I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 122: Introducing my cousin?


"… "

Luo Hongyun's face darkened.

At first glance, Xia Xu's words sounded a bit far-fetched, but upon closer thought, they did seem to make sense.

External equipment really shouldn’t be counted above personal strength.

Since it is said that the battle will be conducted when the physical fitness is equal, then it should be truly equal.

The fact that Xia Xu has a mechanical centipede spine is Xia Xu's advantage. If he wants to win, he should show his own advantages rather than increasing his strength to the point of eliminating the opponent's advantages.

There is no denying that what he just used was indeed the power that Xia Xu demonstrated after putting on the mechanical centipede.

In fact, he had never thought of this at all. When Xia Xu said that they could only use the same strength, he naturally used it in comparison with him.

"How is it? Uncle Luo, did I win? You don't want to deny your debt, do you?"

Xia Xu smiled and squeezed.

"Okay, okay, I'll count you as the winner. We didn't bet on anything anyway, so there's no benefit for you if you win."

Luo Hongyun's face darkened and he shook his hands in disgust.

Xia Xu smiled and said, "Who said there is no benefit? I can brag about this for a year."

"It's okay for you to be happy, but don't take it seriously."

Seeing Xia Xu's arrogant look, Luo Hongyun couldn't help but frown and reminded him: "You can win this time based on the rules, but when the real fight starts, others won't talk to you about rules and fair duels."

"Don't worry, Uncle Luo, I was just joking. I have some self-awareness."

When Xia Xu heard Luo Hongyun talking about serious matters, he immediately restrained himself.

After the previous "competition" with Luo Hongyun, his physical strength was almost at its limit. After a few more words, he returned to his home, washed up, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Sunday.

Xia Xu did not go to the consulting company today. Meng Bochao and Yang Bowen just gave some brief instructions, asking them to keep an eye on Griffin Jones and asking Yang Bowen to help Meng Bochao investigate the person who hit his father.

On his side, he went to the hospital according to the address given by Meng Bochao and paid more than 100,000 yuan in medical expenses for Meng Bochao's father.

"This money is really not worth spending."

Looking at the balance of less than 100,000 yuan on his bank card, Xia Xu sighed.

The last time he bought Atuo, he received a reward of 280,000 for reporting the dog fighting arena, so he still had about 300,000 in scattered cash. But after giving Lao Yang a bonus of 100,000 and paying Meng Bochao's medical expenses, he was left with nothing in a blink of an eye.

The shares of Feizhou Studio must be cashed in as soon as possible, otherwise he might not be able to keep the business going and won’t even be able to pay the salaries and bonuses of Lao Yang and others.

"Mr. Xia, I have already made arrangements here. When will you arrive?"

As soon as I came out of the hospital, Hongbo called me.

In fact, Xia Xu had made appointments with several companies that were interested in Feizhou Studio today to discuss the sale of shares, so he asked Hong Bo to rent a commercial conference room in the nearby Tianhai Building in advance.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon, so go get some tea or something."

Xia Xu gave instructions and hailed a taxi to Tianhai Building.

There are still many people interested in the shares of Feizhou Studio. After all, as word of mouth spreads, this period is the time when "Wulin Painting Scroll" is at its peak. The reputation of "the light of domestic games" has been made, and the entire Feizhou Studio has also become popular.

Don't underestimate this name, as it means huge appeal among the domestic player community. Even if a reskinned game is released under the name of Feizhou Studio in the short term, it can still reap some profits.

What's more, the sales volume of Wulin Painting Scroll this week has exceeded 200,000, and the total sales volume has exceeded 500,000. According to the game pricing, a slight conversion can clearly estimate that the sales volume has reached about 35 million.

All this money is not yet distributed as dividends. It can be said that the shares in his hands can recover most of the cash flow within half a year at most. Even if there is a large premium, it will be pure profit in the future. For those capitals that are confident in their negotiation ability, this is a business that can make a lot of money.

But this would give Xia Xu a headache.

He met with several groups of people throughout the afternoon, and each of them tried to bite off a piece of meat from him. Some even offered prices that were lower than the expected dividends, saying that he must be in urgent need of money and that timely cash flow was valuable.

"Forget it, forget it. Let's find a professional to talk to later."

After being busy all day, Xia Xu was exhausted and chose to put it aside temporarily.

In the past, he had few opportunities to sit at the negotiation table and haggle with others. He could not compare with the professional negotiators from various investment institutions and large companies, and this kind of competition was really too torturous.

"Mr. Xia, are you looking for business negotiators?"

In the rented conference room, after seeing off the last wave of guests, Hong Bo looked at Xia Xu holding his forehead and sighing, and hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help but speak out.

"That's about right. Xinghai Venture Capital is just a new company I registered casually. It doesn't even have a makeshift team. I plan to hire a general manager to run it."

Xia Xu nodded slightly, then looked at Hong Bo's expression, vaguely understood what he might say, and asked: "Why? Did you have someone to introduce you?"

Hongbo nodded hesitantly and said, "I have a cousin who has a doctorate in finance and business administration..."

"Oh? Where?"

Xia Xu instantly became interested when he heard this: "You have a double doctorate but still don't have a job? Are you willing to come to me?"

"She has been studying abroad and recently said she wants to return to China to develop. As for whether she is willing to come to your place, Mr. Xia, I don't know. I can only ask for you or meet her."

Hong Bo said embarrassedly.

"It's okay. This is already a big help. When will she come back? Please make an appointment to meet her."

Xia Xu smiled.

College students may be everywhere nowadays, but the value of a doctorate degree is still very strong. Being able to achieve such an achievement at least proves that one's IQ and learning ability are not too low.

As for whether he really has the ability to be applied in practice, we will know when the time comes. It will be clear at a glance when the attribute panel is opened. If he has a three or four-star talent plus this luxurious academic record, then his ability will definitely not be bad. Otherwise, he is just talkative or a fake.


Hong Bo nodded solemnly.

Although there have been occasional fluctuations recently, his favorability towards Xia Xu has always remained above 90, so he is naturally concerned about this matter.

Xia Xu just wanted to give it a try and didn't take it too seriously. After talking with Hong Bo, he went home and fell asleep.

Today was much more tiring than the battle with Uncle Luo last night. He was completely exhausted by all those people's bickering.