I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 117: Fake programmer


"No, boss. This is a normal and unavoidable situation. This is how coding works. It is impossible not to make mistakes."

After hearing what Xia Xu said, although he knew it was most likely a joke, Meng Bochao still became a little anxious.

Before, he might have been a little concerned about the regulations and his own safety, but after seeing the mechanical centipede spine and the werewolf that Uncle Yang said existed, he was unwilling to quit and leave.


Before Xia Xu could say anything, a soft rebuttal was heard beside him.

The other three people present were all grown men, so the only one who could have such a tone was undoubtedly Tang Youxin.

Just now, when Meng Bochao was trying to hack into the mechanical centipede's spine and write code, Xia Xu and Yang Bowen didn't have the patience to watch, but she was watching with great interest.

After hearing Meng Bochao's slightly rebuttal words to Xia Xu, Tang Youxin felt a little unhappy and confused for some reason.

She retorted subconsciously, then reacted and found that the three people were looking at her.

Fortunately, except for Meng Bochao, they were all familiar people. In addition, she was in a dilemma, so she could only muster up the courage to continue: "You just need to simulate it clearly in your mind before writing, and then concentrate on writing it out exactly as it is, without making any mistakes or omissions."


Meng Bochao was choked.

This is clearly something an amateur would say.

It's normal to simulate the general operating logic in your mind when typing code, but it's impossible to directly conceive of specific code or even the entire code.

And you need to concentrate to avoid mistakes... People are not robots, how can they be 100% focused all the time? When working for a long time, you will always make mistakes in writing commands or miss a few words, which is simply unavoidable.

Normally, a section of code is written first and then tested and revised repeatedly. He is also highly skilled and has clear ideas, so he confidently writes the whole thing in one go, and then slowly checks for errors and adds new features.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare to refute these words. Didn't he hear Uncle Yang say that this person was the boss's wife? If he dared to go against the boss's wife, it meant that he didn't want to do the job anymore. This basic emotional intelligence or IQ is something that everyone has.

"On line 284, it seems that your parameter type is wrong."

To Meng Bochao's surprise, when he was choked and speechless, Tang Youxin did not stop talking, but pointed at his laptop screen: "Then in this paragraph, the loop logic is wrong, and there is a sentence below that does not convert the base. You accidentally deleted the comment symbol in this part just now... and here, here, here..."

At first Meng Bochao thought Tang Youxin was just pointing randomly, but when he looked in the direction she wrote it, he found that she had actually made some mistakes. He quickly modified it and checked each one according to what Tang Youxin had said.

Then, he became confused, and became more and more confused.

All correct!

The 'proprietress' who obviously looked like a high school student seemed to be standing behind him and recording his mistakes in a small notebook. She pointed out dozens of errors and omissions as fluently as if she was reading out the names of dishes.

“This… this…”

Meng Bochao, who had thought Tang Youxin was an outsider just now, was completely dumbfounded.

"Youxin, have you been secretly reading programming books again? I've said that I've been concentrating on the college entrance examination recently."

At this time, Xia Xu also looked at Tang Youxin with a fierce face and knocked her on the head.


Little White Flower held her head in defense and said aggrievedly: "I didn't, I just watched him write the code and wrote it down."

"You learned hacking techniques just by watching?"

Xia Xu looked at her suspiciously.

Hacking skills are certainly not just about writing a program, but the program Meng Bochao is writing now is precisely for invading the control system of the mechanical centipede's spine. Since Xiao Baihua can understand it, she must have mastered certain hacking skills.

"I can't. I can just read what he wrote and understand what he wrote, just like reading an essay."

The little white flower lowered its head as if it had made a mistake, twisted its fingers and confessed honestly.

While Xia Xu was "interrogating" Tang Youxin, Meng Bochao also nudged the sleepy Yang Bowen not far away and quietly inquired: "Uncle Yang, what's the situation with the boss lady? Is she the master?"

"What master?"

Yang Bowen was awakened by the push and looked at Meng Bochao in confusion.

"The expert who discovered my hacking into the traffic control system yesterday."

Meng Bochao said.

His entire home is airtight and light-proof, and the hacking into the traffic control system yesterday was just a spur-of-the-moment decision. Even if Uncle Yang and the others happened to be nearby, they couldn't have suddenly known that he was hacking. So in the final analysis, someone must have discovered him and locked down his address.

So there must be an expert in the organization. The boss doesn't know about other industries, but there are only a few of them in this consulting company. In addition, based on the boss's wife's performance just now, he naturally suspected her.

"You're overthinking it."

Yang Bowen was completely speechless this time. He rolled his eyes and said, "Youxin is still in her senior year of high school. She just comes here to help clean the company on weekends."

Meng Bochao was stunned: "You've never learned computer programming or something like that?"

"She has barely touched a computer. She did read some programming books a while ago, but her boss stopped her after a few days and told her to focus on the college entrance exam."

Yang Bowen shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Because Xia Xu has been using the weekends to go out and do things recently, he rarely comes to the consulting company. On the contrary, he is here every day and meets Tang Youxin on Saturdays and Sundays, so naturally he has some understanding of her situation.

Given her family's situation, they definitely don't have a computer. They usually save on food, so naturally, it's even more impossible for them to spend money to go to places like Internet cafes.

"Uncle Yang, just tell me it's a secret. Otherwise, you can find a more reliable excuse instead of trying to trick me."

Meng Bochao complained unhappily.

Although I cannot confirm whether the boss lady is an "expert", judging from her performance just now, it is certain that she knows programming, and her level is probably not too low, otherwise she would not be able to fully understand the code.

What's more, he just pointed out a series of errors and omissions like reading out the names of dishes, which must mean that he has completely understood and comprehended what he wrote. Not only a bystander, but even he himself cannot do this.

It’s no joke that programmers don’t recognize the code they wrote the next day.

Any professional programmer will write a lot of comments next to the code when writing it, in order to prevent themselves from not understanding it later, or their colleagues who work with them from not understanding it.

Without comments, any section of code with loops or a lot of process control would take a lot of time to figure out and understand line by line. It would take ten days or half a month just to get into the initial familiarity of a project.