I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 140: To promote, first suppress


A passenger plane landed on time.

As people came out of the cabin, Griffin Jones waited with a plastic sign, his eyes constantly scanning the women leaving the cabin.

Holding a sign with your name on it to meet someone at the airport is the easiest way to receive a stranger you have never met before. The sign he was holding at this time was just like that, with three big characters "Chen Leyao" written on it.

It didn't take long before his pick-up sign attracted a woman with a suitcase to walk towards him.

At this moment, not only was he looking at the woman, but all the men around him also glanced over involuntarily.

"What a nice view… "

Griffin Jones couldn't help but look a little dazed for a moment.

If he had not been in the state of taking the genius drug at this moment, he suspected that he might have revealed some gestures that would extremely affect the first impression.

The Xia woman walking towards me was really too beautiful.

She was wearing an ordinary black dress and glasses. Her outfit was very ordinary, even a little cold and rustic.

But these things have lost what they should have in this woman.

There is no other reason, it’s because this woman’s face is so charming.

Although he had an expressionless face and was wearing old-fashioned glasses, this look that was supposed to create a serious look was completely destroyed by those fox-like and charming eyes.

If anyone has actually seen a fox, especially a white fox, he or she will be able to understand why the Xia people described some of the more charming people as "fox charmers". Such a pair of eyes, even if they are on a wild beast, can make people feel extremely charming.

At this moment, this pair of eyes like spring water are truly on the face of a peerless beauty. Coupled with her explosive figure that is also in line with her temperament and cannot be concealed by a simple black dress, she will be the focus of attention wherever she goes.

Even this ascetic attire that seems to be intended to cover up one's charm is completely counterproductive. No matter how serious the dress is, it does not make people look serious at all. Instead, it arouses people's desire to conquer, and they think of indecent things like classroom teachers.

"Hello, you are Ms. Chen Leyao, right?"

Fortunately, the drugs enhanced his thinking speed and gave him enough time to react. Griffin Jones managed to avoid making a fool of himself. After Chen Leyao stood in front of him, he greeted her with a gentlemanly smile.

"I thought you were from Xia country."

Chen Leyao nodded slightly and looked at Griffin Jones again.

She and this person had only met by chance and chatted for a while on the Internet in recent days. She never expected that the other party saw her news that she was returning to China and claimed that he wanted to discuss some cooperation. He happened to be in Xingcheng, so she reluctantly agreed to meet him.

I originally thought he was a financial practitioner from my hometown or something, and it was normal for him to have an English name on the Internet, but I didn't expect that he was actually a foreigner.

"Ms. Chen, as a senior intellectual, shouldn't you have prejudices against people based on nationality?"

Griffin Jones asked back with a calm smile, and then said, "I have actually been in Xia Country for a long time. I really like the food and culture here. I have even been engaged in education here before. If nothing unexpected happens, I will probably stay here for the rest of my life. I think it will be no problem for you to regard me as half Xia Countryman."

In the second half, he used pure Xia Mandarin.

This was obviously not difficult for him who had the super brain potion. What's more, he used to be a foreign teacher in an English cram school, and Xia Guoyu was actually very good.

He was very good at using this advantage and knew what language to use in different situations. Speaking Xia Guoyu at this moment was undoubtedly a great move to win the other party's favor.

"Okay, you said you wanted to discuss something with me, can you tell me now?"

Chen Leyao did not dwell on this matter and went straight to the point.

"Ms. Chen, you are returning to China after completing your studies. I believe you are planning to make a big career, right? Have you chosen a company to work for?"

Griffin Jones saw Chen Leyao's expression and knew that she probably didn't like nonsense and politeness, so he simply stated his purpose directly: "After discussing with you, Ms. Chen, these few days, I deeply felt your talent, so I really want to invite you to join my investment company."

"I know nothing about you and your investment company right now, so I'm sorry I can't give you any response, but you can tell me the name of the company, and I will learn more about it and seriously consider it when I go back."

Chen Leyao shook her head slightly and only spoke in formal terms.

With her brilliant resume, although she has no actual employment experience, it is relatively easy for her to obtain middle-level positions in some companies. Many companies have invited her. If her appearance is a special factor, she will attract even more sharks.

A wise bird chooses the right tree to roost in. Most people look for jobs, but for top talents like her, it is more about choosing the right boss for themselves.

Just like a good minister in ancient times choosing his master, she is qualified to make a truly two-way choice and is also experienced in dealing with such matters.

"The company's name is Tianshen Investment, but it has not yet been registered. Yes, it is a new company and a brand new platform..."

Griffin Jones was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he introduced himself confidently, looking like he was ready to talk.

"What about the registered capital? I mean the actual amount."

Chen Leyao would naturally not be impressed by such simple promises and directly asked the crucial point.

"Well… "

Griffin Jones froze for a moment, but he still managed to react with his quick thinking. He said, "I only have about a million dollars at the moment, but I can multiply it dozens of times in a month at most."

As if to strengthen his persuasiveness, he continued, "I wonder if Miss Chen Leyao has heard of a relatively well-known venture capital firm in Xingcheng recently. Their total registered capital is only 500,000, but they have multiplied the funds by more than a hundred times through a single investment."

"Does Xinghai Venture Capital's investment have anything to do with you?"

Chen Leyao was surprised when she heard this, and finally looked Griffin Jones in the face.

Griffin Jones paused for a moment and said, "No, but I can also make this kind of investment, and I am confident that I can do better."

"Mr. Griffin, I have to say you are a confident orator."

Chen Leyao gave him a strange look, feeling quite amused and helpless.

"I know, Ms. Chen, you probably doubt what I said, and even think that I am too conceited and delusional, but that is not the case. Just give me a little time and I can prove it..."

Griffin Jones was certainly not being stupid. In fact, Chen Leyao's reaction was exactly what he wanted and what he did intentionally.

To praise, you must first criticize.

Now this woman might think that he is so conceited that he is stupid, but when he shows her the magic of the 'genius drug', or at least lets her try taking it, she will definitely be amazed and understand who is the real fool.

Knowing how powerful he is in this state, she should naturally know how bright the future of his Tianshen Venture Capital is. Whether for the sake of wealth prospects or academic research, she should not mind working in his company.

After all, it's work no matter where you are, right? She was planning to look for a job anyway.


Griffin Jones smiled confidently and was about to continue speaking when Chen Leyao's phone happened to ring.