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Chapter 37: Backhand report


"It's okay, it didn't really cause any impact, but next time you encounter something, you should think more carefully before doing it."

Xia Xu did not blame Yang Bowen, but said: "Of course, the most important thing is that you are not allowed to question your wise and great boss."

"Hehe, I get it, boss. Next time, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to catch a dog, I will never run over a chicken."

Yang Bowen assured with a wry smile.

"That's not the case."

Xia Xu laughed dumbly and glanced at Qian Chenghe again: "But now there is something..."


Yang Bowen immediately understood, grinned and walked to Qian Chenghe's side, pressed his big hand like a palm leaf fan on his shoulders, and also pressed his two hands behind his back.

After he did all this, Xia Xu took out his mobile phone and dialed a three-digit number.

"Hello, is this the police officer? I want to report that I found a wanted criminal..."

"Wanted criminal? Where... Wait, why does your voice sound familiar to me?"

"You must have heard it wrong. The wanted criminal might run away. You'd better come here quickly. Just..."

Hearing the voice of the boy who suddenly became obedient and tender and the report phone call, Qian Chenghe, who was heartbroken and allowed Yang Bowen to hold him down, couldn't help but look up in astonishment: "You are not a policeman?"

"I told you that you guessed a little wrong, the result is the same, don't mind it."

Xia Xu shrugged.

It didn't take long before a police car came roaring in and several officers got out.

"You again?"

As soon as he got off the car and saw Xia Xu and his friends, one of the square-faced police officers was a little surprised and looked at Xia Xu speechlessly: "Little classmate, what's wrong with you? Are you planning to take advantage of our police station?"

It's no wonder he was like this, as this square-faced policeman was one of the police officers who came to deal with his gambling report last time.

Many people have the mentality of minding their own business when it comes to this kind of thing. Even if they see it, they are rarely willing to report it, let alone dare to report it.

But last time, Xia Xu just happened to report it, and the reporter was a high school student. He explained the case in a mature and fluent manner and asked for the bonus skillfully, which was really impressive.

But the last time he reported gambling, it was fine. After all, he just quietly made a report call. But this time he went as far as to find the wanted criminal? Or even caught him with his own hands

Are all high school students nowadays like this, lying on their backs and looking so awesome

"Ahem, coincidence, coincidence. After all, I am a law-abiding flower of the motherland. When I see evil, I will naturally enforce justice and stand up bravely."

Xia Xu was also a little embarrassed after hearing what the square-faced policeman said.

This place is in the same jurisdiction as Times Garden, so the police were naturally sent from the same police station. However, he did not expect that the person who came was an acquaintance from last time.

"Since this is to uphold justice, can we not pay the reward?"

The square-faced policeman jokingly heard this.

"That won't work, police officer, haven't you heard the stories of Zigong redeeming people and Zilu saving people from drowning? Although I feel uneasy about receiving the state's bonus, I am willing to endure the inner torment in order to maintain the credibility of the rules and laws. You can't make an exception for me."

Xia Xu spoke righteously.

"If I hadn't learned about you last time, I would have doubted whether you were a high school student."

The square-faced policeman was somewhat speechless, and continued, "But try not to do this kind of thing in the future, it's too dangerous, especially this time... By the way, is this the Qian Chenghe you mentioned? His appearance and age don't match, are you mistaken?"

As he said this, he looked at Qian Chenghe. The colleague who came with him had already taken it over from Yang Bowen.

"It should be makeup or a human skin mask or something like that, but he is definitely Qian Chenghe. I have just confirmed it."

When it comes to business, Xia Xu is not ambiguous and quickly becomes serious.

However, the square-faced policeman was just asking casually. No matter how advanced the disguise was, it could only be useful during the escape process. After arresting the person, they had plenty of ways to confirm his identity. They would just take him back and take a look and they would know.

Soon the police car roared away. Originally, Xia Xu and the others were supposed to go and make a statement or something, but one police car couldn't fit them all, so they were just told to come over when they were free in the next two days.

"Boss, why did the police just say you were fleecing them? Have you done this more than once?"

After the police car left, Yang Bowen came up to them with a curious look on his face.

"No, just two weeks ago I reported a group of people for gambling, one of whom was Zhang Jianmin, whom you were asked to follow. Because of this, the police station gave me a 60,000 yuan bonus. Otherwise, where do you think the money for opening the store and your salary came from?"

Xia Xu smiled and briefly recounted what happened last time.

Yang Bowen was stunned for a moment, and said, "I thought your family gave it to you, boss."

"Home? Your boss's parents are both dead, and we start with a shabby house."

Xia Xu spread his hands.

"So you make money by offering bounties, and your worth has skyrocketed in two weeks?"

After hearing this, Yang Bowen added a sentence for some unknown reason.

"Hey, you even rhyme it. Old Yang, you have something. It's a loss to society if you don't read more."

Xia Xu was amused.

"Lucky, lucky, hehe."

Yang Bowen waved his hands repeatedly.

He first went to complete the transaction transfer with Lin Zhengping, and then Xia Xu entrusted more than ten Angong Niuhuang Pills to him to help sell them, and only kept five for himself just in case.

Afterwards, he and Yang Bowen went directly to the police station to complete the record, and after a quick lunch, they returned to the consulting company.

After arriving at the store, Xia Xu took stock of his gains. The first thing was the bank card extorted from Qian Chenghe, which contained more than 520,000 yuan.

This was originally just a casual remark made by him wanting to give the other person a taste of his own medicine, so it was considered an unexpected surprise, and it turned out to be the biggest profit this time.

As for the rest, the five Angong Niuhuang Pills sold to Lin Zhengping at 30,000 each, earning him 150,000. The remaining 14 pills were also entrusted to him to sell, but he could only sell them at the normal market price, so he should be able to earn 100,000 or 200,000.

Then there is the reward for reporting Qian Chenghe. Only a very small number of people can offer such a high price, and most of them are economic criminals. Qian Chenghe is not worth much, only 50,000 yuan.

All the scattered income added up, his income was probably more than 900,000, plus he had some left, now he had entered the ranks of millionaires.

A high school boy, who started from scratch and was truly penniless, became a millionaire in just over two weeks. Not to mention Yang Bowen, even Xia Xu himself felt like he was in a dream.

"Old Yang, let's celebrate our success tonight and give out bonuses."

Xia Xu waved his hand generously and started booking a hotel directly.

"Boss, forget about the bonus or anything. I didn't help you, but can we discuss this? I want to bring my wife and son with me, is that ok?"

"It's nothing, just a meal. All your aunts and uncles can come along."