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Chapter 46: A job


"Night Owl..."

While Luo Hongyun was hugging his daughter excitedly, Xia Xu fell into deep thought.

It was a bit unexpected for him that the plot of Night Owl developed so quickly.

Originally, the period before Luo Hongyun's daughter came should have been the window period when the plot was about to unfold but had not yet unfolded. This period of time was the safest time for him.

Unfortunately, I never expected that this kind of security could not even last for a day. The plot of Night Owl officially began just one day after we moved in.

This made Xia Xu a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should continue to live here. If he stayed here, he would probably be dragged into the Night Owl plot again.

But not here... The Hunter plot has already taken three lives.

“It doesn’t seem like this is a problem that needs to be entangled.”

Looking at Louise's attribute panel again, and checking the new plot summary that he had not had time to read, Xia Xu laughed and shook his head.

"Night Owl": ... With the appearance of his daughter Louise, Luo Hongyun's entire life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it seems that he has found his spiritual support again.

He changed his decadent and alcoholic appearance to become positive and motivated. He gradually controlled his temper and anger and found a stable job. Getting off work and picking up his daughter from school every day became the moments he looked forward to most. His PTSD seemed to be cured little by little in the laughter brought by his daughter.

However, fate seemed unwilling to let this ferocious beast in its prime live out its retirement days.

One day, after a short morning exercise, Luo Hongyun returned to find that the door of the rental house had been violently pried open, and his daughter, who was originally sleeping soundly on the bed, had disappeared.

He ran out of the community in a rage, but could only watch a black car drive away.

The resting beast finally bared its fangs again at this moment, and the sins of the entire city will become victims of his wrath...

This is part of the Night Owl plot that is completed based on Louise’s supporting character fate.

Basically, it is no different from what he guessed. In fact, this type of soldier king or superhero type of movie is like this. The core selling point is the action scenes and the pursuit of saving the world and fighting crime. The story line itself is often very simple and straightforward, and very easy to guess.

Judging from the new part of the plot revealed in the fate profile, at least for him as an outsider, the danger is not too great. The period during which Luo Hongyun recognizes his daughter and lives a peaceful life is absolutely safe. In the future, he only needs to pay attention to the plot turning point when Louise is kidnapped.

The kidnappers' target in this plot is Louise, and it is not easy to kidnap his daughter right under the nose of Luo Hongyun who is doing morning exercises nearby. They absolutely dare not create trouble and make noise, so the probability of him who lives in the building next door being affected and falling into danger is very small.

On the contrary, this might be the best opportunity to improve Luo Hongyun's favor. If he could remind Luo Hongyun to turn back in time to save his daughter, he would definitely be able to boost the favorability of this soldier king who is about to become obsessed with his daughter.

"Come on, come on, Dad will take you home."

While Xia Xu was thinking, Luo Hongyun, who had been hugging Louise and smiling foolishly for a while, finally reacted, adjusted his expression, and walked home holding his precious daughter's hand.

Xia Xu followed him calmly and came to Room 201 of the building opposite.

The door opened, revealing a mess inside.

Dishes, wine bottles, and paper scraps were everywhere. Clothes with a strong smell of sweat were thrown casually on the washing machine at the bathroom door. Old and even paint-chipped furniture filled the entire space in a disorderly manner. Both the living room and the bedroom looked extremely cramped.

“It’s a little messy.”

Luo Hongyun's face turned slightly red. He let go of Louise's hand and hurriedly cleaned up.

"Uncle Luo, let me sweep. You'd better take a shower and shave."

Xia Xu walked over with a smile and pointed at Luo Hongyun's chest.

"Thank you for your help."

Luo Hongyun lifted his collar and sniffed, thanked him awkwardly, and quickly ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

After all, he had just finished morning exercise, and he was covered in sweat and the smell of last night's drinking remained. It was also difficult for Louise to be hugged by him for so long.

Xia Xu tidied up the room casually, and Luo Hongyun also took a shower as quickly as possible, changed into clean clothes and came out. He even shaved his beard cleanly. He looked refreshed and several years younger.

The more obvious change was that he smiled more often, even when he was just chatting with Louise, he looked very happy.

To be honest, this was the first time Xia Xu saw him smile.

Oh, no, the first time was when he just hugged Louise, but before that, he had never seen any smile on the face of this soldier king. He always had a blank expression or a cold and gloomy look.

"Uncle Luo, do you plan to keep doing this?"

While Luo Hongyun and Louise were getting to know each other, Xia Xu said something meaningful.


Luo Hongyun was completely immersed in his silly laughter and didn't react at all.

“Now you are no longer alone, you have a daughter to raise, do you intend to live in this environment with Louise

Besides, she still needs to study, and she needs food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, even luxurious food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. It is said that sons should be raised poorly and daughters should be raised well. You can't let her be inferior to her classmates and peers..."

Xia Xu used words to bring Luo Hongyun, who was gradually floating towards heaven, back to reality.

Luo Hongyun himself has no special skills except fighting. After messing up several jobs due to PTSD, his life has become completely decadent, alcoholic and confused. Apart from a small amount of subsidies, he has no source of income.

He could barely support himself with that small subsidy, but it would be difficult to support another person, not to mention that she was a little girl who needed money for everything. The expenses for food, clothing and education were enough to give any ordinary family a headache.

"… "


Xia Xu's words brought Luo Hongyun back to reality, or even threw him into hell. Luo Hongyun fell into a long silence.

He reviewed his living conditions over the past period of time, and then looked at the old, messy and cramped rental house.

Ask yourself, do you really want to live this kind of life with Louise

Are you really ready to be a father

Obviously, the former is negative and the latter is also negative.

The sudden appearance of his daughter caught him off guard, but he was not willing to let her live a hard life and turn from the dazzling little princess and angel into an ugly duckling.

"So, Uncle Luo, you need a job, right?"

Xia Xu smiled, and at the same time he took a look at his attribute panel.

Favorability: 45

In such a short period of time, the favorability has more than doubled.