I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 134: Controlled release technology


Controlled release technology is actually a type of drug dosage form, and it is also the most special one.

It can be regarded as an upgraded version of sustained-release technology. Both of them reduce the release rate of drugs to maintain the duration of drug action and reduce toxic side effects.

But the difference is that the release of sustained-release technology is not at a constant rate. The drug release rate of sustained-release capsules will fluctuate, basically fast at first and then slow, and may also change due to various reasons.

The controlled-release tablet technology allows the drug to be released smoothly at a constant rate, with the amount of drug released per unit time remaining constant or fluctuating very slightly, and the duration can be longer, basically reaching more than 24 hours.

This means that for diseases such as high blood pressure, which require a continuous supply of medication to maintain blood pressure balance, it is sufficient to take only one pill a day using controlled-release tablet technology, avoiding the trouble of repeated medication.

At the same time, because the drug is released very slowly and steadily, it will actually reduce the toxic side effects of the drug in disguise. Many toxins can actually be metabolized slowly by the body, and most other side effects can also be adapted to and gradually recovered.

A smaller single dose will produce fewer side effects, and you will be able to adapt and recover. It is like the difference between slowly tasting liquor and drinking a pound of it in one gulp. It may seem like the same dose, but the side effects produced by different ways of taking it are very different.

The same applies to super brain potions.

The effect of him dissolving the super brain potion with water and taking it multiple times was actually very similar, which was to reduce the efficacy of a single dose. Taking it multiple times could maintain the brain overclocking for a longer period of time, and also reduce the amplitude of the overclocking by a lot by weakening the efficacy of the drug.

Therefore, it is only necessary to process the SB-13 pills into sustained-release tablets and controlled-release tablets, so as to omit the steps of melting and repeatedly drinking water and achieve long-term, low-amplitude brain overclocking.

Sustained-release tablets can basically last from a few hours to twelve hours, while controlled-release tablets can last for twenty-four hours without interruption. Only one tablet a day is needed to dilute the original one-hour overclocking time to a whole day.

Although the degree of brain overclocking is reduced, the application efficiency will definitely increase rather than decrease.

After all, no matter how fast people think and remember, it still takes time. Actions such as flipping through, recording, and moving also take time. No matter how high the overclocking intensity is, there is actually a huge waste of time. Two or three minutes of four or five-star overclocking is definitely not as good as twenty-four hours of one-star overclocking.

Moreover, no matter how much the human brain is overclocked, there is a limit. The closer to the limit, the more difficult it will be, and the more powerful the drugs needed. These are essentially inefficient and meaningless. The greater the overclocking, the greater the damage to the brain.

Another simple example is the very similar form of a mechanical centipede's spine squeezing muscle potential.

If Xia Xu exerted four or five times the force to fully exploit his muscle strength, he wouldn't know whether the other person would be killed with one punch, but he would definitely break his bones first.

But if you just maintain one or two times the normal force, it can support a short battle, and there will not be much impact on yourself except muscle soreness.

Therefore, if the side effects of the super brain potion are distributed, theoretically the effects can be reduced a lot.

Of course, this is only in theory. There are many factors involved. Technologies such as sustained-release tablets and sustained-release capsules should actually play a limited role.

After all, Aquamarine already has the technology for sustained-release tablets. If the side effects of the super brain drug were so easy to solve, they wouldn't be called side effects. The scientists who developed this thing would probably have directly come up with a sustained-release dosage form when making the test product.

The reason why this doesn't work is probably largely due to the non-constant release rate of the sustained-release technology. After all, the danger level of super brain drugs is incomparable to other drugs.

The result of the dosage being high or low is that the overclocking intensity is sometimes high and sometimes low. Not to mention the impact on the efficiency of thinking and learning, the damage to the brain alone is fatal.

Electronic devices cannot withstand repeated switching and voltage changes, let alone the more delicate and fragile brain of a living organism. If they dare to do this, they will either become a vegetable or have a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot.

However, the technology of controlled-release tablets is the key to solving this difficulty. Controlled-release tablets can release a fixed amount of drug at a constant rate per unit time.

Coupled with the duration of 24 hours, once it is produced, it is equivalent to that he only needs to take one super brain controlled-release tablet every day to obtain the efficacy of the diluted super brain medicine at all times, solidifying the brain overclocking state in himself around the clock.

Of course... it still has to be based on the premise of eliminating side effects. Vegetative state and Alzheimer's disease are still very deterrent to Xia Xu.

The addictiveness of super brain drugs is actually relatively easy to solve, because it is not a true drug addiction. It is just a mental dependence caused by being accustomed to the omnipotence of the brain in the overclocked state and being unable to accept the normal state.

This is just like asking people who are used to high-configuration mobile phones and computers to go back to using low-configuration outdated models that are extremely slow. The things that they used to enjoy and think were great become unacceptable garbage after they experience better ones.

Well, to put it in a more sophisticated way it could be 'I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light'.

This kind of mental dependence can obviously be controlled through willpower, and if it has no adverse effects on oneself, it actually makes no difference whether you are dependent on it or not.

Therefore, the main side effect of the super brain drug is essentially only one, which is damage to the brain.

Overclocking is a form of exploitation and overdraft. It is impossible to avoid damage at all. As long as it is in an overclocked state, damage will inevitably occur. Otherwise, the brain would not have evolved protective restrictions.

Controlled-release tablet technology can only minimize this kind of damage. The remaining minor damage is of course nothing to tissues and organs such as muscles, but it is still a huge hidden danger for the extremely delicate brain. Maybe we don’t have to worry about childhood dementia or middle-aged dementia, but if we eat too much, we are afraid that we will suffer from Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly.

But at least it can avoid high-risk situations such as burning the brain or cerebral hemorrhage. The controlled-release tablets are released slowly and steadily. Even if five or six tablets are taken in one breath, the intensity and load caused should not be higher than that of an ordinary pill now.

"So the question is, how do you make this thing?"

Xia Xu held his forehead with his hand.

The super brain potion is a good thing. It not only allows you to gain temporary memory ability like hyperthymesia, but also allows you to clearly recall past memories while your brain is in an overclocked state.

Through this memory review, he actually saw in his own memory a controlled-release tablet for treating high blood pressure that he had come into contact with before traveling through time. He even dug out from the depths of his memory the process of how this thing took effect and knew its internal structure.

The process of various pills disintegrating and releasing their drug ingredients is quite unique and has a unique aesthetic, so some people use it to shoot short videos such as time-lapse photography or high-speed photography, and he has also seen it before.

But this is just a vague memory from casually flipping through it, and seeing the internal structure does not mean that it can be easily produced. If it were so easy to imitate, this thing would not have been sold at such a high price, and Aquamarine would not have to resort to using sustained-release capsules for blood pressure drugs.

"It seems that we still need to rely on professionals..."

Xia Xu pondered it secretly, but wasn't too disappointed.

At the very least, there has been a breakthrough, and it is already a successful method that can be followed on Earth. There is no need to find top experts. Just find a group of one- or two-star medical talents and spend some time to research it.

Now, Griffin Jones, the protagonist of the super brain plot, is not even aware of the side effects of SB-13, but his wild approach has even thought of a solution to the side effects, which is already a huge success.

"From this point of view, Griffin Jones is less important. Although it would be better to get a super brain drug with no side effects, the controlled-release SB-13 is actually enough for me if it is a little more restrained..."

With the harvest of controlled-release tablets, Xia Xu, who had originally given up on maintaining the plot, became even more worried.

If we no longer have to worry about maintaining the plot and cultivating Griffin Jones as the protagonist, he should be able to gain a lot of benefits from the upcoming super brain plot.

First of all, it is foreseeable that there must be some medical-related resources that can assist in the research of super brain drugs. They may be a pharmaceutical researcher, a research team, or some assets and equipment.

Secondly, there should be some gains in terms of funds.

It is difficult to follow Griffin Jones's current short-term stock speculation, and there is no need to do so, because if he does not have the protagonist's luck, his stock speculation is not a sure thing.

Finance is indeed helpful for stock trading, but it is not that huge. Even if you have a PhD in finance, it is just that. Ultimately, what you need to look at is intelligence, funds, and risk hedging.

However, for Griffin Jones, stock trading should only be a way to make quick money in the short term and accumulate his first pot of gold.

As the protagonist on the "screen", simply speculating in stocks cannot reflect his ability and superiority. If the audience only sees this thing, the changes and benefits brought by the theme of super brain potion cannot be fully reflected. There must be more conflicting and dramatic commercial plots to be developed in the future.

These plots are his opportunities to gain benefits. By referring to the original plot, he can grasp the direction of events, and it is easy to use this to plan and intercept.

"It would be best if the original plot included a plot in which Griffin Jones founded a company, so that I could recruit a group of high-quality employees who are qualified to serve as the main character team..."

The overclocked brain state makes Xia Xu's thinking work very quickly, and he also understands his own needs very well.

What he urgently needs now is not the opportunity to make money, but a group of high-quality people who can build a company.

At the very least, he needs someone who is good at business negotiations to negotiate with those investment institutions to liquidate the shares of Feizhou Studio on his behalf. Otherwise, he won't even be able to run this small stall of Jiuyang Consulting Company.

I still have 50,000 or 60,000 yuan left in my pocket, which is not enough to give Meng Bochao a bonus at the end of the month.

"Come to think of it, Hong Bo said he wanted to introduce me to his cousin who has a doctorate, but why haven't I heard from her yet..."