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Chapter 35: Angong Bezoar


"Do you recognize this thing?"

After comforting Lin Zhengping, Xia Xu picked up a small box and held it to Qian Chenghe's nose. He said calmly, "I think you should find it very familiar, and you have eaten a lot of it, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

Qian Chenghe had fallen into a trance the moment he saw something fall out of the Buddha statue. Only when Xia Xu handed the box to his nose did his pupils focus again and he staggered back half a step.

"Angong Niuhuang Pills, I remember it has another name called the Soul-Restoring Pill? Unfortunately, it can restore a person's soul, but not his heart."

Xia Xu's voice was surprisingly calm, so calm that it was a little chilling.

These small boxes contain what Zhang Jianmin was supposed to pick up in the plot of "The Dying Man", the original Angong Niuhuang Pills produced twenty or thirty years ago, a very special "antique" and also a medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has become very weak in modern society because its theories are difficult to verify and learn. It is either labeled as a liar by the Chinese people or is demonized and exaggerated.

The former is to completely belittle and look down on it, while the latter is to treat it as a magical secret skill that can do everything, and to force it on traditional Chinese medicine with all kinds of brainless and unreasonable demands. Both are really not desirable.

But it is undeniable that there are indeed countless treasures and magical things in the thousands of years of inheritance of Chinese civilization. Take the "Yunnan Baiyao" that many people are familiar with. This is a state-secret Chinese medicine formula that is kept confidential forever!

Angong Niuhuang Pills are only slightly inferior to Yunnan Baiyao. It is a national first-class secret formula and is also known as the life-returning pill. It can treat various febrile diseases, stroke coma, meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. It can play a life-saving role in many serious illnesses and comas.

(Please do not take it randomly. You must take the right medicine for your condition. The author does not understand it very well. I declare in advance that I will not be responsible.)

However, one of the medicinal ingredients in Angong Niuhuang Pills is rhinoceros horn. Nowadays, due to the prohibition of its use, it has to be replaced with concentrated powder of buffalo horn. Other medicinal ingredients such as bezoar and musk have also been artificially synthesized, so the efficacy is much weaker than those produced before.

What fell out of the Guanyin Buddha statue now were the Angong Niuhuang Pills produced more than 20 years ago. They were made of all original medicinal materials, and the market price of each pill was at least tens of thousands.

Although theoretically the shelf life has expired, with wax seals and various preservation measures in place, these Angong Niuhuang Pills should still be usable.

At least Xia Xu saw in the plot synopsis of The Dying Man that Lin Zhengping used the Angong Niuhuang Pills in the Buddha statue to save his wife.

After meeting Lin Zhengping, all the supporting characters who picked up the leaked plot in "The Dying Man" were found, and Xia Xu naturally also saw this part of the plot.

In fact, it is not complicated. Instead, it is a clichéd and melodramatic story. Zhang Jianmin ignored the advice and was determined to buy the Guanyin statue. As a result, he accidentally broke it and found out that he was really lucky to have picked up a bargain. By the way, he also slapped the face of Lin Zhengping who swore that it was impossible to pick up a bargain.

But he also did a good thing. Lin Zhengping's wife had a stroke and was in a coma, which happened to be what she needed, the Angong Niuhuang Pills that were produced before the animal protection ban. Zhang Jianmin made money and Lin Zhengping revived his wife, and everyone was happy.

This is also the reason why he had to buy the Guanyin statue. It was the life-saving medicine for Lin Zhengping's wife. Losing it would be equivalent to losing a life. Moreover, it was caused by his forcible intervention in the plot. This was no different from him indirectly killing a person.

He doesn't think he is a great saint, but he still needs to have basic conscience and bottom line as a human being, and naturally he cannot sit idly by and watch this situation happen.

As for why we have to buy it... Of course it is to ensure that it is legal enough.

"What do you want to say?"

When Qian Chenghe heard Xia Xu say "it's impossible to win back people's hearts", a hint of fear appeared in his eyes.

He staggered back a step, and Xia Xu took a step forward immediately after him, smiling: "Why, you don't recognize it? This is the treasure you have always wanted to find, the treasure your father left for you."


Qian Chenghe refuted instinctively, then woke up with a start and said in panic: "You...what nonsense are you talking about! What my father? I'm so old and my father has been dead for decades."

"A very old age? Then why did I just hear you say that you can live for decades? Could it be that you are the incarnation of a centenarian?"

Xia Xu's smile faded, and his voice and eyes gradually became colder: "Okay, you don't remember it, right? Then I'll remind you of it.

You have always been weak and sickly, suffering from convulsions and fainting from time to time. You have escaped death countless times because your father saved your life at all costs by using the Angong Niuhuang Pills.

His health gradually improved as he grew older, but unfortunately he did not learn his lesson. He felt ashamed of his family's poverty and shame, so he went out to cheat people at an early age.

The only time I showed filial piety was when I made a lot of money and bought this Buddha statue for my father when I went home… "

Xia Xu's words were plain and simple, but to Qian Chenghe they were like the mumbling of a nightmare.

“Shut up!”

Qian Chenghe's face and neck gradually turned red, and he interrupted Xia Xu's words in fear and panic.

But Xia Xu was unmoved, and continued to narrate calmly: "That time your father was really happy, he couldn't stop smiling for a long time, and told everyone that his son had grown up, knew how to be filial to him, and could also make money.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the money his son earned was earned by luring a fool from the neighboring village to work in an illegal brick kiln factory. He used the money to buy... Oh no, in your words, it's called inviting. The bodhisattva invited with this money will not work."

“That’s enough!”

Qian Chenghe's sore spot was hit and his crime was exposed. In panic and anger, he rushed up to attack Xia Xu, but was kicked in the chest by Yang Bowen who was standing beside him.

Although Yang Bowen had no talent for fighting, he was a freight driver who was out unloading goods all day long. He was very strong and had enough brute force. He was so angry after hearing what he heard that he kicked Qian Chenghe to the ground.

Qian Chenghe covered his abdomen with his hands in pain and hunched his body like a cooked lobster. However, Xia Xu's voice, which sounded like a murderous sound to him, continued to ring.

“Since you don’t want to hear this, let’s skip it and talk about what happened next.

Later, you often heard your father say that he had left a treasure for you and would pass it on to you when he died. Every time you heard it, you were very happy, and you became filial for a while and went home more often.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long. One time, you owed gambling debts that you couldn’t pay back, and you thought of the treasure your father mentioned. You rushed home overnight to ask for it, but were rejected.

Your father said he didn't have any treasure, but you didn't believe him. You even got angry and thought your father was deliberately keeping you hanging by his side by not giving you the treasure, so you decided to just go all out..."

Xia Xu paused for a moment, then said vividly: "I guess you must have looked like this at the time. You won't give it to me? You won't give it to me, right? You'll pass it on to me after you die, right? Then go now..."

“Don’t… don’t say that.”

Qian Chenghe's face was distorted with pain and veins on his neck were bulging, but he still managed to squeeze out a few words.

Obviously, compared with the physical pain, Xia Xu's plain narration stimulated his nerves more.

"In the end, you still didn't find the treasure your father left for you, right?"

Xia Xu's eyes were cold and indifferent, but he had a smile on his face. He handed a box of Angong Niuhuang Pills to him and said, "This is the treasure your father left for you. Your father hid it in the statue of Guanyin and prayed for blessings day and night, hoping that in addition to the medicinal effects, this treasure could also be blessed by the Bodhisattva!

At that time, the recipe of these Angong Niuhuang Pills had been changed. He relied on these medicines as a precaution and to save his precious son’s life in the future…”

"Enough! Please... Enough..."

Painful whimpers and howls came out of Qian Chenghe's mouth: "Impossible, it can't be like this... It shouldn't be like this..."

The sobs eventually turned into heart-wrenching cries.

"I thought he was such a cruel person, but now he's crying."

Xia Xu paused, and suddenly became a little bored. He used his foot to pick up the fragments of the Guanyin statue on the ground and said, "Do you want to buy these fragments back? Forty thousand, oh no, four hundred thousand!"