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Chapter 33: ungrateful


"Okay, who told me that we are compatible..."

Xia Xu acted hesitant, but in fact he was watching the new part of "The Dying Man" brought by Lin Zhengping. A flash of coldness appeared in his eyes, and finally he gritted his teeth and agreed.

Four thousand yuan is indeed the final transaction price of Zhang Jianmin in the plot of "The Dying Man", and in the original plot, Lin Zhengping also came forward to "debunk counterfeiting", which basically means that this is really Qian Chenghe's lowest psychological price.

"No, young man, this is obviously a liar. This Guanyin statue is not worth four thousand. It's not even worth four hundred. You can buy it for at most two hundred in a random craft store."

When Lin Zhengping heard that Xia Xu actually agreed, he couldn't bear it anymore and said earnestly: "Even if you have a lot of money, you can't squander it like this. Young man, if you really want to buy antiques or good Buddha statues, I can introduce them to you. I am the president of the Xingcheng Antiques Association. At least I won't ruin my reputation for this little money."

"Thank you for your kindness, old man. I just think this Buddha statue suits my taste. My premonition is very accurate. Maybe I can get a big bargain."

Xia Xu also knew that the old man meant well, but he couldn't explain it at this moment. He could only smile and act as if he was just playing around and looking forward to finding a bargain.

"It's not that easy to find a bargain. Those who find a bargain are experts bullying laymen. No one can find a bargain by luck without knowing anything. If there are any antiques in circulation, they have already been screened countless times by experts."

Lin Zhengping continued to persuade him, but more often he sighed with grief and self-pity.

He had seen countless people who plunged into the antique business based on a fluke mentality, and he knew that people who were trapped in this insane state could not be persuaded or awakened.

They all dream of getting rich overnight by picking up a bargain, and always have the gambler mentality that they will be the ultimate lucky one. They will only wake up after suffering a few lessons and paying the tuition.

"It's you!"

After one crisis comes another, even Xia Xu feels that his purchase of antiques today has been full of ups and downs.

Suddenly, a young girl's voice was heard with strong anger. Just by listening to these two short words, one could feel the suppressed anger, as well as a hint of grievance and sadness in her tone.


Xia Xu listened to the slightly familiar voice and turned around in confusion.

Behind him, there was a young girl with an angry face, walking towards him quickly. This girl was none other than Xia Xue, whom he had met once when he came to this construction site last time.

"When did I offend this girl?"

Xia Xu felt a little confused.

He and Xia Xue had only met once, and he was able to enter this construction site last time thanks to her help. He could barely be considered to owe her a small favor, but he didn't do anything to offend her, right

Could it be that she heard the teasing I said to Xia Bingbao last time

Xia Xu was reflecting and recalling when Xia Xue rushed over. However, Xia Xu soon discovered that she was not coming for him, but for... the old man at the construction site.

"You old liar, return the money you cheated from my grandfather!"

Xia Xue didn't even notice Xia Xu. With red eyes, she rushed up to the old man working there and tore him apart. She no longer had the tenderness and sweetness that she had shown the last time they met.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean by cheating? When did I ever cheat your grandfather of his money? Where did you come from, little girl? If you hit me again, I will fight back!"

Qian Chenghe might have known that he was in the wrong, so he just dodged and didn't dare to fight back. Otherwise, with Xia Xue's petite and weak appearance, which was almost the same as Tang Youxin's, he would obviously not be his opponent.

"You also said that if you hadn't cheated my grandfather out of his pension money, he wouldn't have had a cerebral hemorrhage and is still in the hospital..."

After hearing this, Xia Xue's eyes suddenly became even redder, and tears as big as beans burst out of her eyes. In the end, she stopped chasing the old man at the construction site, and squatted down, holding her head and crying.

"What... what cerebral hemorrhage? This is none of my business."

Qian Chenghe felt a little flustered and guilty, and quickly said, "I'm selling antiques to your grandfather. There's no guarantee of authenticity in the antique business. If you bought a fake, it only means that your grandfather made a mistake. You should just consider yourself unlucky. Do you understand the rules?"

"But my grandfather bought it after you promised that it was genuine."

Xia Xue raised her head when she heard this and retorted with a sob.

"Although there is such a thing as deception in our antique business, it is a transaction between experts who are willing to do so. We all know that there are real and fake things. But your case is different. I saw it clearly just now. You are deliberately using fake things to pretend to be real to commit fraud."

Lin Zhengping couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily, "You even cheated people out of their pension money. Are you still a human being? You don't have many years left to live. Aren't you afraid of being frying in oil?"

"You only have a few years left to live, but it won't be a problem for me to live a few decades longer."

Qian Chenghe retorted in a timid manner, but he squatted down to pick up things from the stall, and it seemed that he wanted to pack up and run away.


Although Xia Xue's appearance was a bit unexpected, Xia Xu had come to his senses by now. He smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Qian Chenghe, with his palm just pressing on the top of the head of the Guanyin statue.

Qian Chenghe was a little flustered, and his voice became a little sharp: "What do you mean, do you still want to rob me? I tell you, this is a society ruled by law!"

After all, the tall and strong Xia Xu is no match for the delicate Xia Xue and Lin Zhengping, whose half body is almost buried in the ground. If a fight breaks out, he really won't be able to resist, not to mention that there is Yang Bowen, who looks even stronger, next to him.

"What's wrong with me robbing you? I'm going to beat you up! And then I'll send you to the police station!"

Speaking of Yang Bowen, Yang Bowen had already glared at Qian Chenghe and grabbed him by the collar. After hearing the whole story, he was already furious.

Now he finally understood why his boss had been so persistent in finding the old man at the construction site. This man was obviously a habitual liar who even cheated people out of their pensions and drove them to the point of having a cerebral hemorrhage. This was an extremely wicked thing.

People like this should be sent to jail!

Yang Bowen was thinking angrily, but Xia Xu suddenly stopped him: "Wait, Old Yang, what are you doing? Let go quickly. We are just buying something. It has nothing to do with us whether they are cheating or not."


Yang Bowen was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

"Let go of this old man quickly. He is actually right. There are real and fake antiques in the market. It is normal to blame yourself for your misjudgment. You can't blame others."

Xia Xu walked up to Yang Bowen and pried his hands apart.

"Young man, how can you not distinguish right from wrong? Young people nowadays are really..."

Lin Zhengping was so angry when he heard this that he forgot about Qian Chenghe for a moment. He pointed at Xia Xu, his raised arm shaking with anger.

"It's you!"

Xia Xue recognized Xia Xu at this time. It was because of this acquaintance that she felt even more wronged and indignant: "I helped you before, but I didn't expect you to be such a heartless person."