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Chapter 43: Equipment procurement


Favorability: 20

"The human heart is such a strange thing."

Xia Xu took a look at his unexpected gain.

He had even prepared himself to arouse Luo Hongyun's dislike, but in fact, the opposite happened. Not only did his favorability not drop, but it increased by ten points at once.

"Hiss~, forget it, lie down first."

The physical pain made it impossible for him to concentrate, so he stopped thinking and went into Room 201 of the building he rented.

He had been staying in a hotel for the past few days, so he decided to move to another place. He signed a contract with the landlord overnight, bought a new set of bedding, and moved in directly here. Otherwise, he would not have come so early today.

The room has one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom and a small kitchen. Although it looks a bit shabby from the outside, it is actually quite nice inside. The only bad thing is that there is not much furniture and it is very empty.

I don’t know if it was because he was too tired or because he felt more secure here, but Xia Xu fell into a deep sleep not long after lying on the bed.

Together with yesterday and now, these were probably the two times he had slept most soundly in recent days.

To be honest, living next to Zhang Jianmin before was not very reliable. It was just a psychological comfort at best. After all, this was the real world, and there were no monsters that would never go to a place just because they couldn't 'intrude'.

Although I have not been able to persuade Luo Hongyun to be my personal bodyguard, at least there is a big boss I can ask for help. At least when I am at home, I don’t have to worry so much about being killed by monsters in the hunter plot, and I can sleep more peacefully.

After sleeping in a daze until noon, Xia Xu had a quick lunch and then started wandering around the city to do some shopping.

Now that he had money and time, he decided to purchase some equipment to arm himself, regardless of whether it was useful or not, just to give himself peace of mind.

Stab-proof clothing, compound bows, anti-wolf spray, portable stun guns, Damascus daggers, and sharpened manganese steel Miao knives, which are legal collectibles in Longquan Town.

After visiting many stores selling sporting goods, hardware, collectibles and the like for most of the day, Xia Xu finally put together a set of luxury equipment within the legal range.

The most eye-catching one is naturally the manganese steel Miao Dao, which is similar to a Tang Dao or a samurai sword, but much longer than both. It is 1.6 meters long, taller than some short people.

Because it is made of manganese steel, the Miao Dao is incredibly tough and sharp. In the hands of someone who knows how to use it, it is possible to kill both a man and a horse with one blow.

Of course... if it's in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to use it, it will most likely chop off its own legs first.

It is also not easy to carry around. Xia Xu bought it just because he thought it looked powerful in actual combat and he had plenty of money. It seems that for the time being he can only keep it at home as a collection.

Except for the Miao Dao, the rest are all good things he carefully selected. The compound bow can be said to be a rare long-range weapon that can be legally owned in Xia State. Even if you can't use it for the time being, you can practice it when you have time.

Not to mention anti-wolf spray and stun guns, which are excellent means of self-protection when facing an opponent with a huge difference in strength. The Damascus dagger is also an excellent cold weapon that can be carried with you.

Stab-proof clothing can be worn directly under school uniforms and outerwear to protect against stabs and knife cuts. Compared with offensive equipment such as stun guns, it is a real life-saving weapon. It is a pity that I couldn't find a full-body style, so it can only protect the upper body.

"Phew, although it's not very breathable, I feel much more at ease now."

After successfully arming himself, Xia Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After completing the purchase, Xia Xu threw the compound bow and Miao Dao, which were not easy to carry, back into the rental house, and took the rest of the miscellaneous items such as stun guns and anti-wolf spray with him. He then called a car and went to Golden Sun KTV.

The reason for going there was naturally to pick up the clothes and other things that had been left in the hotel these days, and the other was to see Zhang Jianmin.

The plot of picking up the leak has passed or it has collapsed because of his involvement. Logically speaking, we should be able to see the next scene from him.

However, after arriving at the Golden Sun KTV, Xia Xu did not see Zhang Jianmin, so Xia Xu could only call Yang Bowen.

"Boss, he's at the travel agency near the construction site. It seems like he's had enough of traveling and is ready to sign up for a tour group to go out and have some fun."

Fortunately, Yang Bowen is quite reliable and is still doing his duty and keeping an eye on Zhang Jianmin today.

"Qian Chenghe wanted to sign up for a trip right after he was arrested. It seems that the plot may really have a certain degree of inertia. At least the plot that can continue will continue..."

Xia Xu made some guesses.

But it was just speculation, because Zhang Jianmin might have wanted to travel on a whim of his supervisor, which was the same as why he came to the Golden Sun KTV to have a good time.

Arriving at the Xieyou Travel Agency near the construction site, Xia Xu met Yang Bowen, and also met his "old friend" Zhang Jianmin.

Zhang Jianmin didn't look very well, with dark circles and bags under his eyes. He clearly looked like he had kidney deficiency, and it was obvious that his body had been drained by these days of debauchery.

"The Dying Man": ... After sending Qian Chenghe to the police station and asking Lin Zhengping to get rid of the Angong Niuhuang Pills, Zhang Jianmin rested at home for two days and then went to Tibet with the tour group, preparing for a journey to cleanse his soul.

However, when he was resting along the way, he had a conflict with the tour guide because he was dissatisfied with the tour group's forced arrangement of accommodation and shopping. In the end, he was abandoned on the spot when he got off the car to smoke. Fortunately, he met Lao Xu who was also driving to Tibet...

"It seems that there is no need to follow this plot line for the time being..."

Xia Xu, who had hoped to see the introduction to a new plot about a dying man, shook his head.

Judging from the introduction of this plot, this should just be a funny or core-elevated plot, probably similar to the classic Lost on Journey series.

There is no need to worry about the specifics. In short, it is impossible for him to go to Tibet with Zhang Jianmin.

Firstly, he doesn't have the time and secondly, it's not worth it. The main plot of The Dying Man is comedy rather than making money. This trip to Tibet may not have any plot points that can benefit him.

However, he did not plan to give up completely. After all, he made two pots of gold from this. Maybe he would have another chance when Zhang Jianmin came back. At least in terms of making money, it was definitely more reliable than "Hunter" and "Night Owl".

One million may seem like a lot, but it is of little use when you actually use it. Renting a house and buying equipment will cost you tens of thousands.

If he wants to hire Luo Hongyun as a bodyguard in the future, he will definitely have to pay him a high salary. The same goes for Yang Bowen. He won't be able to sustain it for long if he just lives off his savings, not to mention that he wants to actually start a company. Even one million in start-up capital may not be enough.

"Old Yang, do you have any way to get the news as soon as Zhang Jianmin comes back?"

Xia Xu, too lazy to waste time thinking about how to track down Zhang Jianmin's whereabouts, decided to seek the advice of a "professional".

Yang Bowen scratched his head and said hesitantly, "How about... I wait for him to leave and then give him a call to trick him? Just say we need to discuss business or something, and ask him to call me when he comes back?"

"Hey, you have a lot of ideas. You are indeed a top detective."

Xia Xu was delighted and gave him a thumbs up.

Yang Bowen’s proposal is indeed very convenient and saves trouble. The only flaw is that the reason needs to be changed.

How can a person who is about to die be in the mood to talk about business? The best reasons are that the hospital wants to talk to him about his condition, the lawyer wants to talk to him about his will, and the police wants to talk to him about his last gambling incident.

However, it is easier to get things done with someone under your command, so this small matter can be handed over to Yang Bowen. He just made some minor suggestions for revision.