I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 51: The story ends


After finalizing the intention and various terms with Hong Bo, Xia Xu left his contact information and agreed to contact him later. He went straight back to Luo Hongyun's rental house before it got dark.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to pretend to be in the wrong place and knocked on Zhang Jianmin's door, and took another look at his attribute panel.

Based on his experience of intercepting several times, although these plots do not have any compulsory force to proceed according to the plot, they do have a certain inertia.

At least he interrupted the plot of the dying man several times in a row, but the subsequent plot still tried to fit the original trajectory as much as possible.

And the most important point is that after he completely intercepts or interferes with a scene, this unfinished scene seems to have been overcome, and the subsequent plot can be seen through the character's fate.

However, this must be done through the fate of the protagonist, or the fate of enough supporting characters that are relevant to the next scene.

After all, the protagonist is the core of the entire plot line, while the fate of the supporting characters is more about supplementing the details of the related plot.

"The Dying Man": ... After leaving a small amount of money for his funeral arrangements, Zhang Jianmin invested all the remaining hundreds of thousands of dollars in Hong Bo.

With only a few days left to live, he counted the days on his fingers waiting for his death, wandering around the city like a wandering ghost all day long.

On the penultimate day of the January period, he was wandering in the downtown area, as if he was in a different world from the bustling crowd around him. He was brought back to reality by the noisy riot. He saw a knife-wielding gangster waving a dagger to intimidate everyone while running wildly.

This scene made him feel vaguely familiar.

It seemed that he had encountered a similar situation before. That time, he dodged in panic like everyone else, allowing the bandit to escape and stab a bloody gash in the abdomen of a young man who failed to dodge.

But this time...

"I don't have many days left to live!"

Throwing all his worries and shackles behind his mind, with only a surge of courage running through his body and rushing straight to his brain, Zhang Jianmin rushed forward without hesitation, knocked the gangster down and held him down.

The panicked screams gradually subsided, and warm cheers and applause rang out all around. The police officers who followed quickly took over and subdued the criminals.

Just at this moment, Zhang Jianmin's cell phone rang. After he answered it, it was an apology from the hospital, telling him that the terminal illness was just a misdiagnosis.

For a moment, Zhang Jianmin didn't know whether to be happy, sad or angry.

The good thing is that he doesn't have to die, but the bad thing is that all his money is gone and he just had a close call with death because he subdued a knife-wielding gangster. He might be retaliated against in the future.

Needless to say, I was furious, as all this was caused by a misdiagnosis at the hospital.

But this joke that God and the hospital played on him did not end in cruelty after all. The hospital gave him a large compensation for this incident, and the knife-wielding bandit was sentenced to death for multiple crimes.

One day more than a month later, Hong Bo, who had been forgotten by Zhang Jianmin, also called to say that the independent game had been successfully launched and its sales were unprecedentedly hot.

"Looks like it's time to say goodbye."

After watching the final plot of the dying man, Xia Xu chuckled.

This scene should be the ending of the entire Dying Man. To be precise, the scene of encountering Hongbo on the rooftop and making investments is also included in this last scene.

As for the significance of this scene, it is not difficult to understand. The most important thing is to create the happy ending that he expected.

Secondly, by encountering the robbers again and making the completely opposite choice of "stopping the robbers", the theme and plot are elevated while also elevating the character of Zhang Jianmin.

But these have nothing to do with him.

"Shocking: A middle-aged man bravely fought a gangster and was cured of a terminal illness."

Another week has passed, and a piece of local news from an unscrupulous media outlet has not caused any waves.

In other words, Xia Xu's entire life was uneventful, and everything that happened was just trivial.

All the Angong Niuhuang Pills sold by Tolin Zhengping have been sold out, and the money has been transferred into his account, as has the reward for the capture of Qian Chenghe.

The investment in Hongbo in the name of Xinghai Venture Capital was also successfully completed, and Hongbo registered a small game company called Feizhou Studio.

After receiving the investment from Xia Xu, he immediately gathered his roommates to start improving the game they developed. It is said that they have even chosen a tentative name for the game, Wulin Painting Scroll.

After the news about Zhang Jianmin's brave fight against the criminals came out, Xia Xu also took a special look. The [Protagonist: "Dying Man"] in his fate potential column had disappeared, and was replaced by "Traveler (2 stars)".

It looks like he has moved on to a new life, and the plot line of the dying man has come to an end.

Let’s talk about Xia Xu himself.

Luo Hongyun's fighting teaching continued steadily, and combined with the time of the previous week, he had already received a full half month of training from this soldier king, and his strength improvement was extremely significant.

Especially in terms of physical fitness, he felt like he was reborn under the precise and reasonable training every day. Muscle lines and a healthy wheat-colored skin began to appear on his originally ordinary and even sub-healthy body.

In addition, for more than a week, he finally no longer had to endure the little loli's dimensionality reduction attacks and the soldier king showing off his daughter.

Because he and Luo Hongyun found an international primary school for Louise that allowed foreign students to attend, and successfully completed the admission procedures for her, completely depriving the little loli of the possibility of attacking him.

In terms of the plot, he has not triggered any new plot. "Night Owl" is in a transitional and peaceful period, and there is no news from "Hunter".

It is not known whether attacks by unknown creatures have not occurred again or have been suppressed due to the frequent murders. There are no related reports in the news.

Even if the fate of the relevant characters had not returned to normal after the plot of "The Dying Man" ended, and his own [Supporting Role: "Hunter"] was still hanging on the attribute panel, Xia Xu would have suspected that the plot had passed and the protagonist had dealt with the monster without his knowledge.

But obviously this is negative, the plot is still going on, the unknown creatures may be continuing to kill, or they may be in the same time transition as the Night Owl.

This kind of time span may be very long in reality, but in a movie it is just a matter of switching scenes.

Many movies may show the protagonist's childhood scenes one moment, and switch to the protagonist's adulthood the next moment, which is a time span of more than ten years.

However, perhaps this "supporting role" of mine is not as important as I imagined

The plot has been going on for so long and no creature has come to attack him. Perhaps in the hunter plot, he is just an insignificant dead person...

Maybe the plot doesn't have that much inertia, so they don't have to hunt down and kill a minor character like him...

The long period of peace made Xia Xu inevitably relax and feel a little lucky.

But his true character made him choose to continue to maintain his previous stability and resolutely carry out the daily routine of going to school and going home.

I don't want anything else, just stability.

The training these days not only helped him grow in strength, but also allowed him to witness Luo Hongyun's inhuman strength.

Once you have maxed out the favorability of the Soldier King, all the ferocious beasts, freaks, mad dogs, and perverts that come over will be killed.