I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 29: Meeting Old Chapter Again


"I can't blame you. This is not something you can decide. Just take your time to look for it."

Xia Xu sighed slightly after hearing this, and then said: "Okay, that's it for now, send me the address, I'll be home from school soon."


Yang Bowen hung up the phone, and after a while a text message with the address was sent to Xia Xu's mobile phone.

"Remember to go home early and don't run around."

When it was time to go home from school, Xia Xu was still worried and gave some instructions to Little White Flower.

After leaving the school gate, he clearly felt the change in the atmosphere around the school along the way.

The news of Tang Hao's death had apparently spread in the neighborhood. Many people were pointing at the gate of Xingcheng No. 3 Middle School, while even more were walking in a hurry. There were far fewer pedestrians on the streets compared to yesterday.

Even more obvious than this are the fire trucks and police cars whizzing past on the road. Normally, these vehicles can give people a sense of security, but this kind of collective deployment makes people involuntarily nervous. Even those who don't know the inside story will ask people around them if something big has happened.

A life, especially a life in a prosperous city, is indeed a major event that is worthy of mobilizing a large number of troops for the Xia Kingdom.

This murder case is particularly special. The unknown beast that attacked the dead person may continue to cause casualties to the surrounding areas if it is not captured in time. These police cars and fire trucks must be searching for the beast.

"With this kind of situation, even if a mutant is found, it will be killed by random gunfire, right? Can the Hunter plot really go on under such circumstances? Or am I wrong?"

Xia Xu couldn't help but waver in his previous speculation.

Although the current situation is nothing compared to the entire country, after all, the fire brigade and the police are dispatched at the same time. Even if mutant creatures are found, there will be no good result.

If the prey was killed by the police, then there would be no point for the hunter to hunt, and the entire plot he speculated would not be able to proceed.

Of course, this is just a possibility, based on the premise that the police can find the "prey" and its strength is not exaggerated to the point of being able to withstand gunfire.

"It is also possible that the creature that attacked Tang Hao has a strong ability to hide and lurk, or there is more than one such creature, and the scene of Tang Hao's death and the police's search was just a scene for the monster to appear..."

After only a slight hesitation for a moment, Xia Xu finally chose to believe in his own judgment.

No matter what, it is true that Tang Hao is a supporting character in "The Hunter", and it is also true that the police determined that he died from an animal attack. This means that there must be one or a special animal in the Hunter plot.

Having confirmed this point, no matter how the rest of the plot changes, it will always remain essentially the same and will definitely revolve around this beast. The only things that are uncertain are its image, abilities, reason for its birth, and final outcome.

"Forget it, let's just ignore it..."

Interrupting his thoughts, Xia Xu called a taxi and rushed to the address given by Yang Bowen.

Although there may be danger now, there is no safe place anywhere, and the money that should be earned still needs to be earned. He does not intend to give up the plot of the dying man.

To put it bluntly, a technological society is a society dominated by money. The reason why he was made so passive by the hunter plot is that he lacks money.

If you have enough funds, let alone hiring a bunch of powerful bodyguards, it is not impossible to go to some chaotic places abroad to get some heavy weapons or even a whole team of mercenaries. Anyway, you can check your fate, talent and favorability, and you don't have to worry about any accidents.

With all these, would they still be afraid of an unknown creature that could be hunted in the cities of Xia? On the contrary, catching it as a dish or sending it to the laboratory as research material would be more appropriate.

"Boss, here."

When the taxi arrived at the destination, Yang Bowen was already waiting not far away. When he saw Xia Xu getting off the car, he hurried over to greet him.

"Where's Zhang Jianmin?"

Xia Xu looked around and got straight to the point.

The Times Royal Court community and the previous Times View Garden were developed by the same developer, but they were developed earlier and have already been delivered and put into use.

This is a commercial hub near the Times Royal Court community, with a small square as its landmark building, surrounded by two large supermarkets and various street shops.

"In there!"

Yang Bowen pointed to a staircase along the street and said, "Hey, boss, this guy you asked me to find is really interesting. He called a dozen princesses to the KTV, but he didn't dare to touch them. He let them sing and drink and have fun, while he squatted at the door in a dejected manner, like a waiter."

The staircase he was pointing at wasn't too conspicuous, but the sign hanging on the second floor took up the entire wall and spanned several meters. The bright neon tubes formed a tacky sign - Golden Sun KTV.

"Why, you look like you're so disappointed with me that you want to take my place and demonstrate it yourself?"

Xia Xu listened to Yang Bowen's obscene laughter, which all men could understand, and made a joke.

"Ahem, how dare I? I just think it's a waste of money..."

Yang Bowen coughed dryly and hurriedly explained.

"Come on, come on. Leave the explanation to your wife. It has nothing to do with me."

Xia Xu smiled and walked directly to the staircase entrance of Golden Sun KTV.

"This is my job requirement, I have to keep up with my boss."

Yang Bowen followed with a righteous look on his face, stepping forward bravely as if he were ready to sacrifice himself.

It's only a little after six o'clock, which can basically be considered "daytime", so the KTV is relatively deserted, with not many people, and even the waiters and waitresses are rarely seen.

After walking a few rooms inside, Xia Xu saw Zhang Jianmin at a glance. Just as Yang Bowen said, he was sitting on the ground with his back against the door, smoking a cigarette, and a small bottle of beer in a green glass bottle was placed on the ground next to him.

"I don't know if it's just the plot inertia..."

Seeing Zhang Jianmin's look, Xia Xu was a little unsure whether he was now following the original plot trajectory of "living a life of debauchery" or whether this was an inevitable situation caused by the situation and character of a man who was about to die.

According to the plot summary I saw before, even if he lost the money he won from gambling, Zhang Jianmin still had at least 100,000 yuan in savings, which was enough for him to indulge himself.

Even though the plot is disturbed and deviates from its original trajectory, his original intention of wanting to enjoy his last journey after learning that he has a terminal illness will never change.

However, Xia Xu's purpose of coming this time was not to explore this point. He just wanted to see whether the brief introduction displayed on the character Zhang Jianmin's horoscope would increase or change as the plot progressed and deviated. He also wanted to try to see if he could meet other supporting characters or even find the old man at the construction site.

Of course, these are not the most important. He actually had another consideration in coming to Zhang Jianmin...