I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 15: Don't even think about it


"That should be it. Does an old man who comes out to fool people still insist on working from nine to five?"

It was quite easy to find the travel agency's offline sites, after all, they were accurately marked on the official website. Although the stores were as small as fly-infested restaurants, their green colored light signs were very conspicuous in the night.

However, finding the old man at the construction site was not so easy. After checking the terrain around the three travel agencies one by one, Xia Xu barely confirmed the place where the old man was most likely to appear, but the surroundings were empty and dark, without any human figure. Only a few lights were on in the construction site next to it.

The surrounding area is remote, there are no street lights at night, let alone night markets. It is normal that the old man from the construction site does not come out, and Xia Xu did not think much of it at first.

However, for three consecutive days, I took time out to take a walk around every day at noon, but still found nothing. I didn't meet the old man at the construction site, I didn't find Zhang Jianmin, and even the right person to follow me didn't meet anyone.

"That shouldn't be the case. Did I go to the wrong place? Or is it really just a coincidence that the old man at the construction site started selling when Zhang Jianmin arrived?"

Xia Xu couldn't help but begin to doubt his own judgment.

The plot of the old man on the construction site in "The Dying Man" may not have begun yet, but this is a real world after all. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the old man on the construction site to start selling antiques just when Zhang Jianmin passed by. He must have been there a while in advance or even on a daily basis.

If that was the case, regardless of whether the plot had progressed to that point or not, as long as he found the place he should be able to meet the old man at the construction site. However, he had almost wandered around the area in the past few days, not to mention the old man, he hadn't even seen a few human figures.

On Friday, Xia Xu, who had hurriedly run to the construction site to look for the old man at noon and hurried back to take a lunch break for several days in a row, and had not even had a proper meal, finally stopped.

Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend, and I have two days to search all day, so I don't mind a lunch break.

"Here, have a piece."

After packing a bowl of braised pork rice and returning to the classroom, Xia Xu began to feed the little white flower again.


Tang Youxin seemed to be used to it. She just looked around cautiously, and when she found that there was no one else in the classroom, she leaned over and took a bite of the braised pork handed to her by Xia Xu.

After making money, Xia Xu naturally would not treat himself badly. There were not many pieces of braised pork in the rice, but they were cut into relatively large pieces.

After she stuffed it in one bite, her cheeks bulged out noticeably, like a hamster with its mouth full of food, and a hint of happiness and satisfaction appeared on her face.

She must like eating meat very much.

According to Xia Xu's observations over the past few days, Tang Youxin would only unconsciously reveal this look of satisfaction when eating meat, and her eyes would bend into crescent shapes.

"Do you want to make money?"

After completing a feeding, Xia Xu suddenly had an idea.

"I want to! Do you have a part-time job?"

When Tang Youxin heard this, her eyes suddenly became bright and she nodded rapidly.

After all, her obsession clearly shows that she wants to make a lot of money.

The more you experience poverty, the more you desire wealth. This is human nature. In this situation, it is even more valuable to be able to stick to your heart and self-esteem.

"Here, this is what I earned last weekend."

Xia Xu did not answer directly. Instead, he took out his mobile phone, opened the text message page, shook it towards her, and then handed it to her for her to look at.

The SMS app suddenly froze on the previous bank deposit SMS.

"One... Tens... Hundreds... Thousands... Tens of thousands..."

Tang Youxin seemed stunned. She counted the digits of the amount quietly, widened her eyes, and said blankly, "Five... fifty thousand? How did you make that?"

More than 50,000 yuan, which is definitely a huge sum of money for any person of the same age.

Is this what Xia Xu earned? And he only spent one weekend

Her first reaction was surprise, and her second was suspicion about the source of the money.

After all, given Xia Xu's situation, it is impossible for him to earn so much money at once, and he may not even be able to come up with so much money.

"Don't think too much. I earned this legally. It's a bonus from the police. There's no other way to make money that's more legitimate than this."

Xia Xu smiled slightly, and then said: "I have no other intention in showing you this, just to prove my financial strength first, I want you to..."

"Don't even think about it! Give up on this idea!"

Tang Youxin obviously had the wrong idea. Before Xia Xu could finish speaking, her face turned red, then pale. She interrupted Xia Xu angrily and aggrievedly.

Although he didn't open her attribute panel, Xia Xu seemed to have seen that her favorability had risen to the bottom at this moment.

"What are you thinking about? Keep your thoughts pure."

Xia Xuqu tapped Tang Youxin's forehead with his curved finger and said with a smile, "I want to hire you to help me as an employee. I showed you the deposit message to prove that I have the financial strength. Otherwise, would you believe that a poor student of the same age as me can hire someone to work for me?"

In addition to looking for the old man at the construction site these days, he has also been looking for people with tracking talents in the talent market, and he checks the attributes of hundreds of people every day.

But the more people saw it, the more he understood the value of Tang Youxin's five-star destiny and talent. Not to mention the destiny, he had never seen anyone else with five-star talent.

No, it should be said that there are not even four stars. Even those with three-star talent are one in a thousand. Most people have one or two-star talent, or even no talent at all.

Tang Youxin's five-star programming talent is definitely at the level of a gifted child of heaven. Even the protagonists like Zhang Jianmin would probably find it difficult to have this level of talent.

After all, this is the real world, and talent doesn’t matter whether you are the protagonist or the supporting role.

Those with extraordinary talents or fate are not necessarily the characters in the plot, but the industry elites in all walks of life, the wealthy businessmen who dominate the business world, the high-ranking officials who govern the world, and the trendsetters of each era.

If Xia Xu wants to start a company and make money in the future, he will inevitably need high-end talents. After realizing the difficulty of finding suitable people these days, he naturally pays more attention to Tang Youxin's programming talent.

The current Xia country is very similar to the Earth but is a few years behind. With past experience, it is almost certain that the future wave will fall on the Internet. Knowing this, the five-star programming talent will be even more valuable.

Although programming software is not needed immediately like tracking talents, it will definitely be used in the future.

Rather than going through the trouble of searching and poaching people until the moment they are needed, it would be better to start now and lure and train Tang Youxin, a five-star genius who is within reach.

“Ah… ah?”

After listening to Xia Xu's explanation, Tang Youxin was also stunned and said incoherently: "Is... is that so?"

Soon she came to her senses, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she hastily explained: "No, no, no, that's not right, I know that's what you mean, I just think we are friends, you just need to help me say it, I'm angry because you want to give me money..."

This was probably the longest sentence she had said recently, fluent and rapid.

But she still lacked confidence, especially when seeing Xia Xu smiling and looking forward to the show, she felt guilty and looked around, not daring to look him in the eye, and her voice became weaker and weaker.