I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 56: Angel baby


First of all, there is only one level of life. If this represents the strength of a living being, then this werewolf is obviously not as powerful as Luo Hongyun.

But this does not mean that he is weak, because apart from Luo Hongyun, he has not seen any second-level creature so far, not even the two foreign strong men who came to kidnap Louise.

Obviously, there is a huge difference between level one and level two, from children less than a month old to foreign gangsters with three-star fighting talent and obviously developed and trained, all are level one.

As a werewolf, there is no way he can be weaker than a high school student who has only learned fighting for half a month, so physical confrontation is not an option. He simply rejects the option of head-on confrontation, and even escaping is risky. He must find a more appropriate way.

Xia Xu fixed his gaze on the 'Half-beast Wolf' in the special column again, and then a small prompt window popped up as if checking the potential of the fate.

Half-beast wolf: A special modified creature born from human-animal hybrid experiments, it possesses some wolf genes and has undergone some subtle changes with human genes.

This allows them to transform into a half-wolf, half-human form, acquiring wolf-like traits and greater physical strength.

After reading the clues, Xia Xu finally understood why the previous victims were all attacked by canines, and the police couldn't find any.

How could a werewolf who could disguise himself as a human be found

The police searched for canines but could not find any on the human, and even if they found him they could not imagine that he could turn into a werewolf.

Even a battle-hardened soldier like Luo Hongyun is unaware of the existence of werewolves, which shows that this thing is either a new thing or extremely rare and secretive.

The authorities are most likely not aware of their existence. At least the ordinary police stations are clearly unaware of their existence at the moment.

It can also be seen from this prompt window that the werewolf in front of him should be a product of genetic engineering rather than a magical version of a werewolf. It is not too different from the mutant creature he originally guessed.

This is good news. At least it means that the world has not yet become a mess that he cannot understand.

Moreover, this kind of werewolf should not have any strange abilities like magic. Looking at the way it is hiding, it is obvious that it is not sure it can withstand bullets.

Therefore, the only thing he had to do now was to find a way to avoid being bitten by this thing. If he had a chance to contact Luo Hongyun or get official support, it should not be difficult to solve the problem.

"Then the question is, how can we avoid being bitten by this thing..."

Xia Xu's mind was racing, but at this moment it suddenly got stuck.

This is a dead end.

In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is useless. If he leaves with the werewolf now, he will die. Staying where he is or running away... He doesn't think he can outrun the werewolf.

As for calling for help, the werewolf obviously would not allow him to do so. Even if he wanted to do so, he would at least find a time when the werewolf was not paying attention. Otherwise, if he angered the werewolf and attacked directly, he would be doomed.

"Since you're a local, I certainly can't overcharge you. I just don't have any customers right now and don't want to go empty-handed. How about I give you a cheaper price? Keeping you there is much cheaper than renting it out."

Jin Junjie continued to play the role of a black car driver and gave "kind words of advice".

"No… "

Xia Xu was just about to refuse perfunctorily, but as luck would have it, the surroundings became exceptionally empty at this moment.

There wasn't much traffic in front of the school to begin with, and at this moment there was a lull in the traffic on the road, with no cars driving by for a moment.

Almost everyone in the school had left, and there was no one at the school gate. Opposite the school gate was a large playground, which was still cold and lonely in the night.

Looking at the sidewalk at the edge of the road, there was still no one in sight. There was a dim street lamp every long distance. The walls surrounding the school cast shadows, making both sides of the road pitch black.

"Okay, where's your car? Where is it parked?"

Looking at Jin Junjie's gradually changing expression, which was obviously ready to make a move, Xia Xu's word "no" turned around in his throat and was swallowed again.

There is no one around, and in some ways it is no different from a remote corner.

He dared to bet fifty cents that if he said no again, the werewolf would lose his patience and attack instantly.

"Let's go, we'll park in the neighborhood across the street."

Hearing Xia Xu agree, Jin Junjie barely suppressed the urge to take action.

After all, this place is not that safe. Someone may pass by at any time. Since this kid has agreed to go with me, there is no need to take the risk here.

"Let's go, let's go now."

Xia Xu smiled reluctantly. While following Jin Junjie, he was considering the possibility of turning around and running away.

But before that, he suppressed the urge to run away and took a look at the potential of his fate that he had not had time to look at - [Supporting role: "Hunter"]

"Hunter": Grant, Dorothea and others received news that there were suspected traces of werewolves in Xia Country. At the same time, they learned that their old rival Stilwell had also rushed to Xia Country last month.

Where there are wolves, there are hunters. The hunting team set out again, and after some twists and turns they finally arrived in a foreign country to continue their hunting journey.

However, they seemed to have to solve the accommodation problem first. These poor guys had spent most of their money just on buying plane tickets to Xia Country.

Now they not only have to face the problem of funding, but also the major problem of language barrier.

For example: How are they going to explain to this middle-aged woman who calls herself Angel Baby, a name that is obviously only given to hostesses, that they don't want special services, they just want the cheapest room

"Is this Hunter plot still a TV series?"

Finally, I saw part of the plot summary of "Hunter", but all Xia Xu could feel was a headache.

Because the whole plot summary is incoherent, the protagonist directly discovers that there are werewolves in Xia Country so he comes to Xia Country.

This basically means that the Hunter plot has already been developed in a foreign country, or it may be a long-running TV series that may even be divided into several seasons.

Moreover, the introduction does not reveal any useful information at all. Who knows who Grant and Dorothea are, and who the angel baby is.

"calm… "

“Tang Hao is also a supporting character in Hunter, and he is the first known death, so he must play a role in the plot.

If the hunter team mentioned in the introduction wants to investigate and track down werewolves, the first destination must be near here..."

The imminent crisis made it difficult for Xia Xu to calm down completely. He could only take a deep breath and rely on the cold air that poured into his lungs to cool himself down slightly.

"You know Angel Baby?"

Xia Xu decided to display the traditional virtue of not being ashamed to ask questions and catch up with Jin Junjie and walk side by side with him.

"Which star?"

After all, he still maintained the character of a black taxi driver, and Jin Junjie responded to Xia Xu.

"No, it's nearby. I heard there's that kind of business, you know..."

Xia Xu winked and made a face with an expression that all men could understand.

(asking for monthly ticket)