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Chapter 114: Go to company


"Uncle Yang, what does our organization's base look like? Is it a cool underground base?"

The next morning, Yang Bowen and Meng Bochao, who had agreed to go to the company together, met early and went to the store of Joyoung Comprehensive Consulting Company. On the way, Meng Bochao asked with a hint of excitement.

"Then you will be disappointed. It's just a small storefront."

Yang Bowen was speechless.

When it comes to imagination, he is somewhat inferior to Meng Bochao. After all, he is already middle-aged, while Meng Bochao is still a middle school student who loves to fantasize.

"Oh, I understand. A great man should hide in plain sight, right?"

Meng Bochao nodded in agreement and continued to ask curiously, "What do we usually do? Can you tell me a little bit? Of course, if you can't tell me, Uncle Yang will just pretend I didn't say anything."

"We are a consulting company. Apart from this, the boss may have some other industrial power. I am not too sure about the details."

Yang Bowen shook his head.

Although they have been together for a long time, he really can't see through his boss. The more he learns skills such as investigation and intelligence, the more mysterious his boss feels.

Was it true that the former me, now Meng Bochao, was really someone the boss met and recruited by coincidence

Why can the boss see their talent at a glance

Is this really the so-called detective skill

Or has the boss secretly already asked a terrifying intelligence organization to conduct an investigation, and has analyzed his talents clearly, even though he himself is not aware of them

Originally this was just a thought that occasionally flashed through my mind, but after communicating with Meng Bochao yesterday, this conjecture has become more and more intense.

What Xiao Meng did here is even more outrageous than what he did then. It was obvious that the boss got some news yesterday and decided to look for Xiao Meng on a whim, and the news was probably that Xiao Meng was invading the traffic management system.

Moreover, when he arrived at the door, the boss knew everything about Xiao Meng's purpose of hacking into the traffic control system and his father's car accident. It would be strange if there was not an incredibly efficient intelligence organization behind this.

Not only that, looking back in the past, the boss had shown that he knew Qian Chenghe, Zhang Jianmin and others very well. However, according to the situation at the time, he had just agreed to go to work, and the boss himself had to go to school. There was no way to explain it unless there was some other intelligence network.

The subsequent behavior of Zhang Jianmin and others, as well as Hovagnal whose identity was easily recognized two days ago, all seem to confirm this point.

"Consulting company? What exactly does it do? Uncle Yang, can you tell me about it?"

Meng Bochao continued to ask curiously.

"On the surface, it's similar to a detective agency or firm, but the business we undertake is more special."

At this point, Lao Yang also became excited, kept the question in suspense, and chuckled.

Meng Bochao, who was already daydreaming, hurriedly urged: "What special method? Uncle Yang, don't keep us in suspense."

"Do you believe there are werewolves in this world?"

Yang Bowen smiled mysteriously.


Meng Bochao was stunned, and looked at Yang Bowen suspiciously: "Uncle Yang, are you kidding me? Are there really werewolves and vampires in this world?"

In fact, he had tried his best to guess what this "mysterious organization" was, but at most it was a secretive terrorist organization, with some killers, mercenaries, hackers, and other miscellaneous things.

But when it comes to werewolves, that's a bit far-fetched.

Is it possible that supernatural phenomena really exist in this world

It's the 21st century now, we should believe in science.

"That can't be false."

Yang Bowen immediately became unhappy when he saw Meng Bochao's suspicious expression, and said, "Have you heard about the incident in Xingcheng a while ago where a stray dog attacked someone

The police have not been able to find the murderer, nor have they been able to extract DNA from the body. The only clue is that the wounds showed that it was a canine, and some experts speculated that it was a stray dog infected with rabies. "

"You mean those cases were committed by werewolves?"

Meng Bochao asked doubtfully.

In Xia Country, a murder case is no small incident. A while ago, there were incidents of people being killed by wild beasts one after another in Xingcheng, which caused a panic. Naturally, he had heard about it as he had been living in Xingcheng.

But it was too far-fetched to speculate that it was a werewolf, and it was impossible for him to believe it easily after living an "ordinary" life for 10 to 20 years.

"Of course it was done by a werewolf. I saw it with my own eyes."

Yang Bowen said unhappily, "Don't look at me like this, Uncle Yang. I personally led the Werewolf Hunting Association's hunter team to catch a werewolf roaming around Star City. We tortured them to find out their lair, and then our boss and the hunter team took them all away."

"Is this true? I always feel like you are fooling me, Uncle Yang."

Seeing that Yang Bowen spoke in a serious manner, Meng Bochao began to have doubts.

This organization does appear to be very mysterious and powerful. If they can access any secrets, they should be able to do so.

Am I really that ignorant? Are the werewolves and vampires in movies and cartoons not just made-up stories but actually exist in secret

"Don't even mention you. I wouldn't have believed it myself before I saw it with my own eyes. After all, ordinary people can't normally come into contact with these things."

Yang Bowen shook his head helplessly, gave up the idea of persuading Meng Bochao, and said: "Do your best. Our boss has a mysterious background. If you follow him, you will see the other side of this world sooner or later."

"Okay Uncle Yang, I will try my best."

Meng Bochao nodded solemnly.

In fact, he hoped that Uncle Yang was not joking.

After all, this is a werewolf. If werewolves can exist, there must be other supernatural powers.

At least there has to be a vampire, right? This is the classic rival of the werewolf.

If vampires exist, if you are bitten by a vampire, can you also become a vampire, master supernatural powers, and even become immortal

There is also the Werewolf Hunting Association that Uncle Yang mentioned. Hunters who can hunt werewolves should also have some kind of power, right? Superpowers? Martial arts? Magical fighting spirit

As a senior otaku, my daily hobbies and entertainments are novels and comics. I am looking forward to supernatural creatures and powers - or most people will get bored with ordinary and boring days, and look forward to these mysteries.

"Let's go, we're almost there."

Yang Bowen did not continue with this topic. He quickened his pace and soon arrived at Joyoung Comprehensive Consulting Company.

"This is..."

Looking at this simple and cool little shop, Meng Bochao was a little disappointed.

Although it may be that secret organizations need to consider secrecy and the like, this is too crude, isn't it

"This is the company. It's just a cover and a meeting place. We don't come here very often, so it's a bit shabby."

Yang Bowen also saw his disappointment and explained with a smile.