I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 125: The butterfly effect


Although this monthly exam is a simulation of the college entrance examination, it is impossible to actually spend two or three days on the exam, so there are still differences in time arrangements.

After a short break of about twenty minutes, the second math test began immediately.

Unlike Chinese which tests memory purely, Xia Xu's speed in doing the questions was much slower this time. However, he had already memorized all the knowledge, formulas, solutions, etc. in his mind. After carefully examining the questions and calculating, it was not difficult for him to solve the questions. It was just a matter of time spent.

The morning's math exam was over, and next came the afternoon's liberal arts, science, and English exams. These were more memory-based and there was no suspense at all.

"How is it? Can you pass?"

After the exam and after school, Tang Youxin looked at Xia Xu who came to find her, feeling very nervous.

"You'll find out tomorrow."

Xia Xu kept it a secret and said with a smile: "Don't forget what you promised me."

"You have to score over 100 in Chinese."

Tang Youxin emphasized stubbornly.

"Hahaha, fine, 100 is 100. The answer will be revealed tomorrow."

Xia Xu chuckled to himself, and sent Xiao Baihua home on the way. Then, while it was still early, he went to Yang Bowen, Meng Bochao and the others for a walk.

The two are still in the community where Griffin Jones and Meng Bochao live.

Yesterday, Meng Bochao moved out of his original residence, but not out of the community. Instead, he moved to the house that Yang Bowen rented to monitor Griffin Jones.

At this time, most of the space in the room was used to accommodate Meng Bochao's workstation and various electronic equipment, and a large amount of video recordings and surveillance images were displayed on several screens.

"You guys made me almost think I was in the base of some underground organization."

Xia Xu pushed the door open and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He walked over to the two of them and asked casually, "How is it going? Any progress?"

"Boss, Griffin Jones was studying finance yesterday, and today he started trying to trade stocks..."

When he saw Xia Xu, Yang Bowen immediately stood up and reported Griffin Jones's movements over the past two days in detail.

"I'm asking about helping Bochao find the driver who caused the accident. Is there any progress?"

Xia Xu interrupted him.

Griffin Jones's movements in the past two days were actually well expected. There was nothing good to hear about them. The main reason why Yang Bowen continued to keep an eye on him was to be able to keep track of his movements and position at all times.

He came here today just to ask if Meng Bochao's matter had been settled.

In fact, he had already disrupted this part of the plot after he bypassed Griffin Jones and recruited Meng Bochao. Theoretically, the subsequent plot could be seen through the protagonist.

But I didn't have the time to take another look at Griffin Jones at that time, and the next day I was busy with the mechanical centipede and the company's shares and forgot about it.

The main reason is that the following part of the plot is completely predictable. It must be that the protagonist Griffin Jones uses the super brain potion and quickly learned financial knowledge to earn his first pot of gold and deal with his younger brother Meng Bochao. This is not very critical information for him.

The reason he came here this time was actually to see if the driver who caused the accident had been found. If not, he would use his ability to check attributes to look for clues in the original plot.

After all, it is a matter of winning people's hearts. If it is done early, Meng Bochao can work for him with peace of mind.

"Not yet. Xiao Meng has checked all the surveillance cameras at the scene of the incident these past two days. That place happens to be an empty section of road. I plan to go to the scene tomorrow to take a look."

Yang Bowen shook his head when he heard this.

"Boss, you have already solved my urgent problem by paying my father's medical expenses. There is no rush to find the culprit. Since Uncle Yang has something important to do, let's wait for him to finish his work."

Meng Bochao also expressed his gratitude.

Yesterday, Xia Xu got up early in the morning to pay his father's medical expenses. He has also received a notice from the hospital, so he has finally settled a big matter.

As for finding the culprit, although he was extremely angry, he was not so urgent to find the person immediately.

"The longer you delay something like this, the harder it will be to find clues."

Xia Xu shook his head and walked to the window as he spoke. He picked up the telescope that Yang Bowen had placed on the windowsill and looked across.

Directly across the street is Griffin Jones’ home.

At this moment, he was holding a notebook and concentrating on checking stocks. Next to him was a large glass of water. When Xia Xu looked over, he happened to see him throwing a white pill into the glass.

It seems that he also thought of the same method as Xia Xu, dissolving the pills in water and taking them in small amounts multiple times. This can reduce the efficacy of the drug to avoid excessive overclocking of the brain, and can also maximize the use of each SB-13.

"Using finance and news to short-term stock speculation..."

Xia Xu understood Griffin Jones's intention and smiled.

Griffin Jones does not have much talent in finance, and he cannot even reach the level of a one-star talent on the attribute panel. Even if he can take a large amount of super brain potions to quickly learn and understand financial knowledge, it is unknown how much he can bring into play.

He opened the attribute panel and took a look. The subsequent plot was exactly as he expected, about short-term stock speculation and Meng Bochao.

However, according to the original plot, Griffin Jones reached a temporary cooperation with Meng Bochao after self-studying financial knowledge. He used Meng Bochao's hacking and information retrieval capabilities to obtain various intelligence, and obtained several big data AIs for stock trading to perform calculations and predictions.

Now that he no longer has the information and technical support provided by Meng Bochao, it is unknown whether he can still be invincible in the stock market. If he is still victorious in the stock market, it can only be explained by the aura of the protagonist.

From now on, the plot of Super Brain has set off a huge butterfly effect.

Griffin Jones may still be able to accumulate wealth, but it probably won't be so smooth. In addition, with 70% of SB-13 and original experimental data missing, it is unclear whether he can complete drug optimization in the future.

"Perhaps we shouldn't pin our hopes on the so-called protagonist's halo..."

Xia Xu changed his mind a little.

The plot has now changed beyond all recognition, and it is too unreliable to pin hopes on the protagonist's halo or something.

It is true that the metaphysics of luck does exist and is fully reflected in Xiao Baihua, but the halo of the protagonist and the "must complete the plot" are obviously not things that exist, otherwise he would not have been able to get Zhang Jianmin from beginning to end.

With Griffin Jones' current performance, it is really difficult to replicate the original plot to research and perfect the super brain potion. Instead of doing so, it would be better to intercept all his opportunities in the plot and bring in a group of talents to conduct research himself.

It's all research anyway, and all kinds of factors are available. It can't be too far off. Griffin Jones has three stars in medicine, so he can also find another one. Catherine Acheson is a ready-made one, and she is even the assistant of the original researcher. If you don't count the halo of the protagonist, she should be more suitable than Griffin Jones in any way.

At worst he can look for a four-star or five-star hotel.