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Chapter 113: Two brain-filling freaks


"I'll give you a job, will you take it?"

Xia Xu had no idea that Meng Bochao had imagined a lot of things, so he simply stated his purpose directly.

"Can I... choose not to do it?"

Meng Bochao immediately became depressed upon hearing this.

As expected, this mysterious organization is trying to recruit me to join.

"Of course, but then I can only do my job."

Xia Xu smiled.

There was no threat in the smile, but given the context it naturally carried a threatening tone.

"Didn't you say you're not an official?"

Meng Bochao had a bitter face.

Xia Xu smiled and said, "Although I am not an official, I am a well-known defender of justice in the surrounding area. I cannot tolerate any grain of sand in my eyes. If I encounter any illegal or criminal behavior, I will naturally call the reporting hotline."

"That… "

Meng Bochao hesitated for a moment: "What about the salary? There must be a salary for the job, right?"

He actually understood that since the other party had come to him, he probably had no choice.

No matter whether the other party is an official or a mysterious organization with terrifying power, they will not allow him to refuse so easily.

Therefore, it seems that the only issue he can discuss now is the salary.

"The treatment..."

Xia Xu pondered for a moment and said, "The monthly salary is 10,000 yuan. This is the minimum salary if you don't work. The bonus for working is another matter, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. In addition, I will cover your father's medical expenses, and the perpetrator will also send someone to assist you in the investigation."

Ten thousand is the minimum wage, which is given for free when the soldiers are maintained for a thousand days. This is also the amount he offers to Lao Yang and Uncle Luo now. It cannot be said that they are absolutely fair, but at least they cannot exceed the amount.

The two issues of medical expenses and the perpetrator originated from Meng Bochao's obsession.

While they were talking, he had taken a quick look at the part of the plot that Meng Bo completed as a supporting character. It was actually just a common plot about winning over subordinates.

Meng Bochao is very talented in hacking and has learned some advanced techniques, but in reality he is more of a tech geek and does not usually use these techniques to make a profit or to invade randomly.

This time, his father was hit by a car and sent to the hospital. The perpetrator fled the scene. Meng Bochao wanted to take revenge on the perpetrator but was short of medical expenses, so he used his own technology to hack into the traffic management system.

The original plot of this scene was that Griffin Jones discovered Meng Bochao's hacking into the traffic control system, and with one hand holding his handle, he showed a very high "IQ", analyzed the hit-and-run incident and promised to help him track down the murderer.

With the combination of stick and carrot, Meng Bochao naturally agreed to work for Griffin Jones.

Although it seems only temporary based on the current plot, it is not difficult to guess what will happen next, and Griffin Jones will certainly not lack wealth as he rises.

Later, when Meng Bochao followed him and had no shortage of financial benefits, and with Shi En helping him find the culprit, the super brain potion, and his personal charm, it was only a matter of time before he completely surrendered to him.

Although Xia Xu's actions at this moment were not an exact imitation, they were similar in nature. Moreover, compared with Griffin Jones who threatened directly, his actions were much gentler. I believe that at least it will not be a problem to let Meng Bochao work temporarily.


As expected, Meng Bochao's originally dim eyes suddenly brightened after hearing this.

A monthly salary of 10,000 yuan may not sound like much, and may not even be considered a high salary among programmers.

But you have to know that this is a guaranteed salary. If you don't work, you get it for free. If you work, you can get bonuses of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Because he didn't use his hacking skills to make money before, and he was a relatively introverted otaku, he didn't actually have much income, otherwise he wouldn't be unable to even pay for his father's medical expenses.

This treatment right now is simply a pie in the sky for him, and it is almost like winning the lottery and getting rich overnight.

In addition, the two major things that he is most concerned about now, his father's medical expenses and finding the culprit, are also guaranteed to be resolved, completely relieving all his worries. This treatment can be said to be generous.

With this mysterious organization with unfathomable power and influence, wouldn't it be easy to pay for the medical expenses and catch a bastard who ran away from the scene? I'm afraid it's just a matter of a word to let that bastard feed the fish

"Welcome to the company?"

Xia Xu did not answer Meng Bochao's question, but just smiled and stretched out a hand.


Meng Bochao hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, looked determined, and reached out his hand to shake hands with Xia Xu.

"Then let's go. I'll take you to meet a colleague first."

Xia Xu chuckled and led Meng Bochao out the door to look for Yang Bowen.

"Um... what should I call you? Boss?"

Meng Bochao hurriedly followed with some nervousness.

"Call us boss. We are not gangsters. We are a legitimate company."

Xia Xu had never expected that this guy's imagination was even stronger than Yang Bowen's, so he was a little confused.

"Yes, yes, it's a legitimate company. I understand. I understand."

Meng Bochao immediately seemed to understand what he meant, which made Xia Xu feel that he looked somewhat familiar.

"Boss, how is it? Things..."

He came to the house rented by Yang Bowen in the building opposite, knocked on the door and waited for a while before Yang Bowen opened the door. He was about to ask how the matter was resolved, but when he saw Meng Bochao following behind him, he immediately stopped talking.

"Old Yang, this is Meng Bochao. He will be your colleague from now on. You are responsible for taking care of him, explaining work matters and so on. By the way, take him to the company to introduce himself to the world tomorrow."

Xia Xu introduced Yang Bowen and explained to Meng Bochao: "This is Yang Bowen, he is your senior. You two have a good connection in your names. You can call him Old Yang or Uncle Yang."

"Hello, Uncle Yang. I just joined our organization. You can just call me Xiao Meng or Bo Chao. Thank you for your guidance."

Faced with the "mysterious organization" that he had imagined, Meng Bochao did not dare to have any aggressive thoughts and respectfully called him "Uncle Yang".

Let Uncle Yang guide me = Uncle Yang is my superior.

Go to the company tomorrow to get acquainted = visit the organization’s secret base.

Yeah, nothing wrong.

"Okay, okay. Bochao, you are the boss's new recruit, right? What are you good at? Tracking? Surveillance? Analysis? Gathering intelligence?"

The "organization" mentioned by Meng Bochao unexpectedly hit the mark and touched Lao Yang's sore spot.

Although Xia Xu has been denying it, Lao Yang has always believed that his boss and company must have some kind of mysterious background and secret business ever since the last werewolf and Grant's fabricated "Werewolf Hunting Association".

At the very least it is an indisputable fact that he assisted in hunting werewolves. He saw it with his own eyes. This time it was a top professional killer or something. Ordinary consulting companies and detective companies cannot touch on this.

“Uh, Uncle Yang, I’m sorry, I’m not very good at these.

I only know hacking techniques, and at most I can help hack into electronic devices to gather intelligence, or locate someone else’s location through cell phone signals.”

The brain waves of the two people surprisingly matched each other. When Meng Bochao heard Lao Yang asking about these obviously improper skills, he was more convinced of the suspicion of this mysterious illegal organization and behaved very modestly and cautiously.

"Okay, that's great. I'm having a headache with not being able to handle the Internet and electronic devices. Every time I can only use stupid methods such as tracking and monitoring. With Bo Chao joining me, you will definitely be a great help."

After hearing Meng Bochao's introduction, Lao Yang slapped his thigh excitedly.

Although he has three high-star talents and has learned a lot about tracking and anti-tracking during this period, he obviously prefers to quietly track the target himself and conduct investigations and intelligence in person offline.

Other network tracking and electronic device monitoring are a bit difficult for him, a middle-aged uncle. This time, tracking down the public information of Griffin Jones's social account is almost the limit of what he can do.

However, Meng Bochao is good at this aspect. There is no doubt that the boss must have specially found him to cooperate with him. The strengths of both parties complement each other, and the cooperation is even more powerful.

"Okay, you guys get acquainted with each other and we'll meet at the company tomorrow to arrange other things."

Xia Xu was relieved to see that the two were getting along well. He chuckled, then took Atuo's hand and went home.