I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 135: See also jump


No words were spoken that night.

Early the next morning, Xia Xu completed a round of morning exercises with Luo Hongyun as usual, and then washed up and prepared to go to school.

"Hello, is Luo Hongyun's home still here?"

Just as he reached the gate of the community, a red supercar stopped next to Xia Xu. The window slowly lowered, revealing the face of a white woman with dark blond curly hair.

She is very beautiful, but she seems to be quite old, and has a broad frame. Although she does not look fat overall, she has a strong feeling, giving people a strong sense of oppression as if facing a strong man.

"Yes, but he moved to a new house next door to mine. Do you need me to take you there?"

The blonde woman spoke in an awkward Xia Chinese dialect, but Xia Xu guessed her identity and replied directly in Russian.

What a coincidence! Last night they said someone would come to take care of Louise soon, and they arrived this morning.

"Thank you very much."

Hearing Xia Xu's words, the blonde woman suddenly became happy, but also a little confused: "But how do you know that I am from Bear Country?"

“I knew when I heard you were looking for Uncle Luo, he doesn’t usually have ladies visiting him. The only lady he often mentions is Louise’s mother, a lady of bear nationality.

I guess that's you, right?"

Xia Xu responded with a smile.

Uncle Luo, I can only help you up to this point.

"Are you his nephew?"

The blonde woman became even happier after hearing this, and her words became more friendly.

"Probably not, but I have a good relationship with him, and of course, the same with Louise."

As Xia Xu spoke, he turned around and led the blonde woman towards his home.

Halfway through, he also opened the blonde woman's attribute panel.

Name: Olivia

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: [Supporting role: "Night Owl"]

Talent potential: Fighting (4 stars); Thermal weapons (4 stars)

Special: None

Obsession: Louise.

Favorability: 60

"Sure enough, this family is full of monsters."

Looking at the blonde woman's attributes, Xia Xu's cheek twitched.

When did four- and five-star talents become commonplace

According to his guess, four stars are already the top few in the industry, and five stars are the limit of the species or even beyond the limit, which is not often seen. To be precise, it is difficult to find even three stars.

Of course, it is easier to understand if we consider the identity of this blonde woman.

Olivia, just as he guessed, was a name Uncle Luo had mentioned before. She was Louise's mother. Her nickname seemed to be Canary, and she should be a mercenary special forces soldier or something like that.

No wonder Louise's fighting talent is as high as five stars. With Uncle Luo who is a double five-star and a mother who is slightly inferior but also a double four-star, it would be difficult for her not to inherit this excellent bloodline.

“Aunt Olivia, Uncle Luo is inside, please go in by yourself, I have to go to school.”

After bringing Olivia to Luo Hongyun's doorstep, Xia Xu also got to know her on the way. After knocking on the door, he left.

Before leaving, he also took a look at the "Night Owl" plot line that was finally completed after Olivia showed up.

"Night Owl": ... After Olivia vented her anger, the two were finally able to sit down and talk calmly. While discussing how to find and rescue Louise, Luo Hongyun also learned from Olivia the reasons and consequences of those people kidnapping Louise.

Olivia is still investigating the specific situation, but the mastermind behind all this seems to be a powerful American pharmaceutical group that is hiding its power. They seem to be conducting a secret experiment called the Jump Project, and Louise is the target experiment subject they selected through the physical examination records...

"This Andra is really haunting me."

Xia Xu, who had vaguely guessed this before, sighed secretly.

Combined with some of the information he had previously obtained, this part of the plot supplemented by Olivia's fate was basically short of specifically stating that it was the Andra Group that was causing all this.

The origin of the super brain potion should be the Carroll Medical Laboratory where Katherine Acheson worked after leaving Johns Hopkins University. According to Grant's investigation, the Andra Group was the controller behind the Carroll Medical Laboratory.

Moreover, the jump plan has already been mentioned in the opening introduction of the plot of "Super Brain". In fact, the super brain plan is just a branch of the jump plan derived from an unexpected gain.

But... Andra targeted Louise through her medical examination records, which is a very valuable information.

The Andra Group's influence in the United States should have spread very widely in secret. Even if they don't control all medical institutions, they certainly have some. At the very least, they have cooperation and enough influence, so it is not difficult to retrieve the medical examination reports.

But since they targeted Louise through her medical examination report, they first ruled out factors such as interpersonal relationships as a motive for the kidnapping. They must have valued some special features of Louise's medical examination information that were different from ordinary people.

What's so special about Louise

Physical signs? Genes


Without much thought, Xia Xu quickly locked on the most likely option.

If there is anything special about Louise that is unprecedented and makes the Andra Group pursue her all the way to Xia Country, it is only her five-star fighting talent.

Talent may be related to special factors such as an individual's natural character, but one thing that is absolutely inseparable from it is genetic inheritance.

Louise has the same five-star fighting ability as her father, and this must be due to genetic factors.

Especially the fighting talent, which itself involves the innate physical fitness and training efficiency. This cannot be achieved simply by consciousness, but must be genetically inherited.

It doesn't mean that the descendants of those with five-star talents will definitely have five-star talents or similar low-star talents, but if their parents have such genetic genes, they will always have a greater probability of inheriting and expressing them than others.

"So... this so-called jump plan, could it be referring to improving talent? Is Andra trying to copy a high-star talent..."

Xia Xu suddenly understood the content of the so-called leap plan.

The plot of "Super Brain" begins by telling the origin of the Super Brain Project, but because the Super Brain Project was derived from the Jump Project, the first part of the description should be related to the Jump Project.

The paragraph begins by talking about "individual differences" and complaining that people are born unequal.

Isn’t talent the most obvious individual difference among humans

Uncle Luo, a double five-star being, was as fierce as a human-sized beast. He was the only one at the second-level life level. Apart from Uncle Luo, Xia Xu had never seen any other life that could reach this level.

Looking back at his one-star combat ability, even with the two high-tech plug-ins of super brain potion and mechanical centipede spine, they are not enough. If a real fight comes, he doubts he will be killed instantly within two moves.