I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 44: Rabid dog attacks people


Today is Friday. Because the head teacher gave Xia Xu an extra day off, he doesn't have to go to class today or the weekend, and it's not even 4:30 now.

After leaving Zhang Jianmin, he found himself with nowhere to go for a while.

Xiao Baihua is still in school, and Yang Bowen continues to work with Zhang Jianmin. There is no need for him to go to the consulting company.

After all, this thing is not for real business or detective consulting. It is just a name and organizational structure to recruit high-star talents like Yang Bowen. On weekends, Tang Youxin comes to open the door, but he has no interest in it alone.

"Why don't you find someone to register the company while you have time..."

After a moment of thought, Xia Xu quickly decided on his afternoon schedule.

You can register a company when you turn sixteen. Now that he has some money, he might as well register two companies first. It is not a good thing to always hang up a fake name and set up a shell company. If it is legal, he is more inclined to abide by the law.

It is rather troublesome to go through the company registration process by yourself, but there are many companies that specialize in registration on your behalf, so don’t go through any trouble, just spend some money and entrust such a company.

This time he mainly registered two companies, one of which was Joyoung Comprehensive Consulting with a registered capital of 100,000 yuan, which was considered to be a formalization of the shell company.

The second one is Xinghai Venture Capital Company.

He originally planned to call it Qunying Investment, which means a gathering of heroes. After all, his ideal was to find a large group of geniuses to work for him, so that he wouldn't have to do anything and could just sit back and wait to get paid. And with the ability to check attributes, he could definitely do that. Not to mention all five-star ones, it would always be no problem to find a group of three- and four-star geniuses.

Unfortunately, the name Qun Ying Venture Capital seemed to have been registered by someone else, so he had to settle for the next best thing and planned to call it Qun Xing. But then he thought about it and decided to raise the level a little bit. Since stars represent geniuses, he might as well call it Xing Hai, so that all the geniuses would be under his command.

Of course, the main purpose of registering Xinghai Venture Capital is to make money.

The ability to view the property panel is most suitable for recruiting high-star talents to form a team to run the company.

But both recruiting people and generating revenue require a long period of time. In the early stage, there is only pure investment, and one million may not even make a splash.

He doesn't have the energy to do these things when his life is in danger for the time being. He has to wait until he finishes the hunter plot, preferably after the college entrance examination, so that he will have enough time and energy.

Therefore, he is just registering a venture capital company now, and if there is an opportunity, he will make some small investments so that the funds in his hands will not be idle and wait for depreciation.

By using the ability to view the attribute board, he can judge the strength of a company by observing the entrepreneurial team members of those startups. Combined with the fate and potential of the founder as a judgment, he can roughly measure the potential of a company, which is perfect for venture capital.

After finalizing some related matters and coming out of the agency, it was almost dark. Xia Xu was very content and did not continue wandering outside, but went straight back to the newly rented community.

The light was on in the soldier king's room opposite, and it looked like he was at home, perfect.

After washing up, Xia Xu went to bed peacefully.

However, the night was not peaceful.

"In the early hours of last night, another case of a beast attacking a person and causing death occurred in our city. It is understood that this is the third case in our city. Forensic identification showed that the cause was a canine bite.

Experts analyzed that rabies was suspected to be spreading. Citizens are requested not to go out at night, stay away from stray dogs, and pet dogs should wear leashes when going out... "

A good mood for the day starts in the morning, and similarly, a bad mood for the day also starts in the morning.

After getting up early and seeing the news push on his mobile phone, Xia Xu's face turned dark.

Once again, a wild beast attacked and killed someone. It would be strange if he could control himself from thinking about the plot of "Hunter".

And the person who died yesterday was not the second person, but the third person. Three people were bitten to death by dogs in a row? Rabies

Unless it is a large and fierce dog or a trained military dog, ordinary dogs, especially the most common Xiaguo rural dogs in Xiaguo, do not have the ability to kill people.

Even if an adult cannot fight back, he can just run away despite being bitten a few times. He can just call a few people or take up a sharp weapon to fight back. He will never be bitten to death, let alone be bitten to death silently.

If you want to sneak around and make it impossible for someone to escape or call for help, you have to either launch a fatal sneak attack or have the size and strength to completely suppress an adult. This is not something that a stray dog infected with rabies can achieve.

Could it be a group of stray dogs attacking together

If that were the case, it would make a lot of noise. Even in the most remote areas of the city, it does not mean that there is no one around. People can always hear them. Moreover, a large number of people means they are easy to find. It is impossible for the police to not catch the stray dogs scattered around.

"The three murders were not in the same area, which is the worst part..."

Xia Xu searched the news again with his browser and felt even more uneasy.

There were three cases of rabid dog attacks resulting in death. One of them was naturally Tang Hao, and the other two happened in different areas.

This means that the 'beast' among the hunters is on the loose and committing crimes, and the entire Star City is its hunting ground.

Or maybe... there is more than one 'beast'.

"Last time they said it was an attack by a wild beast, and this time they even pointed out that it was a canine creature, so what exactly is this monster? A mutant dog?"

Xia Xu rubbed his eyebrows.

The situation with the hunter plot is indeed tricky, because he never meets the other supporting characters, nor does he see the main character, and he is completely unable to predict its plot. Even now, he is not 100% sure what style of "movie" this is.

Is it really the hunter that I speculated was hunting the beast? Is there really a hunter

What life form does this "beast" take? Is it really a crazy beast infected with a virus like rabies

Or a mutant? A dangerous experiment that escaped from a black technology laboratory? Or a supernatural creature that he had already ruled out

All of this is an unknown mystery, and human fear often comes from the unknown. A truly visible and noticeable enemy may not bring him so much pressure.

Of course, it would not be a good thing if you really met a supporting character in the plot.

Because it is now known that the supporting character Tang Hao has been killed by the beast, it is impossible to confirm whether the other two dead are characters in the plot, but they still died after encountering the "beast".

If he met the other supporting characters of Hunter again, perhaps that would be the day when he would die. If he had a choice, it would be better to never let that day come, at least wait until he dealt with Luo Hongyun.

"Hey, get up, get up, exercise and improve your favorability with the Soldier King."