I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 21: Programmer


"Xia Xu, you... do you really want to pay Uncle Yang 8,000 yuan?"

Until Yang Bowen left, Tang Youxin felt a little dizzy.

This is a salary of 8,000 yuan, a figure she normally wouldn't even dare to think about.

Eight thousand yuan a month means an annual salary of more than ninety thousand, close to one hundred thousand yuan. This is a lot of money. This is probably her lifelong goal.

But all this turned out to be the salary of a middle-aged man that he had casually brought in. What was even more outrageous was that this salary was offered to his employees by his classmate, who was even said to have a worse family background than his.

It all seemed as unreal as a dream - in fact, she had already pinched the soft flesh on her waist several times.

"Of course it's true. Youxin, you helped me a lot this time."

There was still some excitement on Xia Xu's face, and he couldn't help but grab the little white flower's cheeks and rub them.

With only 8,000 yuan a month, he successfully tricked a top talent like Yang Bowen into working for him. This is much more exciting than picking up antiques at a bargain price.

"Uncle Yang is very powerful?"

Tang Youxin shyly broke free from Xia Xu's clutches. Her little face turned red, perhaps because of the rubbing or because of shyness. She hurriedly tried to change the subject.

"Of course he is amazing. Didn't I just say that he is definitely a super genius as a detective? Not to mention a monthly salary of 8,000, even a monthly salary of 80,000 is a huge profit."

The more Xia Xu looked at Little White Flower, the happier he became. He couldn't help but want to continue playing tricks with his hands, but considering that their relationship was not that close, he finally restrained himself.

As if she had noticed that Xia Xu was eager to try and was still trying to do something naughty, Tang Youxin shyly took another half step back, but she couldn't help her curiosity after all: "But isn't this the first time you and Uncle Yang have met? Can you really know so much just by observation?"

"Didn't I tell you this before? I'm the... nth generation of Guigu Shensuan. Anyway, I can tell fortunes. I can tell other people's talents and specialties just by counting with my fingers."

Xia Xu told the truth.

Unfortunately, no one believed it last time, so this time Tang Youxin naturally thought it was just nonsense. Instead, the "observation" he just said was more convincing.

"I'm serious."

Tang Youxin stammered, wanting to say something several times, but finally she couldn't help but speak again: "You... You said at noon that I also have talent. Can you tell me what talent it is? How did you see that?"

No one wouldn't want to become better. Xia Xu just spoke to Yang Bowen in a very clear manner, and she couldn't help but feel a little curious and hopeful.

Of course, the main reason is the credibility created by Xia Xu's decisive behavior. That's a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan. No one would give so much money just for a joke, right

Xia Xu did this because he was confident in his judgment. In this case, perhaps what he said this afternoon was true.

With this hope in mind, she looked at Xia Xu nervously, her little hands subconsciously twisting the corners of her clothes.

That look of expectation would make even the most hard-hearted and conservative person willing to tell a white lie.

Besides, there is no need to lie.

"Of course, everything I said to you, Youxin, was true."

Xia Xu touched the little white flower's head lovingly. The latter, who was expecting an answer, did not hide, or was anxiously waiting for the verdict and was not paying attention.

Realizing that he had unconsciously extended his magic hand to do something naughty, Xia Xu pretended to be natural and quickly retracted it, saying: "Youxin, don't you realize that your logical thinking is actually very powerful? And your math scores are always full marks."

It may be difficult to infer the effect from the cause, but it is very easy to trace the cause from the effect, just as Yang Bowen was fooled just now. According to their talents, we can naturally infer some special things in their daily life.

After all, it is a four or five-star talent, and its characteristics and advantages are relatively strong in daily life. It’s just that because there is no exposure to relevant professional skills, it is often only manifested in unsystematic details, which makes it difficult to be noticed and discovered.

"Logical thinking? Am I also suitable to be a detective?"

After hearing Xia Xu's words, Tang Youxin looked back at herself and felt that it was very accurate, just like Yang Bowen just now. Her watery eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Thinking about Xia Xu opening a detective agency and recruiting Uncle Yang, everything seemed to be clear, but she immediately felt distressed: "But what's the use of math? Detectives also need math?"

"Who told you you were a detective?"

Xia Xu tapped her on the forehead and said unhappily, "Mathematics is the foundation of all sciences. No subject can be separated from mathematics. Plus, you have good logical thinking, so the most suitable thing for you is to study computer science and become a programmer."

"Ah... Programmer? I'm a girl, being a programmer is not a big deal..."

Tang Youxin felt a little lost and even a little confused.

To be honest, she had little contact with computers since she was a child, and only took two computer classes after entering high school. However, the computer class teacher basically just let them play around. After a few classes, other students were enjoying the games, but she was limited to turning on the computer and browsing the web.

After the second year of high school, this course was simply not offered. The computer teacher was even more frail than the physical education teacher and was on sick leave for a long time along with the music and art teachers.

Therefore, it can be said that she has no foundation in computers and has not developed any interest in them.

This can actually be detected by looking at her horoscope. Although she has a five-star talent for programming, she actually does not have the horoscope potential to be a programmer.

According to Xia Xu's understanding of his own abilities, fate and potential should actually be divided into two types: fate and potential.

The former is a true description of fate like fortune-telling, for example, stunningly beautiful and having a lucky husband, or possibly also destined to be unlucky, marrying a high-ranking official, or being from a royal family, while the latter is "having the potential to become XXX."

This potential does not necessarily correspond to a person's talent. It is more of a reflection of one's character, consciousness, opportunities, social class and other tendencies and one's own subjective choices. In most cases, it is a career in all walks of life.

Of course there are exceptions, such as thieves, criminals, desperadoes, etc., but these can also be classified as professions to some extent.

The first person he checked after awakening his ability was Su Yu, who had a two-star literary talent but did not become a literary master, and had no medical talent but became a mediocre doctor. This shows that there is no direct correlation between talent and potential. People with talent may not have developed it, and people without talent can make up for their shortcomings through hard work.

Tang Youxin does not have the potential to be a programmer, which means that she has basically no inclination or preference in this area, and her future destiny will most likely not follow this path.

But she doesn't seem to have any other "potential". Her stunning beauty and good luck to her husband are just her fate.

This is a bit strange. Others only have potential but no destiny, but she is just the opposite.

Xia Xu had some guesses about this. First, she had no job to begin with. After all, she was a stunningly beautiful woman. Maybe she would marry into a wealthy family and become a wealthy wife in the future.

It is also possible for her to be an ordinary housewife. Anyway, he has not seen the potential of a housewife for the time being. Besides, she has a destiny of bringing good fortune to her husband. Whoever marries her will most likely be able to make a fortune and continue to make her a wealthy wife.

The second possibility is that Tang Youxin does not have a strong and obvious subjective tendency, or she is engaged in a certain profession but performs very poorly, so she does not have the potential to reach the '1 star' level.

Let’s take Su Yu as an example. He can be a doctor even if he doesn’t have any talent. This means that not being shown on the attribute board does not necessarily mean that he has no talent. Perhaps he just hasn’t reached the level that can be evaluated as a star, just like being second-rate, third-rate or not even worth mentioning.

The last possibility is the worst and the one Xia Xu least wants - death halfway.