I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 111: Neighbor's Secret


As the old saying goes, a lack of patience can ruin great plans.

As the old saying goes, a real man does not fuss about trifles.

As the old saying goes...bullshit!

"Giving it away like this is a bit of a loss no matter how you think about it..."

Xia Xu was playing with a small matte USB flash drive in his hand.

After comforting Yang Bowen, he found that he was having trouble getting over the hurdle in his heart.

He did not hate foreigners and did not have any racial discrimination. He was still happy to be friends with normal people like Grant, even though they were a little talkative, a little thick-skinned, and a little self-righteous about being poor.

But people like Griffin Jones are a bit disgusting. Even if we put aside the insulting nature of his behavior, it is really hard for people to have a good impression of his two-faced, ungrateful and despicable character.

Originally, he came here intending to secretly give this USB drive, which might contain the experimental data of the Super Brain Project, to Griffin Jones.

After all, this guy is the protagonist and has a three-star medical talent. According to the plot, there should be a great chance that he can solve the side effects of the super brain potion and develop a perfect super brain potion.

But all this is based on following the original plot. After all, Griffin Jones' talent is only three-star medicine, not five-star medicine. Without the crucial super brain project experimental data, and even most of the super brain potions taken away by him, how could he research a perfect potion

Therefore, he has copied the contents of the USB drive and plans to give the original USB drive back to Griffin Jones, while he continues to stay behind the scenes and wait for his experiment to succeed before coming out to steal the deal.

If they really wanted to maximize their profits, they should have cooperated with Griffin Jones or simply hired him as a researcher.

But this would clearly equate him with the protagonist who stole the results of the Super Brain Project. If the Andra Group came to cause trouble, he would definitely be implicated as a collaborator, which would be inconsistent with his plan to temporarily hide behind the scenes and not confront Andra head-on.

Moreover, as the protagonist who has just obtained the plug-in, Griffin Jones is most likely in a state of overconfidence and extreme unwillingness for others to know his secrets. The probability of him agreeing to cooperation or even recruitment is obviously negligible and may even cause conflict.

It was unknown whether the perfect super-brain potion could be developed after such a major disruption to the plot, so he gave up these plans after careful consideration.

But now it seems that he is a little unhappy about giving away the USB drive for nothing.

He knows that a real man does not care about trivial matters.

He also knew that a lack of patience would ruin a great plan.

But the thoughts just don’t make sense.

I finally got a chance to live again, but now I have to compromise and endure such injustice for the sake of profit

He acts as if everyone is a cheating protagonist. He has the experimental data of the Super Brain Project, more SB-13, and even the magical skill of viewing the attribute panel. Can he be worse than Griffin Jones

If it really doesn't work, you can just do your own research. If you don't want to take the super brain potion, you can recruit high-star professionals to do it. With enough funds and talent, you will be able to figure it out one day. It's just a matter of time.

Of course, if possible, he would not want to go far away.

But there should at least be some benefit in this matter, right

For example, blackmailing Griffin Jones when he realizes that he has encountered a bottleneck in his research on the super brain potion

"No matter how the subsequent plot of Ultra Brain develops, one thing is for sure: the protagonist will not start researching how to make up for the defects of the potion right from the beginning. Let's wait and see for a while."

Xia Xu thought for a long time and finally made a decision. He put the USB flash drive he was playing with back into his pocket.

The plot of "Super Brain" is unlikely to let the protagonist study how to make up for the defects of the super brain potion right from the start. There must be a plot to demonstrate the powerful effect of the super brain potion and use it to assist the protagonist in rising and counterattacking.

This should actually be the main plot. The research on the super brain potion must be done after the protagonist has fully risen. It probably occupies very little space. After all, there is also the plot related to the killer Hovagnal and the client. The research and development can at most serve as a foreshadowing of a plot reversal or the ending.

So there is no rush to hand over the USB drive to Griffin Jones, and we can wait and see for a while.

"Old Yang, give me the telescope."

After putting away the USB drive, Xia reached out and took down the telescope that Yang Bowen was hanging around his neck, and looked far away at Griffin Jones's house across the street.

The only plot points he obtained from Griffin Jones's horoscope this morning were 'wearing a hat' and 'learning financial knowledge'. Now this part of the plot must have been passed. According to past experience, it is theoretically possible to see the subsequent part of the plot from the protagonist's horoscope.

The attribute viewing talent can only view people within the field of vision. It cannot be viewed if there is a wall or the distance is too far and the face is blurred. However, this is Xia Xu's first attempt to use a telescope.

Fortunately, this magical skill was powerful enough, and Griffin Jones's attribute panel was successfully opened through the telescope.

It's probably the same as wearing glasses? You can't wear glasses and then stop using the properties.

"Super Brain": ... After studying financial knowledge for a whole day without eating or sleeping, Griffin Jones had never experienced such a wonderful feeling, and he had never thought that learning could be so easy and wonderful.

But when he woke up from his concentrated study, symptoms such as hunger and anemia followed one after another. His forehead and even his entire brain felt hotter than ever before. He knew he could not go on and he needed to rest and replenish his food.

Just then, a neighbor opened the door and talked to the delivery man. Griffin Jones also got up and prepared to go out for dinner.

Pushing open the door, he saw the fat neighbor next door wearing glasses who was taking the takeaway from the delivery man and preparing to close the door. Griffin Jones, who was still under the effect of the drug, inadvertently glanced at the fat man with glasses, and also glanced at the slightly open door and the dim scene inside.

His photographic memory, superb information processing and retrieval abilities allowed him to instinctively review, observe and analyze all the details, and he soon discovered some anomalies.

The fat neighbor with glasses showed a slight sense of panic in his micro-expression, which seemed to be caused by his noticing that his gaze had moved over.

The other party is worried about what he saw...

From this, I guess the other party is hiding something, something important...

The panic was getting worse. It was obviously not because of social phobia, but because of the change in his sight. The thing he was hiding was in the room...

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and Griffin Jones's gaze finally moved to the open door and he could see the dim and blurry scene inside.


The fat neighbor with glasses slammed the door hastily and violently, but it was of no avail. Even with a quick glance, the scene in the room was imprinted in his mind exactly.

There was no light in the room, it was extremely dark. The only light source was a computer screen, and next to it was the computer workstation that he had built. The screen displayed a large number of surveillance images, and the scenes on the screen were all traffic surveillance.

"I seem to have discovered a little secret of yours."

Griffin Jones looked at his neighbor, the fat man with glasses, and smiled brightly: "Excuse me, what is the crime for hacking into the official traffic management system in your country?"

The new plot synopsis ends here.

"It seems that this neighbor is not only a hacker, but also an important supporting character."

Xia Xu naturally understood the reason for this situation.

This situation can only occur because of the lack of a key element, or to be more precise, the lack of a key supporting role in this scene.

Characters like those that are optional or not will not affect his inclusion in the plot summary. At most, they will be mentioned briefly without being detailed enough. Only those that occupy a certain role in a scene will be indispensable.

For example, Lin Zhengping, who was used as a foil and foreshadowing in the plot of "The Dying Man", would be impossible to see the relevant plot without him.

The same is true for the little fat neighbor here, who is at least involved in a core scene of the plot.

"A hacker who is in the hands of the protagonist... Haha, his skills shouldn't be that bad."