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Chapter 13: Bonus received


"It is not certain whether the plot will return to its original trajectory, so we cannot put all our hopes on Zhang Jianmin..."

After careful planning, Xia Xu decided to take a two-pronged approach.

After all, Zhang Jianmin is the protagonist of the plot. Even if he deviates from the original fate trajectory, he might form another similar plot. Moreover, there are still follow-up plots even if he doesn't encounter Gudao's plot, so we still have to find someone to keep an eye on him.

But he can't just hang himself on a tree. Maybe he can also try to find the old man at the construction site.

The plot summary does reveal a little information. Zhang Jianmin registered at a travel agency called Xieyou, and then wandered from the downtown area to a remote construction site where he met an old man who was selling antiques.

Using these, you should be able to confirm the approximate range. You can find the locations of each offline store of Xiyou Travel Agency through the official website of Xiyou Travel Agency or map software.

Combined with the information revealed in the plot description, Zhang Jianmin was wandering aimlessly, separated from the crowd and came to a remote construction site.

Since they are wandering, they must be walking and cannot run far, so the store they register for must meet the conditions of "being in an area with sufficient traffic" and "having a remote construction site nearby".

"In addition, people have their daily range of activities, and they will definitely adhere to the principle of doing things nearby. It is impossible to go far away and cause trouble..."

After finding an Internet cafe and turning on a computer, Xia Xu quickly found out the locations of all offline outlets of Xieyou Travel Agency in Xingcheng. He then compared the geographical conditions with the possible range of Zhang Jianmin's activities, and finally confirmed an area.

As expected and reasonable, this area is close to the area where gambling took place today.

Although many real estate projects there are still under development, some residential communities that have been developed in phases have already delivered houses, and small business districts are also operating nearby. In addition, if you walk towards the city, there is a large prosperous area. The prosperous areas surrounding the development zone all meet the screening criteria.

Moreover, the area near the residential complex where we gambled today is still under development. Bars, nightclubs, and even night markets like barbecue stalls basically don't open there. Even if there are, most people probably won't go there specially to patronize them.

The fact that Zhang Jianmin appeared there after being hungover proved that it was either the area where he lived and worked in his daily life, or that he often went there for some reason.

Upon hearing the tragic news and knowing that he would not live long, Xia Xu put himself in his own shoes and thought that his first thought would be to go home. Even if he wanted to get drunk, he would do it alone at home or with important relatives and friends.

Therefore, it can be basically confirmed that this is the area where Zhang Jianmin's home is located, or at least the area where his relatives or close friends are. If he wants to register with a travel agency at an offline store, he will definitely look for one nearby.

However, these areas are still quite large, and there are three stores of Xiyou Travel Agency. We can only confirm which one it is when we have time.

The next day, Monday.

Xia Xu arrived at school on time carrying his schoolbag.

I have to complain here that studying is really hard work. If you carry a bunch of textbooks in high school, it's like carrying bricks on a construction site.

The morning classes were basically peaceful. The only thing that made Xia Xu a little uncomfortable was that his classmates were stealing glances at him and whispering to him the whole morning.

As for the reason, he asked his deskmate Ma Bing and found out that it was about helping Tang Youxin find her wallet last Friday.

Zhuo Ren, who stole the money, was caught on the spot. This was real social death. At least he would be labeled a "thief" in this class from now on. Therefore, he naturally could not stay here and simply did not come to class today.

It is said that his parents completed the transfer procedures for him overnight, and he has now been transferred to another school. I don't know which well-informed person leaked the news.

However, the explosive topic of being caught stealing money still spread in the class. After all, most people saw it at that time.

The 'live audience' were now excitedly telling the story to those who had not seen it, usually their classmates. Occasionally, some of them were so excited that they looked proud of themselves, as if it was their own achievement or they had personally participated in it.

As the protagonist of the "thief" has left, Xia Xu, the other protagonist of the incident, has naturally become the only focus of attention. Whenever this matter is mentioned, people will point and glance over here. It can be said that this is also a disguised form of "fame" to some extent.

Of course, this was just a temporary novelty and it basically died down after a morning. However, at noon, Xia Xu received good news.

The reward for reporting gambling has been received, a total of 56,000 yuan. If you do the math, it means that nearly one million yuan of gambling money from Yao Dawu and his gang has been seized. The police called him and asked him to confirm whether the money has been received.

Xia Xu naturally received the remittance text message. After replying, he also inquired about the specific details of the case.

Yao Dawu will definitely be charged with the crime of organizing a group to gamble, but Xue Mingjie had already retired from the criminal world long ago and only participated in it under threat or coercion, so he did not commit the crime of gambling.

The same goes for Zhang Jianmin. Compared with gambling in a group, the definition of simple gambling crime is still relatively vague. Zhang Jianmin had never gambled before, let alone played cards in his daily life. He got involved in it on a whim this time because he was dying. He did not do it to win money or anything. Considering the special circumstances, it was not considered a gambling crime.

Xia Xu didn't know much about this and didn't care too much about it.

What concerned him the most, or rather, gave him a headache, was Zhang Jianmin's whereabouts.

After all, he was not a professional, and he didn't know much about the laws and procedures in this regard. According to his plan, Zhang Jianmin should be detained for investigation for at least a day or two. Letting him go so directly really caught him off guard.

Although it is speculated that Zhang Jianmin's residence may be in the construction site, trying to find it based on such a vague range is like looking for a needle in a haystack. When I tried to ask the police, I was told that they could not provide any information due to privacy issues.

"Forget it. If I win, I'm lucky. If I lose, I'll die. It's enough to earn fifty or sixty thousand. Besides, there should be some opportunities with the old man at the construction site..."

Xia Xu comforted himself in his heart.

But human greed is not so easy to calm and control. When you don’t have it, you want it, and after you get it, you want more. This is human nature.

Even though he had already earned a lot of money, and wasn't even sure if there would be any benefits to be gained from the plot of "The Dying Man", he was still filled with regret and unwillingness when he thought about missing out on such a cash cow like Zhang Jianmin.

However, the reality now is that Zhang Jianmin has disappeared, and no matter how unwilling you are, it is useless.

If we think rationally, even if we know where Zhang Jianmin is now, he is actually too busy to follow him all the time. It is only a matter of time before he loses his trace.

"I still have to hire someone to help. If there are plots for "Hunter" and "The Dying Man" in this world, there must be others. If you want to plan and arrange, there must be someone to keep an eye on the characters and the development of the plot..."

Xia Xu originally wanted to find the old man at the construction site first, but now he feels that finding manpower is also a top priority.