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Chapter 20: An employee


"That's about it."

Xia Xu nodded and said, "Besides his job, Brother Yang should be very talkative and good at dealing with others, right?"

“Can you tell from this?”

Yang Bowen was even more surprised, and after a moment's hesitation, he slowly nodded: "I am a very outgoing person, not much else. I usually make a lot of friends when I'm driving a car, and I can chat with everyone I meet..."

When he said this, his face was filled with some pride, but soon a trace of depression emerged: "But this is useless, we can only chat and drink. In my wife's words, we are just a bunch of bad friends."

"That's not necessarily true. You see, being good at dealing with people is your strength. It's not useless as you say."

Xia Xu finally got back to the point after going around in circles, and then said, "Not only that, based on my observation of some of your subconscious details just now, I found that Brother Yang, you should be very sensitive and very good at and accustomed to paying attention to various details around you."

"Accurate! Really accurate! It's amazing!"

Yang Bowen recalled it and found that it seemed to be true. He couldn't help but applaud: "Young boss is really capable. No wonder he can start a company at such a young age."

"So, in everything, we should make the best use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. Brother Yang, it's not that you don't have any ability, but you chose the wrong career. You shouldn't be a freight driver."

Xia Xu said with a smile.

Yang Bowen perked up: "Oh? Then what do you think I should do, little boss?"

"Brother Yang, you are born to be a detective."

Xia Xu finally revealed his true intentions: "It just so happens that I just opened my shop and need some help. How about you come and work for me for a few days, Brother Yang?"

"this… "

Yang Bowen was a little hesitant, or rather a little suspicious: "Little Boss, are you trying to trick me because you are short of people?"

Xia Xu shrugged and said helplessly: "There is a talent market across the street. Even if I am short of people, I won't be reduced to the point of relying on deception, right?"

"That's true."

Yang Bowen nodded when he heard this, and his doubts dissipated a lot, but he was still a little hesitant.

"It's just a try. Brother Yang, you don't get work every day, right? Just take a rest at home for two days. If it doesn't work out, you can just keep working."

Seeing this, Xia Xu struck while the iron was hot and said, "And don't worry, I also have a salary here. You can see how much you can earn from running errands every month. I will calculate your salary at 1.5 times."

"One and a half times? Are you sure, little brother? Although I'm a little tired driving a truck this month, it's still no problem to earn around five thousand."

Yang Bowen was really moved this time.

After all, your income will increase by half, and you only need to change jobs. What's more, you can try it for a few days first, and the cost of trial and error is negligible.

"Of course I'm sure. I'll keep my word. Your base salary is 8,000 yuan per month. In the future, you can get bonuses or increase your base salary depending on the situation."

Xia Xu, who had less than 60,000 yuan in his pocket, felt a little pain in his heart, but he was very generous when he named the price.

He understood that the 5,000 yuan a month that Yang Bowen mentioned was not an exaggeration, but rather he tried to report it as low as possible. Otherwise, it was normal for a truck driver to earn 6,000 to 7,000 yuan a month.

A mere 8,000 yuan is not much higher than other people's normal income. If it is lower, it will not play the role of "high salary". Even so, they still have to paint a few big pie in the sky to be able to impress people.

What's more, with a monthly salary of only 8,000 yuan, he was able to recruit an ultimate talent with four-star and two three-star talents. In any case, he made a lot of money. If there was any problem, it was that he was too poor.

"Brother Yang, don't you want to explore your own strengths? Are you really willing to be an ordinary truck driver for the rest of your life?"

"I'm not a sucker. I'm willing to offer you such a high basic salary. It's not to fool you, but because I really think highly of your talent.

You may be just an ordinary driver in the trucking business, but you may become a famous detective in the detective business."

Most people find it difficult to get out of a stable comfort zone once they have entered it. It is indeed difficult to get people to make a decision to change unless they are forced. Yang Bowen was still hesitating, and Xia Xu could only persuade him with bewitching words.

One is ordinary, the other is famous. This really hit the point that Yang Bowen cares about most.

Although there is limited room for advancement in driving a truck, to be honest, the money earned is not bad. He can handle the dirtiness and tiring work. The most important thing is that it is not very decent to talk about it others.

When you tell people you’re a freight driver, their first reaction is: “Oh, so you’re just a driver, a crappy one at that.”

This is similar to the principle of construction workers on a construction site. They may not necessarily earn less than white-collar workers in a company, but this is the secular concept, and it always makes people feel a little discriminatory and contemptuous.

"Brother Yang, doesn't your son like to watch detective movies? If he knew that you have become a detective, and even become a nationally famous detective one day..."

Xia Xu's half-sentence became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Leaving blank space can provide more room for imagination. As Yang Bowen spoke, he seemed to have imagined his son jumping into his arms in surprise and cheering, pestering him to say he also wanted to be a detective, and bragging about himself to his classmates...

"Young boss, you said I'm talkative, but I think you're the one who's really good at talking. What you said makes me feel like I'm committing a heinous crime if I refuse."

After a moment of silence, Yang Bowen smiled helplessly and said, "In that case, I'll try it for a few days. It's a good time to rest. If I can really get the hang of it, I'll stay. If I can't learn it, it won't be in vain for you, boss."

"Don't worry about it. If you can't do it, wouldn't it mean that I made a mistake? I won't do something like getting slapped in the face and destroying my reputation if I'm not sure."

Xia Xu made the decision and said, "It's decided. Brother Yang, you go back today and come to work here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Boss, you should just call me Lao Yang. After all, I have to work for you, so calling me brother isn't quite appropriate. It was fine just now, but now that our identities are different, it feels awkward."

Yang Bowen got into the state quite quickly and directly put himself into the role of an employee, scratching his head embarrassedly.

I don't know if it's because he has high emotional intelligence or if this is just his personality. Even though he doesn't care about the details, the attitude he showed really made Xia Xu feel very comfortable.

In the end, he could only secretly admire the terrifying fortune of Xiao Baihua in bringing good fortune to her husband.

Yang Bowen not only had the talent to meet his needs, but even his age, family and other aspects perfectly met his expectations.

It is obviously unrealistic to recruit people directly and expect strangers to be loyal and conscientious in the short term, so his initial plan was to recruit someone who already has a family and a career.

Many people self-deprecatingly call themselves "social animals". In fact, for many middle-aged men who have already started a family, this is indeed an extremely ironic but very fitting description. They are treated like animals by the company and work as hard as animals.

It's not that I want to do this, but I'm forced to do it.

After all, there are family burdens and concerns. Food, clothing, housing, transportation, mortgages, raising children, and sending children to school all cost money. It is not convenient to find a job when you are older.

Once they resign or are fired, they will most likely face the situation of having no money at all for their whole family. Various financial constraints and debts and loans can easily destroy their families and lives.

Therefore, no matter how much injustice they suffer, they often have to grit their teeth and endure it, and they have to hold on even if they can't bear it anymore.

Over time, all the edges and corners are smoothed out, and they become accustomed to or numb to any pressure and hardship. They then become a perfect screw in the social machine and qualified tools for the capitalists.

It would be different if it were young people. They are alone and have no worries. They may even be supported by their parents. They are young and energetic and have no scruples. Many of them will get angry and quit their jobs on the spot after being wronged. They may even beat up the boss before leaving.

Of course, Xia Xu didn't recruit "middle-aged people" in order to exploit them, he just wanted to choose someone who was reliable as much as possible.

People like Yang Bowen, who are approaching middle age and have families and careers, have had their edges smoothed out a lot and do not have the proactive spirit of young people. Most importantly, they have wives, children, parents and other concerns. The more they worry about, the less they dare to make mistakes or act recklessly. This is the best choice.