his face suddenly fell.

This is simply bringing up something that is not related to the topic.

It was naturally good to get along with his well-behaved daughter, but if he had to add tutoring homework to the mix, it would be pure hell. With his strong body that had never had a cold, he always felt like he was going to have a heart attack or high blood pressure.

"I can't help you."

Xia Xu spread his hands.

He was unable to tutor primary school students even with his brain in overclocked mode.

Because this is not a question of IQ, but a question of logical thinking. Those messy questions can probably only be solved by elementary school students who have retained their childishness and happen to be indoctrinated with similar ideas. Adults have different brain circuits and are not on the same channel at all.

The logic of thinking depends on the growth process and world view, which cannot be changed by drugs. Everyone looks at things and thinks from different perspectives.

This is probably one of the differences between geniuses and ordinary people. A big man who often has to hold the coffin lid was hit on the head by an apple and what he gained was gravity, while an ordinary person only got a full stomach.

"You must have something to talk to me about, right?"

Luo Hongyun glanced at him unhappily and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I need to verify my idea, so I hope Uncle Luo can teach me some fighting techniques. Well, it would be best if Louise could come along as well."

Xia Xu pondered.

He came to Luo Hongyun to test how big the difference was between learning fighting with an overclocked brain and having a truly high-star fighting talent.

Louise happened to be at home. She happened to have a five-star fighting talent that had not yet been developed. Let her learn it as well. By comparing the two, she could more intuitively understand the difference and gap between pure "IQ" and talent.

"Louise together? Are you sure?"

After hearing this, Luo Hongyun was stunned for a moment.

Louise followed him when he taught before, but the little girl who inherited his talent perfectly hit Xia Xu hard, and the matter was not resolved until he found a school for Louise to study.

By the way, Louise was clever enough to secretly complain to him, claiming that Brother Xia Xu sent him to school out of revenge.

"Of course I am sure."

Xia Xu had already walked into the bedroom and picked up Louise: "Let's go, let's go exercise first, learn fighting skills, and then recite the lessons later."

"Very good!"

The little blonde girl cheered upon hearing this, and threw the book and pen in her hand directly onto the table, looking completely liberated.

"I still have to memorize it later."

Luo Hongyun naturally put himself in the position of the bad guy at this time, scolded him, and then led the two of them out to the open space where they usually trained.

"What do you want to learn?"

Standing in the open space, Luo Hongyun asked.

Xia Xu said, "Whatever, Uncle Luo, just do it as you like. You don't have to slow down."

"Then I'll teach you a set of Bajiquan first."

Upon hearing this, Luo Hongyun acted decisively and started practicing on the spot.

Sky-high palm, cross fist, ground-closing elbow, closed hand, lion's mouth, tiger climbing a mountain...

Even though it was just a drill, Luo Hongyun's every move was still fierce and fierce. His fists even made loud explosions and clothes fluttering when he swung them.

"Do you want me to slow down and do it again?"

After practicing a set of postures, Luo Hongyun stopped without blushing or panting.

"No, I've memorized it all."

Xia Xu grinned.

"Did you write it all down?"

Luo Hongyun was stunned, and then became suspicious.

Bajiquan as a martial art of the Xia country is fundamentally different from other fighting routines. The martial arts of the Xia country are famous for their complicated moves and routines. Even those that do not pursue fancy moves have a large number of technical changes. Just one set of moves is enough for people to learn for ten days to half a month.

It is absolutely outrageous to remember something completely after reading it once.

This has nothing to do with whether one is a genius or not. A genius can just pick it up quickly, but he can't remember everything after just one look. Besides, Xia Xu didn't show any special talent when he was studying before. At most, he was just slightly better than an average person.

"Really. I've got it all down."

Xia Xu didn't waste any words and started demonstrating with a smile.

His brain was still in overclocked mode, and Uncle Luo's demonstration just now became a high-frame-rate video in his eyes that he could watch at any time. He could easily call it up and copy it, and the movements looked exactly the same from the outside.

"Did you really remember it? When will you be able to remember everything you see?"

Luo Hongyun couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Xia Xu actually repeated it completely.

But that's all.

Xia Xu's movements were obviously very clumsy. He just memorized them but did not learn them.

Fighting skills require a lot of time to practice. Not only do you have to practice the moves until they become instinctive, but you also have to build up a strong enough physique. Otherwise, it's all just show.