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Chapter 138: Plot progression


The next day, Sunday.

Maintaining the habit of getting up early to exercise, Xia Xu washed up quickly and went out to join the morning exercise group.

As for why it is called a queue, it is naturally because of the growth of the morning exercise team.

Needless to say, Luo Hongyun and Olivia also have the habit of maintaining their peak physical fitness. Even little Louise, who doesn't have to go to school on weekends, followed behind, grunting, with a big wolf dog strolling beside them.

Fortunately, this community is sparsely populated, otherwise this huge and strange team would have attracted a lot of people's attention.


After finishing his morning exercise and taking a shower, Xia Xu's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Hongbo, what's up?"

Xia Xu took out his cell phone and glanced at it. The caller surprised him a little. It was not Yang Bowen, who he had been in contact with, but Hong Bo, who was still busy working on "Wulin Painting Scroll" at Feizhou Studio.

"Mr. Xia, my cousin said she will be back today and will get off the plane around noon. Do you want to meet today or make another appointment?"

Hong Bo's voice came from the phone, and he sounded quite relieved.

After all, he said last time that he would introduce his cousin to Xia Xu, but he has been standing down for nearly half a month.

"If you don't have to force it, it'd be best if you do it today. It happens to be the weekend. You know, I have classes from Monday to Friday."

Xia Xu also felt slightly refreshed after hearing Hong Bo's words.

With a double doctorate in business administration and finance, to be able to achieve such an achievement means one has talent and learning ability. It shouldn't be possible to reach this level just by studying hard. At least one must have a two or three star talent, right

The recent recruitment and negotiation have really confused me, and I don’t have the ambition to get a four-star or five-star rating anymore.

If Hong Bo's cousin had a three-star talent, even if Xinghai Venture Capital was not handed over to her for full management, she could be used temporarily. Being a small executive would always be more than enough to solve his urgent problem.

"No problem. I'll make an appointment for you, Mr. Xia, after your cousin gets off the plane. She's still on the plane now, and her phone is turned off."

Hongbo said happily.

"Okay, why don't you just come to my place at noon..."

Xia Xu discussed with Hong Bo and decided to let Hong Bo come first. Then they could just find a restaurant near the airport to have lunch. Anyway, her cousin would definitely need to find a place to eat after getting off the plane at noon.

Because of Hong Bo's call, Xia Xu, who had originally planned to go to the consulting company and visit the talent market nearby, had to cancel his original plan. He simply took this opportunity to relax a little and opened the Wulin Painting Scroll that he had been obsessed with for a whole day last time and continued to try it out.

"Mr. Xia."

Around 11 o'clock in the morning, Xia Xu went out to meet Hong Bo. He called a car and wanted to go directly to the airport to book a restaurant. Unexpectedly, Xia Xu's cell phone rang again as soon as he got in the car.

This time it was Yang Bowen who called.

"Boss, Griffin Jones is out."

As soon as the call was connected, Xia Xu perked up by Yang Bowen's words. He glanced at Hong Bo who was sitting next to him and hesitated whether to change the time to meet his cousin again.

Griffin Jones certainly hasn't been out of the house at all recently. After all, he always has to go out to buy things.

Moreover, during this period, this guy often guest-starred in the atmosphere group of the nearby Star 7 Chris, drinking coffee while trading stocks. He also changed his loser temperament to a suit and tie, which made him look quite stylish.

However, since Yang Bowen called him, it was certainly not without reason. There must be a reason, and this going out must not be part of his daily activities.

Griffin Jones suddenly broke his ten-day stock trading development time, which is likely to mean that there is new development in the plot.

Actually, the timing is almost right. Don't underestimate these ten days. With the help of the super brain potion, Griffin Jones has learned many skills and is doing well in the stock market. His current assets are probably more than one million.

That’s how finance works, you lose money quickly and make money quickly.

"Where did he go? Lao Yang, are you following him?"

Xia Xu didn't rush to make a decision, but asked Yang Bowen about the details.

"He is still in the car, and his destination should be the airport. I asked Bo Chao to check his recent social media information..."

Yang Bowen gave a brief report and also sent over some chat records and other information.

Griffin Jones's schedule has been rather dull lately, consisting mainly of self-study and stock trading.

Although he no longer has the technical support of the hacker master Meng Bochao, he has found another way.

Using the super-high IQ bonuses brought by the super brain state, he predicted the trend of the stock market and analyzed information such as the financial reports of various companies, while also showing his completely transformed knowledge and gradually fruitful stock market results.

Through this, he integrated into some high-end social circles related to stocks and finance, and obtained more informed and reliable information. In a disguised way, he barely made up for the loss of Meng Bochao. His achievements in the stock market became more and more fruitful, and he even gradually gained a little fame in the circle.

Of course, he was actually trading American stocks that he was more familiar with, and he also joined some relatively private and high-end group forums in the United States.

According to some social media speech records screened and sent by Yang Bowen, Griffin Jones seems to have met a woman who is very talented in finance in the past two days.

The other party is rather aloof, and only participates in some discussions on financial theory and occasionally analyzes the stock market, but these analyses are incredibly accurate, and many of his views and conclusions coincide with his.

What is Griffin Jones' personality like

The good-for-nothing counterattack has just been solved by a cheat, and it is a super brain potion that enhances the brain as if one is extraordinary and omnipotent after taking it. Recently, he has been smoothly gaining millions of assets, and coupled with his own personality, he is completely a standard Long Aotian template.

How could anyone agree with my prediction

How could you be so cold and indifferent to me

Oh, woman, you have piqued my interest.

Xia Xu guessed that Griffin Jones was probably in this state of mind.

Then yesterday he unexpectedly heard the other party say that he was from Xia and would return to Xia today.

Then everything went smoothly. Griffin Jones, who had now completed a counterattack and had a small fortune, was obviously interested. He stated that he was also in Xia Country and pestered the other party to meet him. When he found out that the other party was also in Star City, he was overjoyed and the other party reluctantly agreed.

"It looks like the plot has definitely been unfolding again..."

After reading the documents sent by Yang Bowen, Xia Xu quickly summarized the information and figured out the whole story.

Although he had ruined Meng Bochao's business before, that was just a side story. The recent plot mainly focused on the protagonist Griffin Jones making a fortune by speculating in stocks.

There is no way to interfere with this, so this part of the plot is still ongoing and we cannot see the subsequent plot. In the past few days, Xia Xu has been busy with his own things and has not checked his fate.

It now seems that in recent days, Griffin Jones, the protagonist of the super-brain plot, has successfully passed this development cycle and entered the next stage of a new plot.