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Chapter 137: The Forgotten Couple


An ordinary day passed in boring college entrance examination review.

In the evening, Xia Xu went to Meng Bochao's new home, which was the house that Yang Bowen rented to monitor Griffin Jones.

"I didn't have time to ask you before, how is the matter with the murderer being resolved?"

Xia Xu pushed the door open and walked in. Only then did he have time to ask the two about what happened yesterday.

"It's been resolved. I called the police myself and had him taken to the police station."

Meng Bochao said gratefully, and then excitedly said: "Boss, you are amazing! It really is that van, how did you do it!"

"How else can I do it? I've already told you everything. I calculated it. If you don't believe me, you can use the software I told you to calculate it."

Xia Xu shrugged slightly.

"What about Brother Dog? What's the situation with Brother Dog? He's so fierce, he's simply a super dog."

Meng Bochao asked excitedly.

Yang Bowen on the side also pricked up his ears quietly, obviously he was also very interested in this.

"Ato has been injected with a special enhancer, so his physical fitness is relatively strong."

Seeing how curious the two were, Xia Xu could only explain to them in silence.

He probably knew what the two would ask, so he blocked their mouths directly: "But you two can forget about this thing for the time being. It was developed by werewolves and can only be used by creatures with wolf genes. And I only got this one finished product."

After hearing this, it was impossible for the two of them not to be disappointed.

But Meng Bochao also keenly noticed a word used by his boss.


Does this mean we can count on it in the future

Will there be enhancers for humans in the future, and will people like me have the chance to be rewarded with these things

"Boss, are there really werewolves in this world? Are there also vampires and the like?"

Meng Bochao suppressed the urge to speed up his heart beat and continued to ask with some curiosity.

Although he had heard it from Uncle Yang more than once and had already believed it vaguely, it was the first time he heard his boss mention the creature called werewolf in person.

According to Uncle Yang, the boss's background is very mysterious. He must often deal with these special creatures and special groups in secret. Even the real business of the consulting company is this.

This means that the boss must be very clear about all this, and he really wants to learn more about this unknown "other world".

"Don't listen to Old Yang's nonsense. The so-called werewolves are just created by biotechnology. There should be no vampires, but there may be batmen."

Xia Xu was a little speechless, but still explained it briefly to Meng Bochao.

Just take this as a reminder that this world is indeed becoming more and more dangerous. You never know when some villains or special creatures will jump out, so they should be more careful.

After talking about werewolves, Xia Xu also asked about Griffin Jones's condition today.

Griffin Jones is still trading stocks today, and his luck and skills seem to be pretty good. He relies on solid financial knowledge and his overclocked brain to analyze and predict trends, buying and selling at a high frequency. Although there are gains and losses, he is still profitable overall.

After taking a brief look at Griffin Jones's attribute panel and finding that no new plot had been updated, Xia Xu stopped paying attention to it.

The recent period of time should be a process for him, the protagonist, to accumulate strength and develop. In the "movie", it may only be a few fleeting shots, but in reality it must be spent solidly.

Two weeks passed in a flash.

For nearly half a month, Xia Xu's life remained very regular. He exercised and attended classes as scheduled, and he made great progress both in his skills and knowledge.

But other than that, there hasn't been much progress.

It seemed as if his previous good luck had completely run out, and even the little white flower failed to perform well. Recently, he took the time to look for and even interviewed many people, hoping to find a manager for Xinghai Venture Capital, but the people he met were all unsatisfactory.

Xinghai Venture Capital is somewhat famous nowadays because of the exaggerated return on its investment in Feizhou Studio, but it is still completely incomparable with those truly old-fashioned investment institutions in terms of foundation and reputation. After several interviews on the weekend, I didn't even meet a single person with the talent of three stars.

It is easy to find mediocre people, but difficult to find good generals. After all, the most common people in this world are those who do nothing.

The doctoral cousin that Hongbo said he would introduce to me has never been met. According to Hongbo, it seems that she was delayed due to some things and has not been able to return to China for the time being.

This weekend, seeing that the funds he had on hand were dwindling, it would soon be time to pay the salaries of Meng Bochao and others at the end of the month.

Xia Xu had no choice but to temporarily put aside his recruitment plan and continue to negotiate with several institutions that had investment intentions.

The result is naturally nothing. Even if there is a clear intention and the negotiation can be successful, it will take time and effort. It cannot be finalized in one or two trips.

"Louise, why are you standing at the door again?"

In the evening, Xia Xu returned home exhausted, and saw little Loli Louise standing and wandering at the door of his house.

"Mom and Dad went out, and Louise opened the door and accidentally forgot to take the key."

Louise pursed her lips, her little face full of grievance.

"Then go sit at my place first and let Atuo play with you."

After hearing this, Xia Xu shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and he was a little used to it.

Compared to the misery he had been feeling recently, Uncle Luo was in high spirits after Olivia came.

After all, they both have a child, and Olivia, as a Chinese, is very proactive. Even if Uncle Luo is a straight man, he has to soften. Besides, Xia Xu knows very well that Uncle Luo is actually a bit secretly sultry.

So, it was natural for the two of them to lead a shameless life. Not only did his superiors never send him to be the leader of the special operations team, but Louise also suffered.

Whenever he was around, the two Wangzai couple would often leave Louise to his side and ask him to take care of her.

Xia Xu seriously suspected that if he didn't need to go to class and take care of company matters, and if Louise also needed to go to class during the day, these two people would probably really leave Louise with him around the clock.

Xia Xu didn't know whether to be happy that the two trusted him or to remain speechless.

Thanks to Louise's mother, Uncle Luo can now be considered to have a gigolo. Olivia has been an international mercenary for many years and has no shortage of money. It is more than enough for her to hire a nanny or something.

But now Louise has been targeted by Andra and has been kidnapped two or three times. How could the two of them be willing to hand Louise over to someone else at this time? They let him take care of her because they trust her enough. The two of them often go out not only for the sake of being together as a couple, but also for the purpose of investigating this matter.