I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 14: Finding talent


No matter how urgent it is to find someone, you have to wait until school is over. After answering the call from the police, Xia Xu packed a bowl of rice at the school gate and returned to the classroom.

It was lunch time, and the classroom became even quieter. To be precise, there was only one person in the classroom.

The entire classroom was empty, with only Tang Youxin still sitting in her seat, eating in small bites.

Maybe because there was no one else around, Tang Youxin didn't lie on the table to eat this time. She just looked sneaky as always. After taking a small bite, she would look back at the back door of the classroom like a thief.

Just then, she turned around and her eyes met Xia Xu's.


Just like being caught red-handed doing something bad, Tang Youxin was stunned, her expression and even the chewing movement in her mouth became frozen.

It took her a moment to react, and she hurriedly raised her food to Xia Xu: "I... I'm eating buns this time!"

"Why, you call this improving the food?"

Xia Xu was stunned for a moment before he realized what Tang Youxin meant, and felt a little amused.

Tang Youxin was afraid that he would force-feed her again, so she emphasized that she had already improved the food.

"Meat buns are delicious. I like them."

Tang Youxin thought Xia Xu was still not satisfied, so she became anxious and her face flushed.

"Okay, eat it if you like."

Xia Xu smiled and sat on the seat next to him to eat his meal. He also picked up a piece of pork ribs and passed it to him: "Here, have some braised pork ribs."

"don't want."

Tang Youxin dodged her head.

"Open your mouth, just one piece."

Xia Xu frowned.

"Then... just eat one piece."

After all, she had been fed spicy hot pot before, so Tang Youxin hesitated for a moment, but still ate it reluctantly.

Xia Xu did as he said and did not feed the fish anymore. He just focused on eating.

Many things are too much or too little.

Tang Youxin was just being frugal, she wasn't really starving to death. She obviously wasn't willing to accept charity and pity from others, nor was she at the point where she had to accept charity from others.

Feeding someone a little bit can be considered normal interaction between friends, sharing some snacks to taste them, but treating them to meals all day long will actually only backfire and hurt others.

Eating, taking a nap, and attending classes, a day's daily campus life passes by so dully.

While it was still early, Xia Xu found a small shop near the school gate, ate a few bites of dinner, and then rushed to the construction site development zone where he had been yesterday.

Last night he had already found three travel agencies near him. All that was left was to go and check on the spot to confirm the specific location where the old man on the construction site might appear.

And you'll happen to pass by a job market on the way, which should be open yet, so you can go and take a look.

After all, he is now a "boss" with 50,000 or 60,000 yuan in assets. He can still recruit someone seriously. The problem is whether there is anyone willing to do this kind of tracking and following work. Normal people probably won't be willing to do this kind of slightly gray job if they have a choice.

In addition, this kind of thing cannot be done well by just anyone. Reliability is one issue, and ability is also a problem. After all, it is a long-term tracking of someone, and it is a technical job to avoid being discovered and not lost.

Don’t think that it was so easy to follow Xue Mingjie last time, it was just because he was not alert. Following him once or twice is fine, but it is difficult not to be discovered if you follow him for a long time.

If you often appear in other people's sight, even if they don't notice it, their sixth sense will make them feel something is wrong.

However, this is not a big problem for Xia Xu. Anyway, he can check the attribute panel. At most, he can just spend some time to find someone with talents such as tracking and reconnaissance.

"Master, just stop at the door in front of here."

Riding on a motorcycle, Xia Xu asked the driver to drop him off at the entrance of a talent market.

There are several big words hanging on the door of Xingcheng Brilliant Human Resources Market. It is already five or six o'clock and close to closing time, but there are still crowds of people inside.

The reason why I came here specifically is naturally because the people here all have the desire to find a job.

Otherwise, if you just look for someone on the street, even if you find someone who meets your needs, they may not agree. Most of them have stable jobs and will not quit their jobs to earn a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars.

Not to mention that they are doing things like tracking and surveillance. Even if it is not illegal, who knows if they will be involved in some dangerous incident.

Name: Zhu Min

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: Unemployed vagrant (0 stars)

Talent potential: None

Special: None

Obsession: I don’t want to work.

Favorability: 0


Xia Xu naturally had no qualifications to set up a recruitment booth now, so he could only check the attributes of job seekers in the hall one by one. As a result, he failed as soon as he looked at the first one.

It's ridiculous to be a homeless person. No job in your whole life? This person is either a rich second generation or a second-rate person who lives off his parents.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple. If it doesn't work out, I can only find someone who is willing to do it for now..."

After checking a few more people, Xia Xu felt helpless.

Although everyone here is a job seeker with the intention of finding a job, it is still like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone who meets his needs among so many people. There are more than a thousand people crowded in this talent market alone. It is hard to say how long it will take to find someone one by one.

Moreover, most of the people here have mediocre attributes of one or two stars, and there are very few two stars.

After all, those with high education, high talent and other good conditions can naturally find jobs smoothly and do not need to crowd into the job market every day. Those who can come here every day are those who have difficulty finding jobs or recent graduates.

After staying in the job market for more than 40 minutes until it closed at 6:30, Xia Xu, who had gained nothing, left reluctantly with a dejected face like the other job seekers.

During these forty minutes, he had seen hundreds of people, including some with talents in tracking and investigation, but when he approached them with reasons like being a private detective, almost no one was willing to agree.

The first is the issue of professional orientation. Even if the term "private detective" sounds nice, it is illegal in China, and to be honest, there is not much of an audience for it.

It's not that there is no audience for the demand, but that there is no culture that respects professions like detectives. This is an extremely niche profession in China, or it can be said that it is not a profession at all, and it is shameful to talk about it.

Secondly, it might be his problem as the boss. He came in a hurry today without any preparation. He looked like a high school student and didn't even have time to change into his school uniform. At first glance, he looked unreliable. If people really asked him about the company's qualifications, he wouldn't be able to provide any.

But today we are just taking a look at the situation, and it will be the same if we come again tomorrow. Anyway, Zhang Jianmin’s trace has been lost and no other plots have been encountered, so it is not necessary to be so anxious as to find someone today.

"Master, let's go to Times Garden, and please stop at these two places on the way..."

The job market was closing time, so he could only wait until tomorrow. After coming out, Xia Xu hailed a taxi and drove straight to the next destination.

Shidai Jingyuan is the residential area where Xue Mingjie and his friends gambled yesterday.

There are a total of three travel agencies in the area he speculated yesterday. If he checks them one by one, he should be able to find the old man on the construction site mentioned in the plot of "The Dying Man".