I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 2: Talent potential


Name: An Gang...

Name: Zhou Xing...

Name: Ma Cheng...

Name: Pei Jiao...

The ability to view the attribute panel seemed to have no restrictions or consumption. Xia Xu, who had just obtained the golden finger, enjoyed it very much and checked the remaining students in the classroom one by one.

However, the attributes of these people are basically the same. They all have one or two star fate and talent. The worse ones even have no talent at all.

After all, not to mention that they are not in any key school or key class. Even if they are in any key school, all they learned before college were Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, and chemistry. Their talents in literature, painting, and music are not highlighted at all. There will not be any special screening to create a situation where geniuses gather together.

After checking several people in succession, there was only one person who made Xia Xu pause for a moment.

Name: Tang Hao

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: [Supporting role: "Hunter"]

Talent potential: None

Special: None

Obsession: Make up for the sleep and continue working all night.

Favorability: 20

"Supporting role, hunter, what does that mean?"

Xia Xu frowned in confusion.

The rest of Tang Hao's attributes are similar to others, but the column of fate potential shows [Supporting role: "Hunter"] as if it is particularly prominent.

There are no star ratings either. If you try to view the profile like other horoscopes, you will see several lines of question marks instead.

This is an exception compared to the rest, and it also means special.

"According to common knowledge, quotation marks are used on the titles of various works, right?"

"And... a supporting role. Could it be that Tang Hao is a character in a movie or TV series? Have I traveled to a TV series called "Hunter"?"

Xia Xu was a little confused and made random guesses.

He had no impression of "Hunter" or "Tang Hao". He could not match the movies and TV shows he had seen on Earth or on Planet Aquamarine.

If it really was a parallel world of some film or television work, then either he was ignorant and had never seen it, or it was a work from another world.

But no matter what the situation was, he didn't know the plot, which was not good news for him.

A plot without ups and downs cannot attract people. No matter what kind of story or drama it is, it needs conflict. If there is conflict, he may be involved.

"Can I view my own properties..."

After taking another look at Tang Hao's "supporting role" fate, Xia Xu looked down at his chest anxiously.

Likewise, a panel very similar to the others popped up.

Name: Xia Xu

Life Level: 1

Fate potential: [Supporting role: "Hunter"]

Talent potential: Fighting (1 star)

Special: Property View (Cannot be rated)

There is no obsession or favorability displayed, and the rest of the attributes are basically the same. The "attribute view" displayed in the special column should refer to his ability to view other people's attribute panels.

But what makes Xia Xu feel a little disappointed is that his fate and career potential are not the same as those of normal people, but the same as Tang Hao's [Supporting role: "Hunter"].

This may mean that he is also a character in the plot of "Hunter".

It's no longer a possibility that he will be involved, but a high probability that he will be involved. Even if there is no metaphysical power to correct the plot, the fact that he and Tang Hao can become supporting characters in the plot also means that their life trajectories originally intersect with the plot.

This is not good, no matter whether it is a novel, animation, film or TV series, the protagonist of the plot may survive a near-death experience, not to mention the minor supporting roles.

It would be fine if it was a comedy, but if it was a police and gangster film or even a horror film, the supporting characters would be sacrificed as props for the atmosphere, and every one of them would be doomed to die.

"I hope there won't be any kind of correction force that forces you to participate in the plot. Now that I've traveled through time, my living habits and trajectory are different from the original owner, so maybe I won't be dragged into it."

Xia Xu could only comfort himself in this way. At the same time, he also made up his mind that he would never have anything to do with this unlucky guy Tang Hao in the future, especially if he asked him to go out and play.

He is a time traveler, so he shouldn't be a supporting character in "Hunter". The fate of this supporting character may be the same as that of the original body. As long as his living habits and activity trajectory are different from those of the original body, he will not necessarily be involved in the plot.

After all, this world is still mostly populated by normal people. No matter what form of work it is, the characters that can appear in the show are very limited. Most people don’t actually have the fate of being such a plot character, and are just background characters.

In other words, most people are living normal lives, and the so-called plot would be just a trivial incident that happens all the time around the world.

Putting the plot aside for the moment, Xia Xu continued to check the attribute panels of the remaining people.

They were basically ordinary people without any special potential, and there were no other "plot characters" like him and Tang Hao.

But when Xia Xu finished looking around and set his eyes on the last row of students in the classroom, who was also the last student whose attributes had not been checked, he suddenly felt like his eyes were blinded by the light.

Name: Tang Youxin

Life Rating: 1

Fate potential: Stunning beauty (5 stars), Lucky husband (5 stars)

Talent potential: Programming (5 stars)

Special: None

Obsession: Study hard and make a lot of money.

Favorability: 10

Three five-stars, in gold-plated font and luminous display, just short of slapping the 'ssr' or 'legend' label on Xia Xu's face.

What does it mean to have 5-star destiny potential or talent potential

At least among all the attributes of all the people he just checked, no one's fate or talent was higher than 2 stars, and some people even had a blank slate of the word "none".

If Su Yu, who has absolutely no relevant talent, can become a 'quack doctor', how terrifying must a five-star talent be

And these two fate potentials...

This is probably the person who best fits the word "fate" that Xia Xu has seen today. The others, such as quack doctors, mechanics, professional players, etc., are actually more like "potential".

The potentials of these two fates can also be seen in detailed introduction, and they are extremely outrageous.

Stunning Beauty (5 stars): There is a beautiful woman in the world, who is extremely beautiful and independent. One glance from her is enough to make a city fall in love with her, and another glance from her is enough to make a country fall in love with her.

Lucky Husband (5 stars): A lucky star descends from heaven to bring good luck to the husband. The luck of the people close to him and loved ones is enhanced. The luck of the husband who marries him will be greatly enhanced, and good luck will be triggered with probability.

"Hiss, a lucky wife? Is there really such a metaphysical thing?"

Xia Xu was shocked.

The fate potentials he had seen before were actually more like an adjective or a prediction of fate. This was the first time he had seen a fate that had actual effects in itself.

Moreover, this is a good omen for the husband. Doesn't this mean that whoever marries Tang Youxin will be extremely lucky

Not to mention winning every gamble or lottery, at least you should be able to have smooth sailing and be immune to minor illnesses and pains, right

If I can hook up with Tang Youxin, will I not have to worry about being involved in the plot of "Hunter" and getting killed

"It's just... what's up with this stunning beauty? Is this crappy attribute panel fake?"

Xia Xu, whose entire attention was drawn to the 5-star Lucky Husband Fate, finally calmed down and looked at another fate, becoming a little confused.

Stunning beauty! Five-star destiny! How beautiful is this

Even if the boy is ignorant and cannot appreciate it, even if the original owner is a straight man who does not understand love, they have been classmates for three years after all, so there must be some special impressions, right

But in fact, the original owner had basically no impression of Tang Youxin. Even in this class, Tang Youxin was a nobody.