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Chapter 116: A real programmer


"What is this? A centipede toy?"

Yang Bowen and Meng Bochao both came closer to examine the mechanical centipede's spine with curiosity. Little White Flower didn't care about being afraid at this moment, and curiously poked her little head out from behind Xia Xu to look around.

"This is a piece of loot I got a few days ago. It's called the Mechanical Centipede Spine."

Xia Xu dragged Tang Youxin over with amusement and pressed her to sit on the chair next to him, then explained to the three of them.

"Centipede... Spine? It sounds like it has nothing to do with this. Boss, what is it used for?"

Meng Bochao was still a little nervous because he was new here, but Yang Bowen didn't have that concern and directly asked about his doubts.

"Centipede is just a description of its appearance. Weren't you scared just now? It's mainly because of its mechanical spine."

Xia Xu glanced at him speechlessly and said, "The mechanical centipede spine can be embedded in the back to act as an external spine. It should be able to act as an exoskeleton to share the pressure of the original spine and slightly enhance the body's pressure-bearing capacity.

In addition, it can bypass the body's protective mechanism and forcefully stimulate the muscles, gaining greater explosive power and speed of action, while also enabling some movements that cannot be performed under normal circumstances."

"Is this true? Doesn't that mean that if you put this thing on, you can become a superman?"

Yang Bowen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and Tang Youxin also looked curious.

"In theory, yes, but this only stimulates human potential. Everything still depends on the user's own physical fitness."

Xia Xu nodded slightly.

Uncle Luo is basically equivalent to the limit of the human body. Colclough can defeat Uncle Luo head-on after wearing the mechanical centipede spine, so he can barely be called a superman.

But all this is based on Colclough's already strong basic qualities.

The four-star fighting talent is naturally inferior to Uncle Luo's five-star, but in fact, Colclough, who has fully tapped his talent, has become one of the top few people in the field of close combat.

In addition, he has a four-star physical talent, which makes his physical fitness much stronger than normal. This allows him to temporarily burst out with strength that rivals Uncle Luo under the stimulation of the mechanical centipede.

At that time, Colclough actually took quite a lot of advantage. If Uncle Luo had not been worried about Louise's safety and in a hurry to go back, he would never have been suppressed so easily. If he had maneuvered with a little skill, Colclough would definitely be the first to collapse.

After all, the mechanical centipede spine only forcedly stimulates the muscles, which is not much different from stimulating potential or using stimulants. While bursting out stronger power, it also actually consumes physical strength and damages the body. It is different from Uncle Luo's real beast-level physique.


“It’s black technology!”

Listening to the conversation between Xia Xu and Yang Bowen, Meng Bochao's face was full of excitement and his heart was pounding.

A device that can increase strength? This is something that only appears in science fiction movies, right

In his opinion, this can actually be considered a kind of exoskeleton "armor".

The concept of exoskeleton does not actually refer specifically to "exoskeleton armor", but is relative to the endoskeleton.

The bones inside the body, like humans, are called endoskeleton. Humans rely on the bones inside the body to support themselves, disperse the pressure of body weight, etc.

In contrast, shrimps and crabs have no bones in their bodies and rely on external shells to support their bodies. This external shell is called the "exoskeleton."

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling this external mechanical spine an exoskeleton. Even if you insist on calling it exoskeleton armor, it can also be called exoskeleton armor. After all, the role of exoskeleton armor is nothing more than enhancing strength, load, and defense, and this mechanical centipede spine already accounts for two of these.

The most important thing is that this thing is obviously a black technology equipment that is difficult to make nowadays, or at least a secret military technology. It is said that many cutting-edge technologies are used for military purposes first, and are 10 to 20 years ahead of civilian technologies.

Now that this kind of black technology exists and his boss has obtained the finished product, does it mean that there are more unknown and hidden things in this world

Like a real exoskeleton? A robot

And the werewolf that Uncle Yang talked about so seriously before, could it be true too

Meng Bochao, who was still somewhat skeptical, became completely shaken after seeing the mechanical centipede, which was also something that could not appear in "reality".

"Bo Chao, this is what I want to give you. I snatched this thing from the enemy forces, so it is very likely that there are hidden doors or remote control positioning programs left behind."

Xia Xu also looked at Meng Bochao at this time and handed the mechanical centipede spine to him: "Try to hack into the control system of this thing and see if you can eliminate the hidden dangers."

"Okay, I'll try."

It was Meng Bochao’s first time coming into contact with this kind of high-tech stuff, and he wasn’t quite sure about it.

He responded weakly, took the mechanical centipede spine, and took out a notebook and some small tools from his computer bag to try it out.

But after checking carefully for a while, he found that he was worrying too much.

The mechanical centipede's power-enhancing effects might be high-tech, but its various other components are not.

The technological age is an era of win-win cooperation and resource integration. No high-tech product has all its parts produced by the manufacturer itself.

As small as battery cameras, even the plastic film outside the lithium battery, and the screws in certain special places, it is very likely that there are only a few manufacturers who can produce them. An inconspicuous electronic product contains a complete industrial chain and a large number of real overlords who are not well-known.

Especially for products such as computers and mobile phones, most manufacturers actually only do brand packaging and structural design. The internal parts are mostly purchased, and only a very small number of manufacturers have the R&D and production capabilities for the most core chips.

Although this mechanical centipede is relatively high-tech, it is not from outer space after all. Many of the components it uses are still products of major manufacturers. At most, they are high-end or upgraded and customized special models.

“Found it.”

After trying for more than an hour, Meng Bochao found a breakthrough through a hardware driver vulnerability, successfully established a wireless signal connection with the mechanical centipede spine, and began to try to reversely invade the control system.

"How's it going? Can you handle it?"

Xia Xu, who had been waiting out of boredom with his eyes closed to organize his memories from his senior high school textbooks, opened his eyes and leaned over.

"It should be possible, but this control system is specially made. I still need to do a lot of experiments, and many ready-made tools cannot be used. It will take some time to write it myself..."

Meng Bochao stared at the computer without blinking, with an extremely focused expression.

However, there is obviously no scene of typing codes and green strings flashing on the screen. This is just artistic processing and a means of pretending to be cool in front of newbies.

Fake programmer: his fingers move very fast, his code flows very smoothly, and he never makes any mistakes.

A real programmer: It takes him half a day to finish a sentence of code, searches a lot of pages, and even gets errors when running the code. When he looks back at the code, it seems like a mystery.


"Ah, this..."

Meng Bochao, who originally wanted to show off in front of his boss, turned green when he saw the BUG prompt that popped up mercilessly.






"I think I should think about hiring a new programmer now."

Xia Xu watched him make five or six mistakes in a row, and spent a long time trying to fix them, and couldn't help but utter a sound.