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Chapter 110: Angry at their lack of resistance


"Uncle Luo, I still have to go to class, so I have to go first."

Faced with Louise crying her heart out, Xia Xu chose to flee without any loyalty and went back to school with Atuo.

As soon as I got into the taxi, the effect of the super brain potion gradually faded, and my brain, which had been consuming blood oxygen and blood sugar at a rapid rate, finally calmed down.

But what followed was a strong sense of emptiness and dejection.

It was like an omnipotent god being cast down to earth, or a free man being put in shackles and iron boots.

This feeling of weakness and confinement made Xia Xu almost subconsciously want to take out the SB-13. Halfway through his reach, he remembered that he had thrown all the pills away at home.

"fine… "

In an instant, he realized what he was doing, and was shocked but also somewhat relieved.

This is the addictive nature of the super brain drug.

No, to be precise it is not an addiction, but a kind of mental dependence, an instinct.

Having experienced the feeling of being omnipotent, no one will be content with being ordinary again.

Having experienced the feeling of freedom, no one wants to be shackled all the time.

This is a more terrifying form of dependence than pure drug addiction such as nicotine, because it almost relies solely on one's own mental will to fight against instinct and subconsciousness.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting to become stronger. If the super brain potion has no side effects, it would undoubtedly be a good thing to be able to maintain the brain in an overclocked state.

But the problem is that SB-13 has major flaws. Using it too much or taking it for a long time can cause brain damage or even brain death.

"It seems that this thing must be used less frequently. At least, it must not become a habit before the side effects are resolved."

Xia Xu was secretly alert.

Once you develop a habit and mental dependence, it will not be easy to get rid of it.

Fortunately, this is different from chemical addiction. Addiction mainly comes from habit and over-dependence. What just happened was just the gap between the brain overclocking and the recovery to normal and the mental fatigue caused by overuse of the brain. It can be controlled with a little awareness.

I quietly calmed down the slight discomfort in my heart along the way, and the taxi soon arrived at Xingcheng No. 3 Middle School.

When I left, it was during morning self-study, but when I came back, the second class was about to end.

Fortunately, skipping classes can be a big or small matter. To put it in a big way, it is skipping classes, and to put it in a small way, it can be just being late. It usually doesn’t cause any big problems, and only junior and senior high school students will think that this is a world-shattering thing.

The head teacher Liu Xiulan called him to the office and gave him a lecture. She also repeatedly promised him that he would get good grades in the monthly exam next Monday, and the matter was over.

After all, there was no way he could not go over there. He couldn't call his parents, and Liu Xiulan would probably be worried about stirring up his "sad memories".

As for the common threats such as notifying, criticizing, recording demerits, and keeping records, teachers generally will not go to this level unless they are disgusting scum with bad character who are deliberately targeted.

Thus, the peaceful day passed smoothly. Xia Xu spent the whole day digesting the high school knowledge and various fighting techniques that he had memorized when his brain was in an overclocked state.

It was not until after school in the evening that he walked towards Yang Bowen while thinking about the subsequent super brain plot.

In the past few days, Yang Bowen has quit his security job at Qingteng Primary School to keep an eye on Hovagnal. After finding Griffin Jones's residence this morning, Xia Xu asked Yang Bowen to change his target again, so now Yang Bowen is near Griffin Jones's residence.

"Old Yang, how is it, did you gain anything?"

When Xia Xu arrived at the neighborhood where Griffin Jones's rental house was located, he found Yang Bowen who was following him.

"No, he didn't go out all day today. He was flipping through books and opening web pages like a lunatic. He was also taking some pills, which might be some contraband."

At this time, Yang Bowen had actually rented a house in this community, in the building opposite Griffin Jones, and he had also obtained a telescope and a camera at some point, and was constantly monitoring and filming the building opposite. Xia Xu couldn't help but praise him for being more and more professional.

Xia Xu nodded slightly: "Don't worry about these for now. When you have time, learn a little about his personality and interpersonal relationships."

Yang Bowen chuckled, "I've checked. I heard that this guy was put on a hat by his girlfriend this morning, and the gossipy old lady next door saw it, so many people in the community were talking about it. I also asked around."


Xia Xu gave him a thumbs up.

“It should be.”

After successfully tracking down Hovagnal two days ago, Xia Xu gave him a bonus of 100,000 yuan in one go. Therefore, he has gained both spiritual and material benefits in doing this, and is naturally full of enthusiasm.

Yang Bowen nodded in response, and then he told the intelligence he had found out: "This guy is called Griffin Jones, he is from America. He couldn't make it in America, so he came to our country with his friends. He relied on his native language advantage and his knowledge of Chinese to get a job as an English tutor. But this foreigner has a disgusting character."

As he spoke, Yang Bowen seemed a little annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Xu asked doubtfully.

"I asked for his name and phone number, then checked his social media account, and used it to find some of his speeches..."

As Yang Bowen spoke, he took out his cell phone and pulled out some screenshots.

The screenshots are all English interfaces. Fortunately, Xia Xu is pretty good at this and has no difficulty reading.

Judging from the link category on the screenshot, it should be a post on a forum or something like that, and the subtitle reads 'Xiaguo Americans Exchange Meeting'.

"This is really a paradise. I never thought I could become a teacher one day. It's so amazing and ironic."

"I've discovered a brilliant trick. In Xia Country, you just need to pretend that you don't speak the language and there will always be idiots trying to help you. You can also use this trick when you encounter any criticism or accidents. Just pretend that you don't understand what they say and they won't cause trouble."

"These people are so stupid. Why don't they think about how it is possible that I, a teacher who teaches English to Chinese people, don't understand Chinese at all."

"If you want to come to Xia Country, come quickly. No matter who you are, once you come here, you are equivalent to an aristocrat. Just a word of praise can make them happy for the whole day. It's a pity that the self-media here is not well developed, otherwise I think I can get millions of fans by just recording a few videos of praise."

"I heard that studying here not only doesn't require any money, but you can also earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you can even get... Unfortunately, I have already graduated. It's such a pity. Why didn't I know this earlier?"

Looking at the comments and screenshots of the posts, Xia Xu instantly understood why Lao Yang was angry.

Looking at these remarks, I believe that any Xia countryman would feel angry, and the most annoying thing is... these are fucking facts.

Even compared to Lao Yang, he knows more since he came from Earth. According to the trend, these fucked up things will only increase, not decrease.

Being angry at their lack of fighting spirit and ashamed to be associated with them, all these emotions can easily make any normal Xia citizen's mentality explode.

"It's really disgusting. It's not worth getting angry at such a person."

Xia Xu also sighed after reading it.

Some weird consciousness is not something they can control.

"If I wasn't worried about affecting your plan, I would have reported this foreigner directly."

Yang Bowen was still a little depressed.