I Can View Character Attributes

Chapter 61: New goals


"Genetic modification..."

After listening to Durant's story about werewolves, Xia Xu couldn't calm down for a long time.

He has little interest in the love-hate relationship between Durant and the werewolf. As for the grand goal of preventing human genes from being polluted... he still has some knowledge of his own weak strength.

But Grant's experience with these werewolves undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for him.

After all, Aquamarine is not Earth. On paper, this world is several years behind Earth, but now it seems that it is far less "ordinary" than Earth.

Perhaps this is just a special case where it has not been popularized and a system has not been formed, and only a few organizations have mastered it, but there is no doubt that black technologies such as biological modification and gene fusion already exist on the Blue Sea Planet.

So can he also use these to strengthen himself

The ability to view attributes does not bring any substantial enhancement to him.

In fact, after spending some time with Luo Hongyun and Louise, he deeply felt the gap in talent - he found that with his one-star fighting talent, he might not be able to reach Luo Hongyun's level even if he studied for a lifetime.

As for the others, it's even worse. The fighting one barely has one star, but the others don't even have one star. At most, they are just mediocre people who follow the routine and do nothing.

But the emergence of technologies such as genetic modification has given him hope of catching up or even overtaking others.

Although I don't want to become a man-eating monster, since there are werewolves today, will there be cat-men, dog-men, and bat-men in the future? Will there be genetic modification technology or special drugs that can strengthen the human body

Not to mention the distant past, the traditional secret medicine mentioned in Adams' Eye of Marseille can enhance vision. The Maasai people generally have a vision of more than 6.0, which can be regarded as a weaker superpower compared to other people.

Whether it is drugs or genetic modification, these are not metaphysics, but rather technologies that can be traced and are based on the current direction of human development.

The birth of these technologies requires nothing more than talent and money in addition to a sufficient industrial foundation.

He couldn't do anything about innate things like talent and destiny, but he had plenty of money and talent... Well, at least he should have plenty of them in the future.

The Swu country and even the Andra Group can research this technology, so there is no reason why he can't let others do it.

Find a few four- and five-star biological experts, and then recruit a large number of two- and three-star researchers in batches, and configure all the funds and equipment according to the top configuration. How can it be worse than a company founded decades ago

Besides, since this technology appears in "Hunter", it is inevitable that similar things will appear in other "movies".

Even the technologies shown in these 'movies' are readily available, and not just biotech.

Black technology like werewolves have come out, and who knows if a guy based on the Iron Man template will pop up one day and create exoskeleton armor. You have to know that the era in which Comrade Shit Da Ke lived was much more backward than the current Aquamarine Planet according to the setting.

Once these advanced technologies that are ahead of their time appear in the "plot", he who can foresee part of the plot can get involved and buy or steal these ready-made technologies to plunder them.

It's not just about technology, it's also about finished products and the people who develop the technology.

For example, the werewolf in the Hunter plot. The researchers from the country of Suu were able to come up with this thing, and they must have been high-star researchers who discovered and developed their own talents.

These people in the Hunter plot may no longer exist, but that does not mean they will no longer exist in other plots. These are ready-made top talents, and all he needs to do is to equip himself with the foundation to recruit them.

Strength, power, wealth, charm, if these are all met, he can always recruit the talents he needs. If not, he can also use his ability to check attributes to discover and cultivate them himself.

"It looks like the goal needs to be changed..."

The more he thought about it, the more Xia Xu's heart beat fast.

Originally, he just wanted to start a company, make money and become the richest man, but now everything has changed.

Wouldn't it be great to set up a few high-tech companies and recruit a lot of people to develop black technology for him

In the field of biomedicine, genetic modification, surgical modification, and drug enhancement can all turn him into a superman. Even the longevity and immortality that humans have always dreamed of are no longer a dream.

In terms of electronic mechanics, artificial intelligence, secondary brain chips, mechanical exoskeletons, and knowledge infusion equipment can also allow him to bridge the gap in talent - most importantly, he won't get tired and doesn't have to spend a lot of effort studying and training.

Even if someone like Luo Hongyun is at the double five-star level, and is as strong as the limit of ordinary people, they are still just mortal bodies, and cannot even withstand guns. It is impossible for them to compete with the hard mechanical exoskeleton. Wouldn't it be easy for him to beat him if he puts on an exoskeleton armor with artificial intelligence

"No, why should I beat Uncle Luo? His favorability is almost maxed out. I should give him a full body transformation and an exoskeleton armor. With Uncle Luo's five-star fighting and melee skills, shouldn't he be able to kill anyone?"

Xia Xu's vision was completely elevated at this moment, as if he had already seen his bright future.

This is definitely not wishful thinking or daydreaming.

If someone has the ability to check attributes but still can't make money or recruit talent, it only means that he is a loser.

As for those black technologies that seem to only appear in science fiction movies...

He’s in a lot of movies!

Today you may encounter a hunter werewolf, but tomorrow you might encounter an iron man or a mutant.

"Xia, I need your help."

Grant interrupted Xia Xu's fantasy and said in a deep voice: "Let's not talk about the issue of genetic pollution. Now there is a werewolf named Stilwell who has come to Xia Country. Although we don't know what he plans to do, it will definitely not be a good thing."


Hearing this name, Xia Xu naturally thought of the plot content he saw in the fate introduction, but after all, he only saw it through the attribute panel, so he used a questioning tone.

"He is an old rival of mine, an extremely cunning and evil werewolf."

When Durant mentioned this name, his tone became obviously serious, and at the same time, he carried a strong murderous intent: "He was one of the experimental subjects who underwent half-orc transformation by the Andra Group more than 20 years ago.

However, he was still a baby when he was transformed. After the incident, he was hidden and adopted by a core researcher in the laboratory at that time. He learned a lot of biotechnology from the researcher since he was a child. "

Xia Xu asked: "But he is using these technologies to do something evil now?"

Durant nodded slightly. "Yes, Stilwell is a madman. He killed his adoptive father and firmly believed that werewolves should be an independent race that is better than humans. He has always wanted to develop and expand the werewolf group and lead them to rule the world."